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Brakleen not safe for use on aluminum?


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Uh oh... I just read that Brakleen is not safe for use on Aluminum and I've been using it to clean parts on my motor...


Anyone know why you're not supposed to use Brakleen to clean aluminum parts??

I couldn't find any good information on it.


I really hope I didn't ruin anything... :(


No idea, the specific brand? I used generic brake cleaner to clean all of my parts.

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I've seen several posts around the Internet about not using Brakleen on cast aluminum Pistons etc. CRC's MSDS lists Aluminum and Magnesium as "Incompatible Materials".


So, I ended up actually calling the number on the MSDS and got a hold of someone from their Technical Department.


I guess there are no actual adverse effects of using this product on "Milled or Processed Aluminum".

Their concerns come into play with aluminum or magnesium powders. The reaction could cause a fire according to CRC!


So I guess that answers my question. Sorry I sorta panicked when reading that if I used this on my pistons I would be "in for a nasty surprise" on one of the other car forums, but at least this is here for someone else's future reference lol.



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The MSDS from CRC actually says avoid contact with aluminum and other metal POWDERS. Powdered aluminum would have a high surface are which would give a high concentration of aluminum oxide, which, apparently, can cause the tetrachloroethylene to decompose, releasing nasty chlorine.


Here's the EPA's view on tetrachloroethylene - http://www.epa.gov/safewater/pdfs/factsheets/voc/tech/tetrachl.pdf. It doesn't look too bad, just don't get exposed every day for long periods of time - chronic.

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Well I already know to keep my spare diesel drums in a different container than the fertilizer... I just didn't realize the AS41 Grinding should be in an altogether different location than them as well!


Next thing I know, you're going to tell me collecting airbag initiators is a bad idea as well!

Edited by Tony D
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Six Stages of Separation Man!

Years ago working in SLC, was buying some parts at a computer store...later someone went 'poof' in the parking lot.

Later, the SLC Holiday Inn on Redwood and North Temple was full, so was the Red Lion, so I ended up in a fleabag hotel in downtown. Same floor as some previous 'infamous' inhabitant...culpable in the prior nefarious act of 'poofing' someone at a computer store just down the street...


Working in Butte Montana during 'the seige'... went up to see the fracas but couldn't get close enough to see anything.


Later, working in SLC, and hearing said shed was to be transported using taxparyers dollars to Sac'to for the trial witnessed the aformentioned shed on a flat bed on it's way.


A short time later, was working in Sac'to and lodged in the Holiday Inn where I got a nice view of the BACK of the Federal Courthouse. One morning before leaving for the jobsite during the trial period actually saw the former shed inhabitant being 'escorted' into the building. I made it a point to get back and saw him 'escorted' out as well. It became kind of a hoot not to leave before Ted entered the building, and to make sure I could get back to the Hotel in time to see him carted off each evening.


Did I ever mention my 'point making' time of teenage rebellion where I lived in a Red Ball Packing Crate in the back yard? I could live in a shed. I have a beard, hoodies, like Chuck Norris "Good Guys Wear Black" Edition sunglasses, and have not 30,000 words but 37,000 posts to refer to as a 'manifesto'...


It only seems natural I should accumulate the rest of the items, it seems preordained what my next step should be.



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