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Everything posted by Brad-ManQ45

  1. You need to get the L6 Maxima bellhousing and 4 speed automatic...
  2. You could try using PB Blaster (a penetrating oil) on it to loosen the crud up..
  3. You can get the Ford HD stuff at any Ford Truck Dealer...
  4. If any two wires run parallel (right next) to each other and do not cross over one another (make an 'x') there is the possibility of an inductance misfire. Sorry - no pics, but my description says it all.
  5. You might want to make sure that all spark plug wires wind up crossing each other if ant two run parallel, causing an 'inductance misfire'. Something often overlooked or forgotten....
  6. I'll sell my 2nd set for $100 +shipping...
  7. I bought injectors from Sherco for ~$100 - 2 sets. The first set is working perfectly. Now I am considering MegaSquirt and larger injectors...
  8. 225/50/16's work. For ultimate handling a 205/55/16 would probably work better due to rim width.
  9. Am I wrong or is that not an R200 in the pics?
  10. I have heard that Hot Wheels does a good job...
  11. Chevy only used it for 1 year on the C4 Vette - 'nuf said?
  12. Kennesaw, GA has a legal requirement that there be a firearm in each home. They happen to enjoy a much lower incidence of burglaries, home invasions and in-home rapes than other cities/towns/counties per capita than anywhere else in the metro Atlanta area. I don't happen to believe in any kind of gun control, not only because no-one has come up with valid data saying that the ban on certain models makes a difference, but the ludicrous fact that even with stioffer penalties, the person STILL needs to be convicted FIRST before the additional penalties can be imposed. With the sad state of our legal system, I have no faith that these additional penalties provide much of a deterent to those willing to use a firearm in the commission of a crime - too many technicalities. I'd like to address the firearm accidents now: Having been raised from the age of 4 or 5 with firearms (my dad and mom used to take us and he would wrap his hands around mine w/a .22 pistol and we'd shoot baby jars in a safe area of our farm - mom and baby brothers and sister in attendance - we did a lot together), some of the accidents involving firearms are inexcusable - and the ones involving young kids entirely because of the parents lack of care/training and supervision/precautions. I could go on about this lack of precaution/supervision thing for a long time because it seems to be affecting a great majority of youths today with both parents working - but even with only one working, there is too much me-me on the parent's side and too much slack in the concept of rearing kids. I guess the fact that I am 50 this year is showing through... When I grew up we had all kinds of war toys, mortars, bazookas, Okinawa guns, cap grenades, the Mattel six-shooters that shot plastic bullets that you put the caps on the brass part. We watched westerns and war movies same as we do today - although today it's a lot more graphic. We played Cowboys and Indians, War Games, Spy Games with these toys and had a blast - we would also use newspapers and fashin swords and shields. The people who are saying it is the violence of TV promoting these actions in our youth are the people that take little responsibility in the raising of thier kids. Every one wants to blame everybody but themselves for the lousy job they did raising their kids. I have a concealed weapons permit, simply because it only costs $25 every 4 years. I have been robbed at gunpoint by some of those underpriveledged inner city youths within 25 yards of the GA State University campus - and incidentally Police Headquarters too. At the time, I didn't have my gun on me, but even if I did, I wouldn't have used it - there were two youths accosting us I was with a friend. If I were alone it might have been a different story had I had my pistol, but I sure wouldn't have taken the chance with him there. We weren't hurt, thankfully, but it appears that these same people did kill someone the next week - based on description. Personally I feel that anyone that threatens me or mine in this fashion is better off in a pine box. That way WE don't have to support the miserable bastard(s) after an expensive trial even if he/they were caught. The police do not provide protection for the average homeowner - they simply cannot get there in time to be of any use in burglaries/home invasion/rape scenarios - all they can do is react and try and catch 'em. When i got married, I did what my dad did with his kids, and taught my new wife how to shoot everything but the Ruger Redhawk (.44 Magnum) that we have - the .22's to start, the shotgun, the .380 Beretta and the .45 in that order. I made sure she knew how to clean the firearms and how to store them. She really likes the Beretta - the .44 and .45 are simply too big for her. I like going squirrel hunting with the .22 Ruger target model - I like 'barkin' 'em - heck I've even hunted fish with it (if you use hollowpoints and hit within an inch of their head when they come to the surface after a bug it stuns 'em - then you can net 'em). I used to go javelina hunting in Texas with the .44. Sorry for the long response, but the very thought of someone taking my right to protect myself/own a firearm is abhorent to me. New york City has some of the toughest gun laws and look at their crime rate. People that believe gun control will work are living in a dream world - they are unrealistic and probably bleeding hearts. I like quoting James Garner in a little known series called Nichols wher he was a sheriff, set around the early 1900's out west. When an army officer who was with him tracking a criminal asked him what he believed in, he said "cannibalism - if everyone had to eat what they shot there'd be a lot less killin'".
  13. That plus the oil lubing the stem. If it weren't for the oild it would be worse. Definitely need good guides...A kot of guys like silicone/bronze, but I'm a big fan of cast iron for turbo apps...
  14. When all is said and done, the viscous starts to look pretty good: No clutches to wear out. Did you know that the NISMO clutch won't take much over 300 ft/lbs and live long? I believe Scottie-GNZ wrote something about this... The NISMO unit is the clutch only, so you have to tear a diff apart to put it in - more bucks. Whether R200 or R230, you can just get it and not have to dig into it - total cost ~ same as NISMO, maybe less. That said - if Auburn made an LSD for the R200, I'd be interested...I love cones! 8)
  15. I think that '96 was the cutoff year - '97 they went ugly...
  16. Fuel injection was available thru 1965. My dad had a '64 fuelie, silver/gray convertible w/4.xx rear gear and HD suspension. I was 10 and loved going to school in it!
  17. Thanks Mark, do you know what year Q45 your diff came from?
  18. In a word - yes. Please review the sticky at the top of this forum....
  19. I'm wondering because of the axle issue - are the Q45 R200 and 300ZXTT R230 the same width at the axle flanges? wonder if Ross actuall used an R230 or the Q diff... If not, then a lot of effort has gone into Q45 CV setup for an R200 - granted, it is a limited slip, and the axles are stronger. I don't know, I think I'll start with my R200 and wait 4 one of the Armada R230's with 3.36 or 2.xx ratio for the turbo V-8 project...
  20. Ive lost track/never knew what with the is it an R200 or R230 issue....
  21. Why would you want to transfer weight to the front - you need the traction...
  22. I'm in luck - the core is only 19" wide - it's 24" wide/long overall! The dims in the listing were wrong - he has 2 different i/c's for sale and I happened to pick the small one to ask about!
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