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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Great ingenuity! Too bad its not put to better use.....
  2. One of those guys want to land on a ramp w/o a chute! Working with nasa now.
  3. Its nice to know it is safer over there then before, for your sake! Stand tall and be proud! Thankyou for your service!
  4. Right now the roads are terrible here! It was a very compactable snow that turns to ice fast. When I was younger it used to snow like that alot, not so much anymore. Gishlavids sp?? sold at altons are sweedish snow tires that most tires now are fashioned after. They are built siped and get softer as it gets colder! Ran them almost all my life! I have a set of non studded mounted on 280zx rims if you want to use them for this season, just come pick them up:)! They only have one season on them and I only drive my Z in the winter for short distaces and in cirlces on the side roads (just road tires on now). Seriously you can get them tonite and return when done! 509 714 9798.
  5. What about HybridZ cut into where the window went with a little back lighting (optional).
  6. Gotcha ya:) I had no ill will and hope the best for you!! P.S. I do go to church and am Catholic, mabey that will help shed light on my opinion.
  7. Tell them you are a long time member of Hybrid Z community in good standing! That should get there attention;)
  8. Must not be a major religon, so I'am guessing it is only local. Thats tough. Anyhow, Careless idea is a good one! Moving to management will look good on your resime as well as relocation. Seeing the world more, checking out a new church, moveing up in the corperate ladder and seeing how the gf reacts to a longer distance relationship will problaly give you much greater perspective in life. I really dont see a down side. We all gotta learn sometime about life, (not saying your immature), sooner the better. Life is really is what you do with it, not what life dose to you! Experience helps in this journey.
  9. Your child will be yourself and your wife fundamentally. Watch and learn what his stong attabuttes are and encourage him! Remember you only have one chance at getting it right and we all have hindsight of doing it better!! Imagine what they will be: being free!! (under your great guidence)!
  10. I agree with slowandrusty. My wifes saab cat was a metal mesh. Problaly once opened it would need a pheumatic jack hammer to get it out and then neatly seemed back up. I did say problaly. Ive seen the old cat stuff and that looked like it but can not understand why the car is backfiring, maby running rich and than ingnited on purpose with spark plugs! This is a set up for sure.
  11. I dont know if that link is a repost but that was flippin great mopar. Did you see the one after, its a bit longer!
  12. Niether did I. Guess need to be carefull with all engine additives such as slick 50 and such. If you dont use a pcv then you don't have to worry. I.E. engine vapor recirulate.
  13. I'am glad as well to see nissian build a very powerful car with a reasonable price! Just think of what the kids will do with the "looks" in about 30years! Now that they have the pwrtrain avalible who knows what other car it will show up in? The more the better. At the rate I'am going, it might be something I'll put in my 83!!!
  14. Has no one heard of this? What can be used instead?
  15. I was reading popular mechanics and came across some very interesting information. "Do not use silicone sealant, even the type ratedfor high temperatures and touted as "sensor safe." Here's why: Some silicones release silicates as they cure. So when used on engine gaskets, they contaminate the oil. The oil is drawn through the PVC valve into the intake manifold and eventually winds up in the exhaust, where it coats and contaminates the oxygen sensors. Ditto for silicone sprays and lubricants." Personally I've always used blue rtv cuse I think it is pretty:tongue:! I assume this is true because of the source, however, I've not heard this in all my years of working on cars! I've seached a few key words and found nothing on this matter, (then again I have problems finding phone numbers in the phone book} in the almighty seach function!! I know that not everyone runs a PCV on all engines builds, though, some do because of pressure differentials. BTW: scramjets how cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Ive owned 2. 82zx and now a 83zx. I've found them easy to work on, relativly cheap for parts ( with internet). The car is relativly quiet and a good ride. I believe the lines on the zx are better than the z, but few have been able to expolit very well. The 280 zx will have it day!!!! Over all it was an excellent attempt at performace and comfort. I believe it has the potential to have simalarities to someones porsche on this sight. Some day God willing, I will build that beast! For now my family reigns and rightly so. P.S. big phil, I do remember you talking of your 280zx and how much you liked it bahahahahah! The s30 guys are a wonderful group that has made me love the car that much more. Thanks!
  17. Its just weird that the diff would wear out and they would repace it with a lesser version. How would the owner as well (mabey) even know it was worn out, (if he did not even get on it). Then notice only the speed had changed with the new one? These things bother me, but at this point it is also beyond as well. A mistery indeed! Hummmm how was it to be detemined that is was worn in the frist place may currie some answers. The owner must have asked why he was spending so much money on this?
  18. Iam no expert on loans, (the ONLY one i carry is on my house and the one I inherited from my wife's schooling when I married her), building criedt could be left him presonlly. Hopefully, you dont have to much liablity on holding that note. Regardless, seems you have everything under control and just expressing fustration openly. I love my children to death and accept that the road my be a bumby one, kinda like working on a old Z! (Not that I have a old rust bucket, but I've been reading for years, gleaning others perpectives.)
  19. Is the car paid in full? Just liablity should be cheaper as you problay know. If not then they should of followed your lead on this subject. Setting an example of equlity for both sons was admirable. Have him sell the car and get somthing that is more resonable for his circumstance. It is sad to see function give way to form. Keep up the good fight, your examples should eventualy be rewarding in his life.
  20. Is it possible they did not even change it? My mom's honda had recitps saying the head gasket replace and when i bent the values and removed the head I'am 90% sure it was still the stock one!
  21. That is a very good point randy. If i might add, from the top....down. A company attitude and work is hired and fired by the top. It is a DIRECT relationship! There can be a new guy, but the employies will reflect managment up to the ceo to the board and owner. How the "boss" will handle it will enlighten you to how he "is" the company. I know it is hard to find good labor today, but it is up to "boss" to make his virtues reflect in his employies. That being said, sorry once again and may the your hp always stick to the pavement!! P.S. I have not forgot about those bad custormers but that dose not give excuse to the company.
  22. That just ggggrrrreeeeat. I learned to work on my own car because of cost and workmanship. I gotta tell you it seems very difficult to find any good work in any industy from people anymore! Crap what i want to say is to political!! Peace to the quality man you are.
  23. I figgin wish! If you saw what was at my disposal: tools, lift, know how, dyno, shop....etc. You would be tempted to come over to my house and be me within inchs of my life! When I posted I thought that might come up, and I know it is a great deal, but, 3 young kids, wife, restoring a 1912 craftsman house and owning 2 buniness that dont have the money to spare, I can not, sorry. BTW, I tried once but would you like to cheack out my brother in laws/dads shop? 1000 hp cobra and a chevy that will suprise you. I am out of bugeted money so I cant work on the house or the rental I own and I am off for 4 days!
  24. Hey mopar my 83 280zx is 43" hatch and approx. 52" for entire back. Really sorry about that toltally sucks. Maby you can modify it? You do have all winter. BTW I just got back from home depot and costco, my zx has no snow tires on and i LOVE driving in these conditions, turned 10 or so dounets on my side street! Dose the de-icer cause corrosion? Iam glad they quite useing sand and salt when I was young!
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