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Everything posted by woldson

  1. I'am soooo jealous!!! Thanks for tips, how much for the speedo? I'll bet that speed sensor is for crurise. Wonder if there is a mod so I can set the limit above 75mph?
  2. Start tracking the power from the ingnition switch to the pump. Or from the pump back untill you find the problem.
  3. If somthing is binding against the bell houseing or engine etc. Could also be that the engine is seized and the clutch will not disengage. Iam hopeing for the frist. In nuetral dose the engine start to turn when you push the car? Problay not unless it is still in gear. My guess is somthing is bound up in clutch area, or the tranny is trash. Try turning the engine with a breaker bar.
  4. This a HybridZ site. Sounds like the mateing of the engine and tranny has a bind. Advice, take apart and inspect.
  5. My suggestion, take the tranny off, take pics and mesuments and post. There is just not enough infomation given here. Good luck.
  6. This has been covered before, however their is a lot of guys running megasquirt here and extensive information. Ms1 will make it even simpler. Plus its very inexpensive so you can get yourself a wideband (highy recommended). These things alone make it worth it!
  7. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/efisystem/280zfuelinjectionbook.pdf EFI bible
  8. Np. Also globe I'am not in that big of a hurry, so dont pressure youself:).
  9. The outlet definintly needs to be checked, however, this outlet may have performed to spec. If gound was not avalible it might of killed her. An outlet will not just short in a way to get you. The cord or the computer may be what caused a surge to that outlet. With a storm going on a ton of static electricity may be the culprit. Her charge after going up stairs and being on carpet may have found the ground or nutral on end of that cord and old sammey electron wanted out! Did this pop the breaker? I do believe this will be a shear accident of a bunch of circumstances comeing to gether at once. There is really no way she would of been a better ground than the neutral or ground. Ground is only there as a fail safe to a broken neutral. Both neutral and ground essentally do the same thing, take "flow" back to the substation. With one hand you can grab hot without a shock, unless you provide a great ground, Ie standing on metal with wet feet and then putting the hot lead in your mouth. The metal floor needs also needs to be sitting on good old mother earth, and it would help it you wet the earth under the plate. Then you go poof! The easyier way to shock yourself to to grab hot and than neutal or ground with your other hand than poof as you complete the circuit! This is why I believe it was static eletricity from your wife to ground or nutral. If their was a lighting strike, all bets are off and some of the voltage found it way to your wife, however not much otherwise..... This has nothing to do with how well your wireing is. The tingle, or pain 99% of the time will go away in time. You should at least get her checked out. This is my understanding based on my knowlage, but Iam not an eletrician nor a power guy. Just a cableguy. Was there a ethernet cable also connected to the laptop at this time? Potential difference between your network or the cable/phone company will typicall not be the same.........hence you can create a circuit between the two grounds to "flow power".
  10. The biggest thing I noticed is opening a thread that has a lot of pics, you can start scrolling down immdiately!
  11. Yep 14". Sorry to not get back sooner, forgot about this thread. I can bring them by this weekend if needed. Also if globle is around mabey put the zx rims on just to get a better idea visually what might look good?!
  12. I'll go look right now. I believe 14".
  13. Volt ohm meter. Everything you have replaced was a good idea even if it did not solve the problem. Search for efi bible. There is a fuel pump cut off in the afm in case of accident. I believe that oil pressure sensor will cut fuel as well. Have you changed fuel pump relay? When ignition is on can you hear the relay kicking in?
  14. Very good idea. That give you a great "piece of mind", and reduces trouble shooting a whole lot!
  15. In the 1/4 mile useing turbos is the only way to go. Turbos love long gears and with a auto the turbos will stay boosted all the way down the track after you get moveing. My friend steve with his tt v8 corbra (factory five) always was fighting the shift very heavy duty manuel. Finally put in the auto and the 1/4 instantly was a second shorter! You the bov never fires untill the end of the track! Fun in driveing or track not so much.
  16. I've helped couple people with rear end vibration. When spinning bearing by hand you will want to be at a parts store to compare the feeling with the new one. Even the SLIGHTEST variation in the bearing can result in vibration in the car under load. Just a fyi.
  17. Ok, sorry. Thanks once again for all the admins and the years of hard work. I know the expense and time it takes so that I can just hang out here with a great group of guys! Thank you again:).
  18. Hummmm seems much faster at a glance. Noticed it was out this morning! Is the swap finished?
  19. Boodlefoof nailed it perfectly. The talent is there but.... At least she is 75% there acording to my ear. Let it go my friend, mabey not loud, but definitly with authority.
  20. Why don't you do it on friday, It will make everyones weekend exciting!??
  21. I own a set of those, If you wany you can try them on?! Dont have all the center hubs.
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