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Everything posted by naviathan

  1. cygnus, thanks for the advice. I had to pull the valve cover and retorque the head bolts because number 5 starting getting coolant in it and I have no idea why. Turns out some of the head bolts were loose, like they had loosened up as the engine got hot. Anyhow, I tightened it down and I'm going over everything again to make sure it's good. Cheap head gasket I guess could be at fault, but I think it's more to do with the pinging that made it leak. My timing is pretty straight forward. 10 at idle and nothing over 36, but I don't know that it's right. I'll have to post a screen shot of the maps when I get a chance. Should I be firing the injectors simultaneous or alternating? That seems to make a huge difference in how lean or rich it is.
  2. cluttered? I do, it's almost impossible to find anything worth while in there. I think we need to go through there and clear out the non-relevant and not tested posts and limit things to the maps we know that work. It would also be nice if we could break it out to turbo maps thread and non-turbo maps thread. And those of you with running maps that have perfected them or at least gotten them drivable and right for the most part, please post them! I've seen too many "rough" maps with a promise to update and NO UPDATE. Anyone who's new to MS would get lost and completely overwhelmed in this thread. Search doesn't help much either, too much non-relevant material.
  3. Hehehe...I love Halloween just for this reason. Nice work, but you seem to be lacking...ummmm, some make-up? Just kidding, it looks awesome! I love that movie!
  4. Impressive. I wonder how that would work....
  5. Wow, talk about way lean. I don't know what the difference is between my setup and linluv's setup, but this map pings horribly under load and with a quick blip of the throttle. I figured out that the rattling noise was detonation. MLV is screwy though. First it was lowering my fuel, now it's increasing it then it lowered it and I'm all confused. Latest datalog below. The O2 is brand new, but I know that doesn't mean anything. It started out reading everything really rich in past datalogs and now it's reading everything really lean. I'm baffled, but it runs! datalog200711021452.zip
  6. That's what I was thinking, it sounds like detonation. Do you think advancing the timing more in the lower map ranges would help? As soon as you hit the throttle it ramps the map up to 50-100 kpa and that may be where the problem is.
  7. Thanks dexter, I just wish I could figure out what that rattling is when I blip the throttle. It only happens from idle, if I rev it up and blip while the rpms are up it's fine. Really wierd sound, never heard it before. Detonation maybe? Could be poor accel settings, but i'm not real sure.
  8. Well guys, it's here, the video is up and ready to watch. It's kinda dumb and I feel like I'm infringing on some Big-Phil copyright or something, but there's a question in the video I'm hoping someone can answer. Thanks sooo much for all the support and help you guys have given me and of course thank God for giving me the patience to get this done. Let me know what you think! VIDEO Sorry the video is a bit choppy. I had a bunch of programs running in the background when it was loading from the camcorder.
  9. Three words for you, "remote start switch". I made one for my MS install and it works great.
  10. I want it, I want it to have my children....lolololol The insanity!
  11. Finally, after months of being down I think I have it right. At least the engine, still have to reset the settings in the MS-II since everything is working properly this time. I know my MS settings are screwy from the engine being so screwed up before, but I finally got the right valves in the head and got everything back together for the hundredth time, crossed my fingers and hit the key and it cranked!!!!! It sounded soooo smooth too. more to come!
  12. I like that. It's better than Nissan's attempt to make a modern Z, i.e. 350Z
  13. Well my machinist decided he didn't want to ruin a set of stainless polished valves so he went ahead and ordered a new set at stock size for the exhaust from SI. The head is back on the car, no problems getting it together and getting valve lash set, it's back to stock sized lash pads now. Who in their right mind would put P90 valves in an N42 head??? Someone must have done it because the seats had been changed to steel before I got it. Anyhow, there's no accounting for other peoples actions I guess.
  14. I received a post to one of my ads and didn't receive a notice in my email about it. I have the email notification enabled, is there a problem with that option in the classifieds? I know it works perfectly in the forums.
  15. You don't have to prove the cop is lying. Just contest in court and say you weren't going as fast as the officer said he clocked you at and they will usually drop it to 5 over. At least that's how it works here.
  16. I'm hoping this rain will stop soon. At least move on to those of you that need it. We've got plenty of water here on the coast and this rain is really screwing with my around the house projects I need to get done.
  17. Go by the piston position. If number 1 is up and the intake and exhaust valves are closed then you're at TDC. I got lucky because my crank mark is still accurate (of course I checked to make sure).I just spin the motor until the cam number 1 and 2 lobes are up the timing mark lines up at 0 on the plate. The only time I had a problem was when I replaced the oil pump and didn't prime it before cranking. No oil pressure puts no pressure on the chain tensioner which allowed the chain to skip. Of course I didn't realize this until I found the eye brows in the pistons from the exhust valves.
  18. Not to be the alarmist here, but you might want to keep an eye out for head gasket issues. Usually the coolant will turn to a white flaky build up when it's burnt off.
  19. Engine braking is using the slower rotating force of the engine to slow the vehicle. Using the clutch in that manner is still engine braking you're just not giving the engine time to rev up from the momentum of the drive train. It's a bad idea anyhow as you run a risk of over revving should your foot slip on the clutch or you release too far.
  20. It's still engine braking as you're using the engine to slow down whether it's revving up or not.
  21. Need money again. Whoever said women are expensive was seriously understating the fact. Onto the good stuff, I have my MS-2 V3.0 setup for VR input trigger, IGBT High Current Ignition Coil Driver and GM Idle Air Control. All I ask is the same as I ask for any of my MS builds, $380 + shipping. This one works great. I had my car running until the cam wiped out. Long story short the car is down I'm heading to Iraq soon and I need cash. Anyone interested?
  22. Hmmm, east to west seems rather distraught with problems. It's interesting to see how drastically our weather has been changing lately. I wonder how far this will go before we get some well needed relief.
  23. Sounds like my side of the state is about to get crowded. I run off well water and haven't had a single problem all year. We've been under a burn ban for a while because of the dry weather, but otherwise we don't seem to be incurring any severe side effects. Of course we have an entire ocean and ocean fed rivers that keep our area wet.
  24. ....???? Wait am I the only one that caught this? How can you have a TBI (Throttle Body Injection) with a carb???
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