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Everything posted by auxilary

  1. I'll safely say that if I was to register, I'd fail that rule at least my threads in non-tech are entertaining, right? (feel free to lie)
  2. I agree with Vashe (the stampede): people that register just to pawn their stuff is annoying. The guy will never post again after selling the rx7 chassis (boy, I'd love to have one though). I think one of the things that should be done, is to compile a huge general faq for the site, and have it stickied in a thread at the very top of the forum titled "If you're new, read the FAQ for any basic questions you might have." I may have some time freed up, so I might even take on that challenge with people's contributions, of course. I know jeromio and others have created similar ones, or perhaps if separate FAQs can be broken down for each forums, with varios knowledgeable members from each forum contributing to the faq with their specific field of expertise (ie. johnc for suspension, racerx for paint, stony for rb26 motors, etc)
  3. ok, now instead of guys reading off their measurements, can we get some hot chicks to post here instead and do the same? thanks!
  4. McRae is considering nascar right now... I can just see his navigator: "left...left....left....left"
  5. I didn't have any instructions, I just put it in you want to have someone help and hold the bar for you in place while you drill holes for hte mounts. You install the bar into the car, in the wheel wells you put the curved plates to support the pressure. bolts goin in from wheel well up into the cabin. put nuts on the inside, bolt heads on the outside. that way you run no chance of hitting the bolt with the tire.
  6. guess i got a little over enthusiastic on that one.... i don't think shipping would be excessive on a front left turn signal thought
  7. I've been restraining myself pretty well, but there are a bunch of morons that are too stupid to be on this forum. I mean in particular people that register only to pawn their wares and split, and the one that post "I am looking to buy this," followed by "still looking!" despite the fact that 4-5 people responded. Perfect example: http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=26395 and I know for a fact that he didn't mail me squat because I have no PMs and my email is listed, and I didn't receive anything regarding the request. in all, i'm about to start severely lashing out at people, despite the filtered profanity rule here anyone else getting annoyed by this?
  8. ........................ maybe you should look up 2 posts?
  9. come to think of it, I think they represent "0 3"
  10. yeap. that's a fan.................................... draw own conclusions
  11. He's in AZ, got a new job, sold his Z, rides his bike... I should bug DavyZ for updates, he keeps in touch with Lone on a regular basis
  12. sigh.... I DON'T HAVE MY OWN GARAGE!!!!!!! I'll start once my daily driver's up to running shape where it won't fail me for 6 months. I need to do the brakes and timing belt.
  13. you simply reply with "alright! Now you and my car share a common visual trait!"
  14. http://home.neo.rr.com/mark2000/images/datsun1600/
  15. There's a ding in the hood (I left a bolt on the radiator support), and that 13 year old paint's fading all over the place on the top. And there's that floorpan rail issue i still gotta fix haha
  16. Tim, and I keep telling you - it's the lighting that hides all the blemishes pick the right lighting, and you can make a rustbucket look good! (at night time)
  17. the only problem I see with Zs, is when a show happens, almost everyone and their mom has the MSA airdam and/or panasports. I am guilty of having the airdam, but I have it because it's functional! I even reinforced it so it doesn't flex as for panasports.... that's why I have ronals that you won't find on any other Z. Kinda makes me wish I didn't sell my CCWs to davyz
  18. auxilary


    I think you're referring to the 2000gt
  19. Since we're on topic of horrible parenting, here's one from today: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A14945-2003Sep28.html 4 year old boy shoots his 5 year old sister dead with a .45 caliber, wounds 7 year old in the back.
  20. jkdgabe: I PMd you. RPMS: I'm not saying keep god out, I'm saying keep organized religion out. 2 very different things: first one is an idea, the 2nd one is a set of structured beliefs. you can bend and change teh first one, but not the 2nd.
  21. haha! Damnit, my car will most likely not be operational by then, as it will be undergoing a rotary swap in the mean time. If I can get it running by march, that'd be awesome. Hell, I might even let you drive it!
  22. hahahah sure, let me know if/when you're out to west coast, we'll hold a mikelly meet...just be sure to show up with adjustable control arms as peace offerrings, otherwise the locals will get all rhiled up
  23. that because if you do that, that means someone's left out, and my original point of religious superiority is reinforced. I'm taking this to PM instead
  24. auxilary


    i fail to see how miata exists here because of the 240z that was released 20 years prior to miata first showing up in the states? if anything, miata could be related to the 1600/2000 roadster, or more along the lines of an MG or triumph.
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