So, I have been bustin butt to try to get my Holset project ready for the SEZ8...I have done most the work to get ready and now this comes up...Ok I have two holset HE-351 turbos, one i bought new which came from the holset plant in SC. I purchased it off ebay, new, only test run according to the person I purchased it from....I dont know if The dude worked at holset or it was holsets company listing person...But it did ship from holset direct.....Anyway to the problem...I noticed it looked to have too much i measured and it is .045...I also have one that came off a truck with 50k miles and it measured .012 ...This pisses me off that I made all the mods to the new one...I would think it should not be used...Does any one know What kind of clearences a new non ball bearing turbo should have? What do you holset guys think? Use it or rebuild....Thanks for the advise