Mmmm, Well maybe I will go look at it again and get the VIN number off of the firewall/dash. I wish I would have just checked when I was looking at it as its about 35 miles away from my place in hillsboro. Maybe I could have the guy look at the VIN number as he seemed pretty oblivious to what it was.
The more I think about it, the more this sounds like a stolen car then anything else. He has no title, and just seems to have paperwork that was in the car. The guy seemed really layed back about it. Maybe he has no idea. He said he just bought the car from a friend and its been sitting for 6 months at the apartment.
Maybe we could get John Kurzhals to check out the car as he lives out in Oregon City.
The car is located at:
595 May St, Oregon City, OR 97045
Its located in the upper left part of the Oregon City Terrace Apartment loop.,+Oregon+City,+OR+97045&sll=45.51775,-122.81364&sspn=0.006976,0.014377&ie=UTF8&ll=45.341166,-122.596908&spn=0.006998,0.014377&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=0