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BRAAP last won the day on July 17 2016

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  • Birthday 10/20/1967

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    Flying, sports cars, making internal combustion power plants behave beyond their original intended power levels. :-)

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  1. Hey BRAAP,


    Can I change my user name to CA-LS3-280Z?  I am in member in good standing

  2. Dug around my computer for those photos, I no longer have them, sorry. All I have left is what is in my Photobucket linked below, you will want to copy those right away as I have no idea how much longer Photobucket will host those pics before trying to extort the $400 a year fee they just instated to host them which I will not surrender to, (many have already had their pics locked). http://s17.photobucket.com/user/BRAAPZ/library/Mopar%20Z?sort=3&page=1 Best of luck with your Mopar Z project, take care, Paul
  3. You alive old man? :D

  4. Sweet Kart, thanks for sharing.... Yeah, I recall that episode, one of only a few that still stand out in my aged mind.
  5. Agreed. Rick, Glad my build threads have been helpful. Currently finishing up BrianV8Z's LSx E36 in the shop, (hopefully soon, Brian ahd been very VERY patient with the slow progress), then starting another one for my self. After selling my first one have been kicking myself ever since. Bought and E39 to LSx but it just doesn't deliver the same passion infused driving experience the M3 did, gorgeous silver E39 is up for sale that will help to fund another LSx E36.
  6. What year LS2, (more important, what color is the CKP crank sensor above the starter, BLACK or GRAY), can you confirm mileage at 28,000 and how much $?
  7. Couple updates, car is doing fantastic, just over 31,500 miles on the conversion and its been flawless. Daily driven over the past year and half, through the freezing winter here in the Pacific Northwest, trip through the desert mid summer in 107+ degrees, car has been awesome. Only issues that cropped up have been the relay for the back up lights and reverse lock out went bad, cheapo polyurethane Lollipops cracked out replaced with nice solid BMW rubber versions, had a fuel line ahead of the fuel filter swell and leak, have a feeling when I purchased the EFI hose I was given some non EFI rated hose so all hoses have been replaced with known EFI hose just in case and the original 5.3 had oil pressure issues from the start up, knew it wouldn’t last long, was replaced with the addition of 700 more CC’s late July last year. Currently the trans is starting to howl a bit, will rebuild it before it goes into the next project, moving on to a BMW 5 series to install my 6.0L and T56 once I remove it from the M3, (will continue to drive it till someone buys it the chassis sans engine and trans), Couple months back finally finished up the speaker box for the single 12” sub. 1.25 cubic feet volume, built so the spare can be retrieved without having to remove the box and being a ski-pass rear seat, took the time to seal the box to the ski pass. That alone made a noticeable difference in the quality and quantity of sound from the sub.
  8. I have been to the dark side!!! They did not have cookies!! :D I know it's been a long while, but I guess I'm back? been doing alot of reading and spending alot of time actually building things and setting things up for a change.

  9. My apologies for delayed replies to PM's, not on the forums often lately, last year saw a bit of change in family, all else takes a back seat. Caught up on work that was in progress, only taking on one project I agreed to some time back, (local HBZ member LSx BMW conversion that is just starting). I am not taking on any other work at the moment. LSx M3 update. 20,000 miles on the conversion and loving it. The conversion itself has been flawless. Mods planned in the near future, to install my LS6 intake, the Euro cluster that has been collecting dust on the shelf, adding V-bands just ahead of the OE muffler to swap it out for pipes to hear that Spintech on those weekends wanting to play, and replace the rear suspension/diff carrier bushings. Still researching what I want to tighten up or leave rubber, don't want to add any NVH. Willl be sharing the custom mild 6.0L build of the other conversion in progress.
  10. Haven't been around much, time for an update. Now 12,000 miles on the LSx conversion, 6900 with 6.0L, no issues, maintaing 25-27 MPG freeway, tons of easy to drive torque, LOVE the car, it is perfect. Late Sept, loaded up RTz and Mongo510 in the M and made the trek the Maryhill Hill climb to see Kipperman's newest toy, (viperedls1z), LS2 powered Locost. Great trip guys, thanks for inviting me. The 6.0L power is noticeably more vs the 5.3, the LS6 injectors are hitting 86% duty cycle at 5800 rpm. Met a nice chap in an Evo-ix at a stop light just outside of town, he pulled one car length at launch through his 1st gear, my 2nd-3rd we were even, my 4th I pulled, passed, & at 2+ car lengths we backed out. We pulled over and chatted briefly, he revealed his Evo has a turbo upgrade and 3" turbo back exhaust and some tuning, 335 Hp to the wheels, asked what mods the M had, told him bone stock LSx, he asked which one, the look on his face when I said truck 6.0L was priceless.  Really nice guy, very nice car. Side note, recently started another E36 LSx swap for a HBZ member, (it's not RTZ or Mongo), he picked up his 6.0L and tore it down for a moderate build, I'm sure he'll start a build thread at some point.Â
  11. May the torque be with you...

    1. BRAAP


      Silent, like the "M" in fish. :wink:

  12. Lingenfelter Performance is playing with 180 degree cranks again, this time in LSx! Â http://www.lingenfelter.com/LPEforumfiles/showthread.php?t=899 http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=402101 Video of it running has crappy sound, Dyno cell acoustics suck, looking forward to hearing it out of the cell.Â
  13. I'm planning to be at the NW-Z meet this Saturday at Forged Performance with the car, if you're serious and gonna be there too, might be able to get you behind the wheel.
  14. Lots to update. Short version is having put over 7200 miles on in just under 3 months, ZOMG I LOVE this car! It's pert ne'er perfect right now, better than I had hoped. Swapped in an fresh rebuilt LQ4 6.0L 1100 miles ago, (the 5.3 had very low oil pressure from get go including a few cold seizures early on but still managed to last for 5200 miles before dying), the additional torque of the 6.0L vs the 5.3 is VERY welcome. Trip to Boise a couple weekends ago yielded 27.1MPG with the cruise set at 72 and fighting a head rind in the Columbia rvr gorge. The engine is silky smooth, exhaust is mouse fart quiet. At WOT there is a subtle hint if V8ness. Gearing is perfect for the stock 6.0L and T56, 3.23 final gears, weight with 3/4 tank of gas no driver, 3550, 1st gear looses traction at any rpm just rolling throttle to WOT, 2nd spins if any irregularities in the pavement. Have not tuned it yet. 1st gear 6000 rpm is 48 mph, 2nd gives 73 mph at 6000, 3rd 101mph at 5800. Need to go to the strip to see how quick it is, best guess is mid 13 @ 110ish. Logged 0-100 in 11.8-12.0 seconds on HP-Tuners. Here are some shots since last update. Oh yeah... "Sucka badge. BRAAP...BRAAAAAAP......BRAAAaaaaaa.......
  15. Put 150 more miles on it over the weekend, LOVING it. Runs and drives just like the stock M3, similar power band and same drivability but with a butt-load more torque everywhere, even with the tiny 5.3. Hooked up the GM cruise control and it works perfect. Also hooked up the cooling fan, still have a few more loose ends to tie up such as intake plumbing, PCV, etc. taking it to work this week, 153 mile per day round trip Love the GM cruise control, doesn't lag over hills and responds crisply to accel/decel inputs. Another attribute of GM cruise strategy that I really like is each click of accel or decel raises or lowers your speed by exactly 1 MPH per click, 5 quick clicks adds or subtracts 5 MPH even if coming down a hill and it takes several seconds to coast down, it gives you what you asked for, not just a momentary switch you hold till you reach the desired speed.
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