I have to agree with Mike. (on most points)The exception is, I believe that unless it`s unavoidable(death, physical abuse), A child has the RIGHT to have both parents in it`s life everyday. It is the most selfish thing anyone can do to have a baby with someone, and think that a few bucks and visitation every other weekend makes them a father.
I know it`s not always avoidable, but you and your current girlfriend have the obligation to DEAL with whatever problems and shortcoming you might have, for the sake of the baby you will have together.
The emotional well being of your child takes precidence over any other "feelings" you might have, and that requires two loving parents involved in his/her life on a daily basis.
I suspect that your ex girlfriend is overwhelmed by guilt and that being away from you is a way to escape that. "out of sight..out of mind"
My point of view is coming from the father of two small children, one three and one two month old.
There have been times that I`ve been away from my son for weeks at a time, and he went through terrible separation anxiety. He would literally plead with me not to leave. This tore my heart out.
When I would come home he wouldn`t even let me leave his sight because he thought I might leave without him knowing.
I guess what I`m trying to say is.. It`s ALL about the kids. Everything else takes a back seat. Get counseling or whatever you need but sty together, at leaste untill you child is out of school. If you don`t think you can stay together forever. get you bag snipped so you don`t have anymore kids. Then you can get out in 18 yrs.
My .02 "Just think about your baby"