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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Loved especially the part where the girl is under Bumblebee's hood (nice Bee-otch air freshener, by the way...) and talks about the high-rise double pumper he's got, and when they cut to the engine, he's got one of those cross-ram ITB setups BRAAP is always posting pictures of. Aside from that one Fast and Furious moment, I thought it was AWESOME.
  2. did somebody say red vs blue?
  3. Anybody else see Transformers yet? Before the realize that Bumblebee is "more than meets the eye" so to speak, he takes the kid and his girl and tries to engineer a romantic moment by letting the engine stall. They pop the hood, and the girl rattles off all this crap about the double pumper he's got, and his distributor cap being a little loose, but the engine they cut to has that exact intake that Paul just posted...I had a Fast and Furious moment where I was yelling at the screen "That's NOT what that was!!!" My brother thought I was crazy...
  4. Hey Paul, I think your Z32 needs a manifold like the yellow one at the beginning of the video...
  5. hey Ron, I keep forgetting to send you the world's rustiest header now that I've stepped up to the world's ugliest intercooler piping and no longer need it...maybe that could get your Z-pile started?
  6. I love that JUN S30. It makes appearances in a bunch of videos, doesn't anybody know anything about it?
  7. these came off a 1st gen Mazda RX-7 (79 I believe). they're power, but not hooked up as of yet.
  8. Couldn't you just use that manifold with some kind of 4-barrell TBI setup, if you were really concerned about having electronic control over what your fuel is doing? does anybody know if that 50hp comes from the carb, or from the manifold for sure?
  9. Hmmm...I wonder if that's what's happening to mine, then. Guess I'll have to pull the cover and look at the pin one of these days.
  10. While we're at it, somebody add an "e" to "Statment" in this thread title: http://forums.hybridz.org/announcement.php?f=59&a=3
  11. What are the drivability symptoms of this particular mode of diff failure? My diff kind of "jerks" under steady state cruise or engine braking (but not under power), it kind of feels like it's trying to jump out the back? There is no accompanying noise like a bad u-joint would make. I've got a solid front mount, and uerethane mustache bar mounts.
  12. So when is Paul going to add the burnout subforum to the non-tech section?
  13. yeah, I definitely would like to get one, but it's all going to hinge on the price...now that I'm going back to school in like a month, the cheap to free plan just got a little cheaper and a little free-er, if you catch my drift. I don't want anybody to lose money doing me a favor, so if either of you think you can get more on the open market, feel free to sell them. I don't NEED a bov, but a little PSSSH never hurt anybody...
  14. http://www.geocities.com/~spida1/motormaster.htm
  15. Man, that really makes me sad to see someone that really has something to offer get turned away by some clowns (whoever they may be) that wouldn't know good advice if it fell on their heads...I know I get random PM occasionally, but I've never gotten anything that was out and out hostile. I wish you the best of luck anyway, and I really hope you'll keep in touch with all of us when the mood strikes.
  16. That was pretty cool ( I particularly liked the Optimus Prime that actually transformed, AND rolled out...), but this is by FAR the best transformer video you'll ever see on the internet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbITJeS3gl0
  17. http://www.marksprojects.com/costumestrans.htm
  18. Let's set the wayback machine to 5-17-2006... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111133
  19. went to the old thread and clicked on the links, they took me to your hybridz photo album. I just right clicked on the image and copied it, then pasted it into the thread. If you are going to copy the url, you have to use the picture button, the one with the mountain on it, and then paste the url in the box.
  20. The car I stumbled across on a google image search for Z31 of all things:
  21. Check out some of this guy's aero tricks. Notice the sheet metal filler plate next to the gas tank in the rear view, and how the opening in the front is sealed to the intercooler. According to the article the bodykit was made custom by ABR, but I've found pics of a second car with the same fenders (though that car was equipped with the elusive S130 g-nose). It may not have been a full production run, but they must have made at least a few kits...
  22. These cars are dope! They worked on the other thread, and I posted one of the front end pics of the S130 to it...I'll see if it will transfer to this thread.
  23. Some of my favorite factory seats are from the late-80's Starion/conquest. So adjustable, and they are all manual if I remember correctly. I don't know if they'd fit in an S30 or not though, I never tried it. I did try and fit Merkur XR4-ti factory Recaros when I first got my current Z, and they just sat way too high off the floor. My hair touched the roof...
  24. Here's the latest picture of my car: I'm planning a photoshoot to take some better ones here in the next week or so...
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