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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Is that tattoo supposed to be a cavalier? the wtf-ery just keeps on coming...
  2. It's a work in progress, and I've posted it once or twice, but.... It's no 240hoke, but I'm working on it...(also, I don't have the wiring all on in this pic (doh!) so I guess it doesn't really fit the bill. I'll take one tomorrow with all wiring in place)
  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahah! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: whew...sorry, it sounded like you asked if I had convinced my wife that my car was cool. What's that? you did ask that question? sigh...that'll be the day...
  4. I never sketch anything, because I'm never bored. Especially not at my dead end job. You can tell by the fact that I've never designed anbyody else's paint job, or even my own. Sigh...I'm really crying inside because I'm bored to tears at my job...Hey Silicone Boy, what's the story with these new "gummy bear" boobs all the girls are talking about?
  5. Hey Paul, you going to put the 4.5 in the N/A Z32? I heard RonTyler said he double dog dares you! He started flapping his elbows and making "bagaaaawk!!!" noises...it was pretty brutal...I was like "Oh yeah? Paul will show you!" so there you have it. Now you've GOT to do it. For me. And all the kids out there that need you to stand up to the RonTylers of this world...Give him a big hazy cloud of Justice! NKC 280Z, your car looks like it's AWESOME! I always had a special place in my heart for those cars, but I never had the pockets to own one. Even now I'd like to do one up like a JGTC style wide body...with some flourescent green Volk wheels...yeah, that's the stuff...
  6. I really don't know, I just found it on eBay...I had heard they were no longer in the L-series parts business, but I'm pretty sure that there are at least two or three members here selling custom fuel rails. Pallnet is one, I know I've seen BRAAP post pictures of an L-series rail he made (but I don't remember if it was a production piece or not), so if you look around, you should be able to find one.
  7. If this is the new thing, I've been ahead of the curve for years! I felt much the same way the first time I went in to Abercrombie and Fitch and saw that EVERY article of clothing came pre-wrinkled...I was like JACKPOT!
  8. He was really funny, but he also came off kind of bitter...maybe because he watched Sam Raimi hit the big time, while nothing he's done has ever really gotten him beyond cult status...I never watched Jack of All Trades, but The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. was one of my favorite shows while it was on! You need to go rent Bubba Ho-tep if you haven't seen it, it may be his best work to date. He plays a guy in a retirement home, that thinks he's Elvis, who traded places with an impersonator, who has to team up with a black guy who thinks he's JFK in order to stop a mummy. Now THAT'S entertainment. A.G. Olphart, are you thinking of Alice the Goon? (who mysteriously never got mentioned in the best cartoon character of all time thread for some inexplicable reason...)
  9. The reason I went with the solid sensor is because it's actually used in that capacity by Saturn on OEM applications. If the shoe fits...
  10. It's the JSK fuel rail, I got it from ebay as a package with the 60mm throttle body spacer. Im not sure they're still in business, but I think BRAAP is making one? I think his may be the O-ring style, mine uses the stock type barb injectors.
  11. High Five Greg! Evil Dead is the business! I actually met Bruce Campbell, and shook his hand once. the USF Campus Activities Board was showing Army of Darkness (at movie on the lawn, kind of like the drive in but without the car, and therefore without the backseat...doh!), and they convinced him to come and give a talk and sign his then new book: If Chins could Kill, confessions of a B-movie actor. So, when I got through the line, he was surprised to learn that a: I was actually a student, and not just a big nerd there to have him sign my Evil Dead stuff (he was officially there to sign his book, but he was gracious enough to sign other things too), and b: an art major! He was pretty cool. Some trivia: Sam Raimi tries to put him in his movies whenever possible because they were childhood friends. He's the ring announcer in Spider Man, and the Doorman that turns Peter away in Spider Man 2 (also, in an attempt to jump start his career, the official title of Evil Dead III was actually Bruce Campbell vs the Army of Darkness, but the Bruce Campbell was always really small...so it didn't really work). Uncle Ben's Oldsmobile in Spider man is actually the same Oldsmobile from Evil Dead. Know why? It's Sam Raimi's personal car, and he tries to work that into movies whenever possible too.
  12. I don't see how the GM coolant temp sensor will get damaged by vibration, they only use the same part number for every temp sending application on the car...At least on the Saturns they do. IAT, CTS, Trans Temp, all carry the same part number on the S-cars. I work in a Saturn parts department, so I sell them every day. It isn't likely to see any more vibration on the intake manifold then it would on the block, transmission, or cylinder head is the point I was getting at.
  13. I'll weigh in on this one (with pictures and all!): As some of you may or may not be aware, I've seen a few cartoons in my day. My favorite growing up was Robotech (not transformers, contrary to popular belief). The premise behind that show was that a space ship crash lands on earth and humans reverse engineer the technology. There is a race of alien invaders (called Zentraedi-I think there is a race team in Cali that has taken that name, much like the Autobots car club and the Decepticons street gang) who are 50 feet tall, so in classic cartoon fashion, the humans (called micronians by the Zentraedi) make their fighter planes able to transform into giant robots in case they need to fight hand to hand. These fighters were called "Veritechs", and had three modes: fighter, guardian (the form in my sig pic), and battleoid. My favorite character was always Max Sterling, since he was an unassuming guy, kind of nerdy, but he was hands down the best pilot in the whole Robotech Defense Force. Plus, my name is Max, and I'm kind of nerdy and unassuming, but I haven't figured out what I'm hands down the best at (except maybe Street Fighter II, I'm pretty good at that...maybe NES tetris too)...that's my avatar pic though, if anybody was wondering who that was. Anyway, the Z part comes from the fact that when I first got my current 280, I painted it like the Skull One Veritech from the show. It's been like 3 other colors since then, but it's all good. Here is a detail of my car with that paint job.
  14. Upright Citizens Brigade was such an under-appreciated show. Did you see the Little donny clip where he totally shows his wang on Good Morning America or something like that? Al Roker got thoroughly punked on that one...priceless!
  15. Maybe it won't help YOU get it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWTAGwWgpR4 (if that clip is too much, I can take out the link...this IS the banned users thread after all...)
  16. It's a little chilly here in Tampa as well, like 75 degrees...BRRRR!
  17. Pool noodles for the win! Who wants to chicken fight?
  18. Hey Ron, I think a nice rusty header would really give you that special "something" you've been looking for. Want to trade? NWZ31, when hiding looms, usually you can just run them on the other side of whatever firewall they are currently on, and drill a hole right where they need to come out, thus keeping the visible wiring to a minimum. I've been trying to clean my engine bay up a little bit too, but I haven't gone so far as to cut off all the exta mounting tabs or hide my wiring. Also, the shiniest thing on my car is the new set of outside door handles...I may need to put some overspray on them or something so they integrate a little better. I would say that at least 80% of cleaning up an Lseries engine happens when you put on an aftermarket fuel rail and smooth out the intake manifold. Here's me: Ugly headers for the win!
  19. First time I've been accused of that, but thanks! (it's a 280, by the way) First thing you need to do is order yourself a rusty old header, I find that goes a long way towards cleaning up your engine bay, then you can follow that up with some broken fusible link covers (if you can't find broken ones, you can get some perfectly good ones and break them by setting your intake manifold down on them like I did). Make sure the edges of the fenders are rusty and about to fall off, and you're well on your way to being the next Veritech-Z! In all seriousness, I aspire to having a clean minimalist engine bay, but I'm what you call more of an "idea man", meaning I have all the great ideas/good intentions you can shake a stick at, but not as much of the technical prowess/patience for proper installation procedures necessary to carry them out.
  20. I put mine after number one, but before number two...that manifold really doesn't look like I remember mine looking before I ground all the garbage off of it...what casting is it? You can see where I put mine in this picture, it's got the little pig tails coming off of it just after the TB (I hadn't wired it yet in this picture)
  21. We've got a timeslip database, it's not really a "Kill story" section though.
  22. You know what bothers me about how people talk on the net? the way the term "fully built" gets thrown around. I mean, if you've got a bunch of bolt ons, does that make your engine as fully built as, say, 1 fast z's hand made twin cam stroker twin turbo? I would say not, but fully built is one of those elastic terms that means different things depending on context I guess...I postulate that there may not be any such thing as "fully built." that bothers me about the same as when people refer to their modifications as "stage X", usually in regards to cam choice or turbo kit selection. I'm like, what is this, Gran Turismo? Put some context around that so we know what you're talking about. And furthermore, thread jacking is so lame...oh wait, what was this thread about again? Oh yeah, answer your pms everybody!
  23. Mike, I thought the pool party was at YOUR house this weekend...I went out and bought myself a new speedo and everything...I guess I didn't get the memo.
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