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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Ah! curse you Oregonites and your cars that can smoke the tires! I'm going to go home and give my Megasquirt a good scolding so maybe it will act right and get this smoke show underway...
  2. I wasn't so much concerned about the glass melting really. Here's an example of a mysterious glass incedent that I actually have a scar from: I used to work in a restaurant, bussing tables. We would put the glasses in an overhead tray thing when they came out of the dishwasher. Anyway, I was moving some glasses (typical soda type glass you'd get in a restaurant, not a thin beer or wine glass) from one to the next to make room, and one of them just exploded in my hand with no warning. A big chunk cut the crap out of my wrist, and I'll have the scar from that forever. The only explanation I could come up with was that the dishwashing machine got them so hot, so fast, that when this glass cooled off in the open air it broke. It was the only time it ever happened to me, but that was a vivid memory of a mysterious glass failure involving both water and heat. So even if this is a different type of glass, my opinion of glass in this application has been "colored" so to speak. Another odd glass failure I experienced involved trying to grind a hole in the bottom of my side door window to rivet on the little window track feet that kept coming unglued. (I know, I've had better ideas than this, and yes, I know that automotive window glass is not the same thing as what these hoses are made of, however...) I was using one of those little bits that's like a ball with diamond dust all over it on a dremel, and I noticed that it was setting up a strange noise so I took the bit away from the glass. about five seconds later, the glass shattered all over the garage floor with no external stimulus. It was just laying on the garage floor, and then pshhhh! all over the place. Pretty wierd. I'm pretty sure that one was my fault though...
  3. I have no idea about the vettes, I just saw the springs for the first time in an off road magazine that comes to my job. (Of course, just because it's the first time I've seen it doesn't mean that it's new) I was wondering if it's hard for the manufacturers of those to control the spring rate consistency from spring to spring due to the nature of how fiberglass is made (like the resin amount and distribution)? I'm not a materials specialist, that's just my layman's curiosity.
  4. I've never seen anybody try to use glass in an environment like that before with the vibration and the underhood temps, so I was just thinking out loud...what if you had a broken motor mount, and ended up with a lot of engine play? $260 down the tubes if it broke...It probably is perfectly fine and reliable, but I feel the same way about these as I did when I saw the fiberglass leaf springs in the back of a 4X4 magazine, and the pictures of those glass wheels from SEMA show...I've just seen too many glass things break to feal like it has any structural integrity (which is a totally subjective, gut reaction type of thing).
  5. you doing the timing cover and water pump also?
  6. I wonder if the glass gets brittle from the heating and cooling cycles of the engine? I had a lower hose blow off once when a clamp failed, I wasn't too happy getting sprayed in the face with coolant...I can only imagine what would happen in the event of a glass hose explosion..
  7. My first reaction was "cool," then I was like:"when is anybody ever under my hood to see that?"
  8. Well, the plugs didn't really help, whatever is wrong is still there...It starts up a bit easier, but it doesn't run any smoother and it breaks up past 2k rpms or so...Up to now I've been borrowing a cable from a buddy but I guess it's time to break down and get serious with straightening out my fuel maps.
  9. Seven girls under 18, you say? Watch out brother, 17 will get you 20! (just joking!)
  10. I've got a townhome with no garage, and it's just big enough for my wife and I. Luckily we have no kids, and no plans for kids for at least a year or two, because if we did there would be nowhere to put them. Owning is definitely the way to go though if you can swing the downpayment. We got into this place (about 1200 ft2, 2 bedroom 2 and a 1/2 bath with both bedrooms upstairs) for about $89k 2 years ago, and it's worth about $160k now based on similar floorplans selling in the neighborhood. My wife and her dad are in real estate, so they've got more of a head for that sort of thing than I do...
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iLsO8AZs2A&mode=related&search=
  12. Do we do a car of the month on this site? What category does that happen under?
  13. Wow, This car is new to me, but it really looks great! That hood is exactly what I want for my car! Good luck with both projects Mike!
  14. As soon as I come across a free program to edit video, it's so on!
  15. Gollum, you can be in our virtual band too! Leather pants for the win! I've been daydreaming about what I want to include in my Hybridz Virtual Talent Show video...(that would be the Hybridz Virtual Talent Show thread that I haven't started yet in case you were wondering...)
  16. I guess I'm the only one that still likes this thread...found these guys the other day. I kind of dig their sound, but they are making some SUSPECT wardrobe decisions...kind of like if you cast david bowie as sephiroth in the Final Fantasy 7 movie, I give you: Vidoll! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVGXBb1NbjE&mode=related&search= Big-phil, I think we should start a band so we can dress like that and rock out!
  17. I've got that song, it's on "Disco Death Race" which was a mix tape by Keoki, but the song wasn't produced by keoki, it was alpha team or something like that...here's the short version set to the show from YOutube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmhwHrWkt3E In the album version of that song, there is a breakdown where speed and trixie's random "uh huh"s and "Oh speed!"s are mixed to sound like the Mach V is a rockin, so don't come a knockin! And Datsun350z, I mentioned Brock Samson earlier in the thread (towards the end of post #11), so high five to us!
  18. "He's the strongest he's the quickest he's the be-e-e-e-st! Danger-mouse!" "Cor, Chief! Looks like Greenbacks at it again, eh?" Danger Mouse and Count Duckula were so hard...
  19. They'd have been better off making a Mustang II throwback...
  20. Hope that "light rust on the flame rails" doesn't turn out to be all that bad...I don't think this car looks as bad as some flame jobs I've seen, does it have a sunroof? It looks like it in one of the pics but he doesn't mention it or show it very well.
  21. All you roadrunner fans, anybody ever see this episode where the coyote actually catches him? Oldestzguy, I had to do an internet search, but I won't reveal the results until you do. I don't think ANYBODY is going to get that one.
  22. Yeah I just ordered some new plugs, they should be here in a bit. I like how that video starts: "I'm gonna talk, and you run the bike up like Nananananana nan annanan!" You know my motto Phil, if the tires ain't smokin, it ain't runnin right! And right now, it ain't runnin right...
  23. I steer with all kinds of stuff... On a semi related to the original topic note: it seems my #6 spark plug was completely fouled out to the point where it wouldn't fire that cylinder at all, so I'll try changing them all out and seeing if I can't get my MS running right again. (It gave up during the first attempted fuel injected burnout, been running like crap ever since)
  24. That's BIG-Phil you're talking about there. He was probably using his.....knee.
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