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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. I'm with Ron, that first one's got.....(what's that word they're always using in the domestic magazines? Oh yeah...) patina! character! it's own ecosystem!
  2. No, but all meetings take place under the cone of silence!
  3. Well, it looks great, anyway! (Can't win them all...) Just kidding man!
  4. I think he may be talking about ON3GO who had a post in the year old "should I buy this car?" thread about Yasin buying the 928. Usually, people don't just get banned all willy-nilly, so it's best just to let it ride.
  5. That's why I try not to brag about anything, there's ALWAYS somebody better, and you just look all the dumber if you run your mouth off and you lose. When I was in France, I met a Lebanese girl who was talking a big game about how she was so good at Chess, and I was all: "I like to play chess..." So she was like: "if you want, but I'm PREEETTTY good..." I don't claim to be especially good at chess, but I use the time that the other player is thinking to do my own planning, so I usually have my move ready once they're done. Playing "fast" like that can be off-putting to somebody who spends a lot of time on their moves (like she did), and it really took her out of her game. (another tactic I'll use is just to ignore something you do that is supposed to make me run and hide, like for instance I don't have any problem trading queens) So anyway, I really wish I'd thought to put some stakes on that one. She never did play again the rest of the time i was there, even though she said she wanted a rematch...
  6. I always liked: "my joystick is broken!"
  7. Is it? I just thought we were ranting about stupid people...I don't particularly care for drag racing anyway...it's all down hill after the burnout.
  8. Hey Ron, is that kit you mentioned the one that used to be sold through the Jim Cook Racing catolog, that bolted to the 4-barrell intake? I always thought that looked pretty cool, but I've got a soft place in my heart (or is that head? I can never be sure anymore)for turbo.
  9. that's the best quote I've ever heard, dave! Skater, I feel your pain, brother. It seems like I get stuck talking to all the useless no-nothings, it does my heart some good to know I'm not the only one. Not that I'm the fountain of all knowledge, but if you don't even own your own car, don't come tell me about ANYTHING that your buddy drives and you think is fast. I'm really not even concerned right now how fast my car is, I just want the stupid thing to run right. My friendly rivalry at work consists of a guy building an Eclipse GST that is shooting for as much as he can get, but he likes to inform me that the block (2.3 stroker or something) made 600+ on the car it came out of, a guy with a 95 Saturn SC2 that has a custom (read: home-built) turbo setup on a megasquirt that dynoed at 330whp [actually, this guy is really cool, and built my MS for me for free], and a guy with a 00 Civic Si with some kind of turbo kit on it who just got his block sleeved and is only waiting for his Hondata standalone to get tuned so he can cruise around in a 500hp daily driver. So when people come in to the dealership and tell me how fast their bone-stock Ion Redlines are, and should they put a wastegate on it to make more HP (keep in mind these cars are superchargerd, not turbo), I just roll my eyes and go hide in the parts cave...where I'm just biding my time reading my JTR manual...
  10. Cygnus, are you the original owner? If no, I suspect you may have a previous ownder special. that being said, I only scored a 10 out of 20...*hangs head in shame...* This quiz struck me more like one of those polls you see over at classiczcars, I was expecting more hybridz specific questions like "How many holes are in Bjhines's chassis?" or "What would JohnC do?" or "How does Grumpyvette take care of an ant problem?" You know, stuff we all have at our fingertips.
  11. Ernie, that's comical! I think I know some guys that would end up like that too!
  12. I've got a scanner, and until I get a tablet, looks like it's going to be the mouse...good news is my birthday is coming up, so maybe I can get a decent tablet.
  13. Hot Cheerleader:"Are all nerds this good?" Lewis Skolnic:"Yeah, because all we think about is sex" Ah revenge of the nerds...comedy of the highest order.
  14. Paul, One of the features introduced into Photoshop 7 was the ability to "undo" more than one step. Prior to that, you only had one chance to mess up, so as long as your photoshop version supports multiple steps backward, you're good.
  15. Photoshop 7, optical mouse: I'm ambivilant about these results, since the levels on the guy are way too bright for the background. But since I F'd up the layers, I got all out of whack with being able to adjust him...I'll keep working with it, I suppose it's really just a matter of experience. Also, there was no source material for this, it was a straight sketch into photoshop. Freehand baby, all the way!
  16. Hey Eric, I just googled tablets, and the range of price variation is like $50 to $300...what type do you have? I'm guessing that a $50 one is like a glorified mouse, but do I really need a tablet that costs more than my car? ( I love that I got my Z for $200...I get to say "I didn't pay that much for my whole CAR!" for almost any major purchase)
  17. I was wondering if anybody was going to say Spike, what a good show Cowboy Bebop was! I really like the Initial D manga, but I HATE the cartoon with a passion. The live action Chinese movie was actually really good though. High five for Rick Hunter! I liked Roy Fokker until the killed him off (so much so that I had my z painted like Skull One for awhile...)
  18. Thanks Eric! I'm going to try one too, but I'm not using a tablet, so bear with me.
  19. I've done a clutch in the driveway on jackstands in both my Zs (actually, I did an auto to manual conversion with just the front on stands in my buddy's garage on my current z). It's actually easier (with carbs, anyway) to just pull the whole thing out, engine and all. Where there's a will, there's a way. Necessity is the mother of invention. If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean....sorry, I'm so used to hearing those dumb sayings at work, they kind of stick with you after a while...
  20. Alright, when I take some more pics, I'll post them to that old thread to avoid cluttering up this one. I'll try and get some 35mm shots with my Olympus since it has a macro lens, and I'll also try some with my D80 to see how it comes out. The lens on the D80 isn't really good with close up stuff, I still have to get a macro for that. I've got tomorrow off, so hopefully there'll be a lot of natural sunlight and I won't have to worry about screwing around with a flash or anything.
  21. so with a tablet, can you actually "sketch" straight into the program, or do you like lay your pencil sketch on the tablet and trace it? I've never used one and I was always curious how they worked.
  22. I had a thread full of blurry pictures going awhile ago detailing my mysterious round port N42...now that i've got a new camera maybe it's time to take some good ones and see if anybody has any new ideas.
  23. do you find it's easier (as far as working with the image color in photoshop) to keep your initial sketch as free of shading as possible, like coloring book style, or does that not really matter?
  24. Once the car has changed hands a few times, it becomes difficult to tell the total mileage since the Z odometer only reads to the 10-thousands place. No telling how many times it's flipped.
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