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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Evidently Nick Cage has had a Ghost Rider tattoo for years, and cleared his schedule just so he could be Johnny Blaze(hopefully we'll get a better performance out of him on this one than we got in Gone in 60 Seconds...). I dug the GR comic, but I don't know how I feel about the new Orange County Choppers edition Hell Bike deluxe...I liked the super bike version from the 90s over the Evil Kinevel 60's version, and I fear that this new update is going to be a bit cheesy.
  2. Tyson, I suspect this car is carbureted...We still need to know if you are using SUs (I want pics if you are using stock location SUs!), a single draw through SU (or some other draw through setup), a 4-barrell, the weber down draughts (anybody ever seen that done? I haven't...) or the side draught triples. The lengthy thread about fuel pressure regulators on a carbed car might be helpful. How hard is it going to be to tune? That depends, what is your tuning experience prior to owning this vehicle? We'll definitely need more information about your setup to answer that question.
  3. Yeah, his post appeared when I hit the submit button...
  4. They do have beautiful women in mongolia, or at least they had one before she got exported to France where I met her...Oh, wait, Terry me and you aren't supposed to care about that anymore, now that we're dead and buried...Take some good pictures! Of the camels. and not just the toes either, the humps too.
  5. Offhand, I would say no, not if you size your single injector properly, unless cost is a factor, and it would be cheaper to use two smaller flowing injectors rather than one large flow injector. In your measuring, did you account for fuel hoses and electrical connections, or just physically squeezing in an injector? What injector did you use as a baseline? I still think hiding your injectors in the plenum is ideal, from a practical AND from a functional standpoint. You can have a straight shot down the throat of the carb, nobody will see it, and there is plenty of space. You are going to need a plenum anyway, there is no hiding that, so you might as well make full use of it. This would work pretty well with a side feed injector like on an SR20 motor.
  6. If you go to the link I posted earlier, they have the weber conversions (they aren't the only one, but they are the only one that I know off the top of my head ) and SU conversion throttle bodies as well, but they are super pricey. Chewie, if you are going for the sleeper look, how exactly are you planning to run your fuel lines so that they don't look obvious? I really don't think you'll have room to angle your injector down the throat of the carb AND run fuel to it if you hid it under the hats. Also, I think the turbo will pretty much give it away that you don't have a stock vehicle. Nitrous is so much more conducive to sneaky HP than a turbo. Something to think about is this: If you mount the injector underneath the carb and remove the piston and needle seat, you would have plenty of space, and you are going to need a plenum for boost, which will hide the injector itself. That means that you could just run your fuel hose through the float bowls and out the bottom to feed your injectors, but the carbs will look stock from the top.
  7. Did you notice they gave you 0-50 instead of 0-60 in the commercial? That's a little shady...
  8. I've only seen the 280zx one that proxlamus posted on one of the super long aero threads of days gone by. Driftn280zxt asked for one, so I just reposted it in the vendors forum under the 280zx widebody kit thread, along with a link to the thread it appeared in. It only has one color of smoke.
  9. Don't know what rotaries you've been driving... I've actually seen a car like that in person, it was pretty cool. This one was an MG-B, and it had a big riveted on cowl and was a faded shade of british racing green. Really fast.
  10. I know I've seen one in a picture of Mike KZ's car once before, I don't know if he still has it. I was curious about that spoiler as well. What about something like what Toyota offered for the Altezza that looks like the "BRE" spoiler, but at the top of the window?
  11. funny how prevalent this idea is...Me and OTM and Olie05 were kicking this around via PM awhile ago. So far as I know, none of us got anywhere with it. My idea was to get a low profile, high output injector, maybe a gm V-8 tbi injector for each carb, and hide it in the air cleaner. www.twminduction.com sells a rail for their carb conversions that has floating injectors that are mounted in front of the carb throat, so I was looking at that concept. Hiding it in the air box, it would be just as injected as if you hid it in the carb, but without all the hassle of plumbing the lines and wires through that confined space (I also think this would give you a more even distribution of fuel, since mounting it in the hat would spray directly on the bottom of the throttle bore). It also enhances the ratty stock looking underhood appearance. We thought this conversion would be great with flat top SUs, since their non-performance reputation is so well known. All you would need to retain of the original carb should be the throttle body action, so remove the pistons and block off the holes.
  12. I liked that one also, but the required modifications would be extensive indeed to get a hatch that is shaped like that, as well as the roofline. Helmet bumps! The rear panel is a little plain to me, maybe a bumper or some kind of trim to break up that panel.
  13. I'm pretty sure street racing regulations vary from state to state, and possibly even from city to city.
  14. So far as I know, you'd have to ask him the details. I'm not sure how far he's gotten with the idea yet.
  15. You could always source a RHD sylvia console
  16. If there is a demand (ie people who have real, actual money to put down) I know betamotorsports has entertained the idea of fiberglass and carbon fiber parts on occasion (although I don't want to speak for them, you would have to contact them to know for sure, so PM Johnc). Johnc ended up doing some carbon fiber 280zx hoods after enough people came up with the cash IIRC. That thread should be in the vendor's forum somewhere. Also, you might convince Paulo, the guy that was making all the carbon fiber tail light panels and fascias in the vendors forum.
  17. Is the flow seperation point dependent on speed? If so, I suppose you'd have to tune your vortex generator location to a given vehicle speed? I've pretty much given up on the louver idea anyway, I was thinking about that one day when I was more bored than usual...
  18. Here is my idea for the engine. Pulley extension (if that will work), lowered manifold flange and smoothed/polished blower. Also driving instructions to write "paul" on the street in front of RonTyler's house:
  19. That IS old school. I've got a glasspack inline with a typical Rice Can muffler. It sounds cool, but I hear that they are pretty restrictive inside.
  20. Dav_it has an MSA type III S30 airdam (modified) on his car. There are pics in the vendor forum under the "Wide Body 280zx" thread.
  21. Mike, I like that Maserati, but I think the reason there is a GTO kit is because the original is so recognizable. I don't think there is as much demand for a Maserati kit. I personally would love to see a Toyota 2000gt conversion kit. I think that would sell for sure.
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