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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. My car is a 77 280, and the pedal I ended up using came out of a 260 (might have been late, I don't remember, but it had square SUs on it). I didn't get the brake pedal, I just used a cutoff wheel on the side of the automatic brake pedal that interfered with the clutch pedal, and installed some aftermarket pedal covers to hide it.
  2. I was wondering about that. Sounds like my old apartment. Well, I just finished the JTR manual (its been a really slow day at work today), and it was super informative. Some things I'll need to search for are if anyone is using a stock 280z pump to run a TPI setup (jtr manual mentions tpi being around 45psi, and the injectors are supposedly either 19lbs on a 305(n/a l28) and 22lbs on a 350(turbo l28), which is about the same as the Z-although the tpi is barely mentioned, as they sell a whole other manual about that, which I don't think I'll need since I'll not be using any factory computer equipment with mine) and if anyone is using a single turbo 350, I'd be curious to see what you did for turbo manifolds.
  3. Speaks volumes about that other forum, at least to me.
  4. How do shoes in trees or power lines equal drugs? Have to be on drugs to end up there? I could see someone getting that bored, heck, I've been that bored myself a few times, although I never resorted to throwing shoes...I just painted camo all over my car...
  5. I've got a clean one: Three strings walk up to a bar. "I'm really thirsty" says the first string to the others. "I think I'll go in and get a beer." Well, this particular bar had a sign in the window that clearly said: NO STRINGS ALLOWED. "I don't care about that sign, I'm getting a drink" said the string to the others. The first string goes in and orders a drink, and the bartender balls him up and throws him out the door. The second string is dismayed, and storms into the bar to protest, but the bartender balls HIM up and throws him out. So the third string starts thinking...He ties himself into a knot, and messes up his hair, and goes into the bar. The bartender eyes him down and says: "You a string, boy? We don't take kindly to your types in here..." And the string replied: "No sir, I'm a frayed knot." kinda long for the payoff, but I've always liked that one...
  6. I'm sure that's true, I was just making the point that boost increases power at a given rpm, so you wouldn't need as much pedal to get the same result in performance compared to NA.
  7. Doc, you crack me up! Loudly:"You kids need to behave" *eyes shift back and forth* -in a lowered voice- "alright, don't tell your mother i told you this one, but it goes like this..."
  8. My wife is great, but her first exposure to car building was through a ricey guy that was more concerned with pedal covers and flashing lights, so she doesn't really appreciate the sleeper. Or the bondo bucket. She's not an adrenaline junky type, so it's hard to justify speed increases when the car is kind of busted looking (although she did say the camo ZZZap! paint job looks better than the flat black, and she loves the way the blue Q45 z-car from www.zparts.com looks).
  9. Page 1-8 of the JTR manual, raise your hand if this is you:"Like most married men with car projects, he pays cash for most items so as not to leave evidence (receipts or cancelled checks) of his 1/4 mile addiction. He asked not to show the car for fear that his wife may somehow find out." *edit* And divorcing the wife may get me permission to buy the 383, but do you really think I'd have any money left over to buy it?
  10. What's a halloween party without disgusting food? Speghetti brains, peeled grape eyeballs. Well, here is a new one on me: cat litter cake. In the glorious tradition of "dirt", we now have "them" to thank for this incredibly gross looking, yet probably great tasting treat: I particularly like the "turd" haning over the side. that's a classy touch. For the recipe, check this link out. http://www.fabulousfoods.com/recipes/dessert/cakes/kittylittercake.html
  11. I've heard tell that the prius turbo kits add a significant amount to the mileage. Adding a turbo or a supercharger allows you to make more power at a lower engine speed, so as long as you don't get on the gas more than normal, you should be able to use that to your advantage in regards to fuel savings.
  12. Well, I got my JTR manual today. Just from skimming through it, it seems very complete, I'm glad I opted to buy it before jumping into the swap. I'm thinking for cost reasons, I'll probably end up getting a boneyard Camaro T-5 tranny instead of the T-56, since a T-56 would cost me more than I've got in the whole car just to get. I don't expect I'll be making ludicrous power levels, and I don't drag race, so I imagine without the stresses of a hard launch all the time, I should be ok with a T-5. Owen graciously offered me his 383 internals, but I'm still waiting to hear back on price before I can say yeah or nay. I always wanted something with a 383, I know a guy with a NICE chevy II that has one, and his car is awesome. I just don't know how much my wife wants me to have a 383...
  13. I can dig it, but since it's sheet metal, I'd think you would need to be careful not to curb it, otherwise you'll end up with obvious dents really quickly. I think it needs the Zr8d garden edging mod, then it will be all set. Also, some more flush fitting turn lights would maybe be slicker looking than those bee hive things it's got, but that's all nit-picky stuff.
  14. I heard RonTyler has something like that, maybe he and BRAAP could induct you into their burnout club? I like 510s as well. I always wanted to do a SSS model with a nice high power four cylinder in it. There's a seafoam green one around my area that I see all the time. My wife thinks it's the ugliest thing ever, but I think it's pretty hot.
  15. Just did an Overhaulin' style concept sketch. I'm not sold on the color, I'm thinking maybe pearl white instead...
  16. According to their ebay listing, a lot of them are uerethane, even the wide body rear quarter panels. That's kind of wierd.
  17. I'm with Owen, I love the same sized tail lights on the R32. That car reminds me of a Nascar (but in a good way, if there is such a thing) the way it is shaped. Very purposeful.
  18. Part of my problem is that I don't have a garage at all, let alone a really small one. I'm working on the suspension at work right now, but I can't ever take the car apart to really do any bodywork, so until I get someplace nice to work on it, it's going to be ugly. Grumpy, if you get that big block swap done in our lifetime, I'd like to see some pics!
  19. I want to say that the ZX uses a different master cylinder, and also a different pedal. i looked at them way back when I was converting mine to stick from auto, and I remember having problems with it.
  20. this thread may interest you: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111184
  21. I'll let you know...My JTR book is supposed to arrive tomorrow sometime.
  22. Is there no uerethane upgrade as a sort of compromise?
  23. What transmission are you going to use to make that engine fit in the front? Just build a bellhousing adapter to like a t56 or something? what about flywheel and clutch? Or will it be automatic? If you do get anywhere with this build, be sure and keep us posted.
  24. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=113165&highlight=edis http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112161&highlight=edis your setup is sounding pretty interesting, but I'm in NO hurry, and this guy that has the engine is a good buddy of mine (I'll be the best man at his wedding in a few months) that is a bit more local, so I'm hoping to get a good deal on his engine. Those two threads are pretty detailed setups with pics on how to get the EDIS-6 to work on an L28. Maybe those ideas will work?
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