I reconditioned both of mine myself. For the outside stainless with rubber, I removed them very carefully (not to kink them) and got a grinder disc, and removed the exposed part of the large thick staples, to where I had a semi smooth surface to attach the new rubber on.
I'm sure you could find some rubber at hardware stores, though you may need to trim it to the proper width with a strait edge and a razor blade.
I had a roll of 1" black flat rubber seal material I got from my job (used for bottom of shower door seal replacement) and cut to length, then I cleaned the stainless Z door strip real good with thinner so to get a good bond, then I used some good quality black urethane sealant to glue the new rubber onto the stainless door strip. They have held up and work perfectly for the past 8 years.
The inside fuzzy strip was done pretty much the same way. I got a roll of fuzzy strip material from my work also. It is used on comercial storefront doors (like the entry doors at a 7 eleven, or most buisnesses) to seal the air from escaping, or entering where the pair of doors close against each other. It comes already the perfect width (aprox 1/4 to 3/8 wide) and has a semi firm clear plastic backing on the opoisite side of the fuzz, so it will accept the black urethane sealant to glue it to the door panel.