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Everything posted by JSM

  1. Paul, thanks for all your time and help. Sammy, got it running. Swapped the harness, ECU and no go. Swapped the New EFI relay and she started right up. He didn't try the old set up with the new ECU or swap back in the old ECU, but I have a feeling this was the last issue to resolve as we bypassed it originally as our last step.
  2. Man today sucked. Last time I was on was this morning at 6:30AM EST! Almost 12 hours yikes! Made it hard to take breaks at work. Very greatful the database error has been resolved? Any thoughts to have an email go out stating ETC for going back up!
  3. No it doesn't matter. You may need to buy a 1/2 foot of extra HP hose is all. Ace Hardware may be cheaper like I said for the gauge and the fitting. For testing purposes the plastic "T" is fine, but not to leave on for awhile. Something like this. This is from the HF kit that I posted.
  4. Sorry, thought I put the link up. This is what I bought, however, I thought it was 15 dollars or so at the store. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=92699
  5. Sorry, Paul I read your prior post wrong the first time. I got it know. Sammy, is purchasing another known good harness, ECU and FI relay tonight.
  6. It sounds like it, but you need a tool to determine. Buy one of these and put it inline before it goes into the fuel rail, very simple. Also, I was at AceHardware and so a few small gauges under $10 that I think would work with fuel also.
  7. Thanks Paul, I was looking for the Numbering on the 78 EFI umbilical for all the green wires. Did you get that off the Wiring schematic? In my quick search I didn't see it.
  8. I'll give you $400 for her, Sammy, just say when! You'll figure it out!
  9. This is how I got mine going: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=102614 Followed explicitly and works fine.
  10. Sammy, did you ever check the Ground Pins on the ECU plug before as Paul stated on Page 3? We didn't check that tonight. What we know as of now. One of the Fusible links was bad. Both were replaced tonight and Pin #10 had 12+ going to it. Still no go. We did verify that the switched power 12+ was going to the EFI relay, however it was not causing the new relay to switch. No power was going to the Resistor packs, but pin #10 was powered, complete opposite of before. We bypassed the EFI relay completely, verified 12+ to Pin #10, resistor packs, and ECU plug injector pins and on the ECU plugs themselves. Still no go. I'm assuming the tach jumping about 1/4" or so verifies that the signal is getting from the Distributor transistor and or to Pin #1 on the ECU. It looks like we verified everything in the EFI Bible and it says at this point to replace or try another ECU? One thing that is strange is now the car will not run at all on the cold start valve alone as it did before.
  11. I Just boxed and weighed one and it came in at 55Lbs. (P90)
  12. I'm suprissed you thought anyone had a chance. So the "Battle of the imports" is only based on chassis, not engine?
  13. I can't believe I watched the entire video.
  14. You did buy at least 1 quart didn't you!
  15. See if this wiring Diagram is any easier to read through. http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu85/jeffreysm/1980zx.gif I downloaded this from autozone.
  16. Yes those two yellow wires. I think they are green going to the relay on the car though. Are you getting 12+ two both of them? Don't look at the condition, look for voltage to each wire to the EFI relay.
  17. Sammy, if you looked at the diagram I posted from autozone, you will see that the EFI relay has two Fusible links going to itself. One of those may be bad. Also you should check if both green wires going into the relay have a constant 12 volts. That may be why pin 10 is not getting power. The EFI relay energizes has two different paths.
  18. I got this one from autozone. The link is better than the attachment as you can size it: http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu85/jeffreysm/1978_Wiring_Diamgram.gif
  19. One under this thread but it is ugly. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=156508 I'll keep looking
  20. Are you sure your Fusible links are good? If the igintion one is bad won't this prevent power getting completely through to the ECU? http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fusiblelinks/index.html
  21. Sammy, if you get this running, you need to send Paul a very nice Xmas present!
  22. I never did flare it. I ended up selling the HRE's. Likely shouldn't have.
  23. I've also got a set: Both doors, hatch and ignition all matching.
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