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inZane 240

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Everything posted by inZane 240

  1. http://webspace.webring.com/people/cz/z_design_studio/
  2. Use an impact socket. Leave part of the nut on the stud and whack the socket off the nut with the same hammer you used to whack the socket on the nut. It works. HAd to do it at the Stockton PnP
  3. Truly inspirational. Way to keep it real and stick with the color. Love it.
  4. Great Thread First post in many years... 14x7 Rewinds -9 offset
  5. Glad I saw this post! Im there.
  6. Here is a g-nosed Z that showed up to the SocalZ monthly meet...
  7. I'll be there. I'll need to bum a mask from someone.
  8. All i can do is laugh... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=42610&item=2457836162
  9. http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=208384&highlight=#208384
  10. I have it... http://midnights.thexpresidents.com/Midnights/VideoZ/HybridZ%20Video.wmv
  11. HERE- http://midnights.thexpresidents.com/oldschoolinternet.wmv
  12. I have it somewhere...I'll try to dig it up
  13. Here is my MSA BRE styled spoiler. It works well enough for me.
  14. GT4 intro http://image.lik-sang.com/content/GT4PrologueIntro.wmv EDIT: ON3GO u bastard lol
  15. A leak in your intake manifold...
  16. WOW that looks extremly familiar!
  17. Im in the same boat with no sound. EDIT: Had to use windows media player rather than winamp. Wow that is one RETARDED person.
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