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Everything posted by rdsk8ter

  1. I only need to bend about 8 bends and flair 2 peices think they would last that long?
  2. This is what I came up with what do you think? There will be 1/2 flex hose feeding it right at this connector (that is open). Here is the pressure regulator I know I still need a bracket to hold it. I'm waiting to get some more sheet aluminum
  3. or a trained monkey to climb up there
  4. What model do you have? I have a 280zx cable you can have if it will fit just pay shipping and its yours (I will have to find it first)
  5. I just have to combine a 1/2 fuel line to two 3/8 fuel lines, like the aeromotive tech suggested. They told me to run a Y where they all connect. I just didnt know that the T fitting would be ok. I am going to run off the pump a AN flairnut to 1/2 fuel line, then I will convert with AN fittings to a 1/2 flex line (braided) to a 1/2 npt (male fitting) into a T. Off the T I will use screw in adaptors to 3/8 line and hardpipe 3/8 line to the fuel rails it should work out good. Should I make either rail (one will be longer by about 6 inches hardpipe) a straight through shot and take the closer rail off the side or should I take the T and use the straight through section for the 3/8 tube and the side for the 1/2"? I wish I could come up with some pics to describe what im trying to do but I cant.
  6. npt is rated to 300psi if I remember correctly wouldnt it work ?
  7. would fuel injection change anything? I was thinking use a brass 1/2 t with a set of 3/8 reducers in the 2 opening for the fuel rails
  8. Im looking at buying a couple tools some tubing benders, a couple flairing dies (i have a great tool but need a 1/2 die). Are these tools worth a darn? I need a 1/2 tube bender also mine stops at 3/8 tube. thanks alot guys and gals
  9. How much would a t really effect fuel flow compaired to a y fitting? A buddy of mine tried to tell me its very minimal and He wouldnt wast the money but what do you all think?
  10. I plan on doing a 1/2 line from the pump to a y then 3/8 lines to each fuel rail. I found the fittings local at a hydrolic shop. thanks alot grumpy you rock
  11. Hey grumpy I hope you can poing me in the right direction. I have 3/8 hard pipe i need to convert to an fittings can this be done with a female flare nut? If so where can I buy some my brain hurts from looking
  12. Im not sure if its the same but I had a problem like this once ended up being the pickup coil take a hair dryer and heta it up befor you start it see if it still does it. Also whens the last time you checked you needle and seat
  13. god im glad i live in colorado the cops here dont really care. Plus why worry if you dont break the law you dont have to worry about getting pulled over
  14. kinda looks like the pictures are taken under water lol
  15. also look at the angle on the rear tires wtf wow i hope this is a work in progress
  16. got my bottle and bracket all welded up looks killer in person
  17. rdsk8ter

    R200 cv

    I have but they all seem to be about the 280 z and i cant find the adaptors for the zx would i use the same adaptors?
  18. rdsk8ter

    R200 cv

    5-600 ballpark I know the diff will hold but I dont know about it without the cv upgrade. also I am running a slushbox
  19. rdsk8ter

    R200 cv

    before you delete this I did do several searches cant find what im looking for. I have a S130 with a r 200 in the rear I am hearing mixed things do I need to convert to the 300 zxt shafts for higher power or would the 280zxt shafts work just as good?
  20. Is there any reason why I cant mount my fuel pressure regulator on my intake manifold? Its about the best looking spot but I dont know if the vibrations, heat or anything like that would hurt it.
  21. lol If anyone really wants a cord let me know lmfao thats great. could you imagine the saftey inspection crew on that " sir your going to have to take this cord out of your car to run the track...... actually I was hoping you could plug that in" lmfao
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