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Posts posted by Daeron

  1. The diesel guys are getting really uptight that us Z car people are raping "their" junkyard diesel engines for the cranks... They also use the word cannibal... If they want the motors so bad then they should go buy them up...



    OTM: Can you really blame them?? We ARE raping their junkyard engines. How would you feel if you were an old nissan diesel guy in the US and could no longer find parts? $300 for a crankshaft for an old japanese engine is kinda steep; more than it would be given production numbers, if the postmortem demand weren't so high. I am just trying to say that we DO have a negative impact on them, so there's no reason to react to their "uptight" type of attitude.. its kinda justifiable.


    And I for one would love to see photos or videos of a turbodiesel Z car.. I have wanted a turbodiesel L series in a datsun 4x4 pickup since I was a little kid and I learned what a diesel really was...

  2. Fuji Heavy Industries, once partially owned by Nissan, and they are the parent company of Subaru. Hitachi makes the diffs for both companies, I believe.


    I may be wrong, but *I* sure don't think so....

  3. I found a really good distribution block on the inside fenderwell of many 80s and early 90s volvos.. It is basically a plastic housing that holds a copper plate, that had about 8 male terminals stamped into it, and bent over to fit underneath a little cover. Peek around under the hood of a volvo, they are bolted to the fenderwheel in front of the wheel, i think on the battery side. It is easy to identify once you pop the cover off; but it just looks like a small black box with wires going into the bottom with the cover on.

  4. Are you beginning to see how it all operates in general? its a pretty simple system. That EFI bible is the single most important sixty pages for a 280Z owner to have access to; between the hardware and the manual, the Fuel Injestion system make the carbs totally obsolete, in terms of stock performance and reliability.

  5. I was practically born into my dad's 72 240Z, and the Z was an iconic car for my family.. but when my dad and my oldest brother both got 280ZXs within a year of each other, and both had the red interior, I actually grew to like it after some time. It was one of the things that set the car apart from the S30 model, and once I got over my initial "but, it isn't a Z!" phase the red interior was one of the things that drew me to the car.


    That being said, I still prefer the black.. but I am saying that the red is something that you can get used to. Nice Z!

  6. TonyD, I hate to nag you about this.. but I HAVE to know where I can find information on building or purchasing a system to run CNG or LPG on a turbocharged Z. The idea of a propane powered vehicle has intrigued me since I first started picking up a wrench when I was twelve, and now that you have explained to me that its 115-120 octane.. I simply must know.


    I have researched converting my old Subaru to run on propane; that would be a simple issue, since I could simply buy a venturi/regulator valve, restrofit that into my throttle body in place of the injector, and install the ignition system from a carb'ed subaru onto it.. but that is an econobox, TBI system that I would not be interested in high power out of. The Z I would want to be going for a mid/high compression, low boost turbo application (thinking about 10:1 comp, 10PSI boost, and see if I can get enough flow through the snails/intake/heads to let that combination steer me up towards the 300-400 horse mark)


    All I can do on my car right now is read and learn; so I am not going to be buying or building anything anytime soon. I just want to know where I can go to find out more. My (pathetic?) attempts to find information on the web via google search have turned up nothing that wasn't either sinply an ad for a vehicle-specific kit, or a detailed write-up on how to basically make a propane carburetor. Nothing regarding potential high-power, sportscar type application; in fact, none of the "info" modern injection-type systems was any more informative than an advertisement.


    Thanks in advance.. as I said, LPG/CNG have been my primary thoughts regarding "alternative fuel" since back in the days when I was a treehugger first, and a Z-car guy second. (in other words, for a very very long time. I was an idealistic kid at ten years old; we were ALL supposed to love the environment then. I have been a gearhead first for a LONG time now.)

  7. neat! I have asked EVERYONE that I know about this more times than I can count, for the last five or eight years.. and never gotten an answer. Well, now I know. Apparently, it is CERTAINLY relevant for brake cooling, and potentially relevant for aerodynamics as well, just as I suspected!


    and so I say for the second time in 24 hours.. thank you, HybridZ, for the continuing education!

  8. Hey man, no offense taken. I just hate to see people proceed in a manner that isnt careful and methodical.. because I have done it FAR too many times myself, and missed the simple stuff.


    It is hard to tell from a thread whether you are going at it methodically or not sometimes, and I just wanted to be sure you arent beating your head into a wall needlessly... thats all. I wouldn't have posted if I weren't trying to help you.. and sometimes, it takes a little douche-baggery to get the message of "read your manual" across. I apologize, since apparently this was NOT one of those cases.


    Do you have a factory service manual relevant to your year? Honestly, I was halfway through typing my post when I remembered your screen name, and realized we were talking about a turbo ZX here.. BUT instead of altering my "douch-baggery" I just appended the comment at the end, and the reference to carfiche. Seriously though, in my experience if you have gone through all of the manufacturer's tests of all the electronic components, and they all pass muster (and I mean ALL) then the problem is usually caused by one of those "how could I be so stupid" things like bad plug wires, clogged fuel filter, etc... SO in conclusion if you HAVE tested every component out to spec, maybe it is time to step back and re analyze the basic things that you have been presuming were "good" this whole time.


    Again, my apologies. The entire post WAS conditional on "if you haven't read the book," because I couldn't tell from your posts whether or not you had.


    Good luck.

  9. Please do not go stabbing in the dark. These cars are designed logically. The computer needs functioning input from ALL sensors, and it needs all of its "output" devices operating properly too.. "doing almost everything for the FI" means that you have wiggled all connectors. go to http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm, download the "EFI Bible," get yourself a multimeter, and check each component under the hood.


    It really will not take as much time as you have already spent trying to figure this out, and you only have two possible outcomes:


    1. You find your problem, and fix it, in fairly short order.


    2. You are actually stumped, and have a fair reason to be asking for help.


    Service manuals are the technicians second best friend. His BEST friend is years and years of experience with this particular system, but we do not all have that. (I don't, and I am assuming you don't) So, in other words, until you read the book, and do everything by the book, you don't really have much of a right to say "I've done everything and I am stumped!"


    I am TRYING not to come off like an ass here, but the fact is pretty simple. Until you read the book, you do not know how to test each component.


    I just re read and noticed that your 280 is a turbo; You might want to find a factory service manual instead. Try http://www.carfiche.com. In any case, you cannot treat this like an issue that will go away by throwing junkyard parts at it under an assumption that you have a fuel supply problem. Every fuel supply problem I have had in my 280 was caused by a malfunctioning sensor or a bad wire, causing the computer to get the wrong input, and the computer PURPOSEFULLY was feeding the engine too much or too little fuel. Well, one time my fuel pump died on me, but I had that diagnosed within 2 minutes.

  10. You know also if you have a lead on alot of them and i asume cheap ad dirt since they are like useless at the moment I would be happy to buy one and do some research on what can and cant be done.


    I could also do alot of experimenting with a block that wasnt being built to be a running engine.. a simple bore out could be done, and I have access to pistons and rods of all sorts, I guess it would depend on crankshaft sizing. Anything from a 510, Z, 1600 or 2000 roadster we should have in abundance, (junk quality at least, I doubt that much of it is pracitcally usable) if I want it to play with.

  11. Bump!! whatever happened here??


    I have wanted to run a car off of propane since I was thirteen, but it was only last night that I read a post by TonyD stating that it was 110 octane....... i did NOT know that!!!! maybe 10:1 compression on a turbo car ISNT impossible on "pump gas" after all..... :2thumbs:

  12. Really, it is kind of saddening to me.. I broke my "forum cherry" on Zcar.com years ago, and it helped stimulate me to many different ideas with my car.. but after reading all of that thread, the only thing that will have me going back to the site will be the Z car of the month (or however often it gets updated :lol:)


    It is amazing how much difference there can be through different moderators, and most of all simply antiquated forum software and less organization/classification to the sub-forums (or lack thereof) "over there." In the end, it is just a good argument in favor of the *ever-so-slightly* stronger moderation here. (that is to say, more effective moderation. it is a pat on your back guys, not a dig.)


    My dad has said that he doesn't like hybridz so much because "they seem to be a bunch of jerks," but I try to explain to him that we get ALOT of "newbie" type posts here and yes, they get consigned to the dustbin. That is simply the price you have to pay to keep the bar higher. MAYBE if the "other place" would adopt Vbulletin software, it might improve... but that would be as much a result of the number of people who stop using it because they are afraid of the change :rolleyesg

  13. spacecase: before you posted, there was a link to altanticz.ca blah blah.. find that link, and on that link you will find the EFI bible. Download it, print it, print another copy for "shop use" and READ IT FOURTEEN TIMES. I have heard tell of people walking up to EFI Z's that had sat in a field for ten+ years, they made sure that the engine had good gas and checked each component, made sure it passed all tests, and the car would fire right up and run smooth.


    Also, check the PCV system and make sure it is operating properly. http://carfiche.com is also a good place to download your complete FSM fr 76.. it may be "temporarily not available" but it will be there soon enough. (they rotate which ones are available for download, to conserve on bandwidth.)


    In the future, it is more helpful to start your own thread than to "piggyback" on someone else's :)

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