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Everything posted by jeffer949

  1. did you ever get any of that CFD done on the MN47?
  2. Its just some steel tubing/piping. if your needing to replace one. measure the whole and add a few thousandths and find a pipe the right size to shove it in there. A metal lathe would help to get a perfect size but you can do sufficient job with a flat file.
  3. Thought I'd offer this up on here before I throw it on ebay. 280zx turbo oil pan from a parts engine i had years ago. It's been beat on the bottom some but I pounded it out decently and It should work with out issue. Not sure what's it worth but these are getting rare. $150 obo plus sshipping. Flang is flat. Id use it but my car is front sump(maxima) I didn't paint and thought I'd leave that to your preference.
  4. Hi. I'm looking for a bellhousing to do a 240sx manual swap on my 84 maxima wagon. It can be either a 4 or 5 speed. local to kansas would be nice but let me know what you have. Thanks.
  5. Are you wanting just a head or block or engine? I have n42 block/head in my shed Ive been contemplating selling the head off. of. Im not local of course but could ship the head. Let me know what your looking for.
  6. Its not the psi. Its The flow. The holset flows more air considerably than the stock turbo. Did you hold up the 2 and see the compressor size difference?I believe your out of injector or pump. Others have given you great advice. If you can't verify anything like fuel flow or pressure not much ww can do from afar.
  7. I have one I might be willing to let go. Its on an engine I bought and haven't taken apart. Id need to take it apart and see what condition its in first though. Let me know if your interested.
  8. What i forgot to say is that must mean IM OLD!! But my back slightly bulging a disc when I sneezed a few weeks ago should have informed me of that!
  9. Its staying turbo. I have a n42 block and I'm likely going to throw some itm turbo pistons in it. So the question is which would you use for an unconventional turbo setup
  10. HI. Im getting ready to build up a L28 for my Maxima wagon to replace the L24e that I've turboed. It will not be a high horsepower build. I have the stock MN47 head and I have a N42 head. What are your thoughts on which to use? I know the logical answer is sell both and buy a P90. But lets just say I'm odd and like working with what I have. I do have the ability to run E85. Looks like with the N42 I would have a compression of about 8.2:1 and the MN47 would be 8.97:1. Running Speeduino ECU with COP . just thought Id see what your thoughts are on here. The MN47 is currently running on the L24e engine with about 7 PSI of boost. But is pretty laggy due to the stock Torque converter and only being 2.4l pushing the Turbine housing that was used for the 2.8l.
  11. Your 65!!!!!!!!!! Wait... That means 20 years ago when we hung out a few times you where my age... And I thought you where OLD then!!!
  12. Ok. Quickly read through this. I see in your original post that you say you where running 10-12psi on the stock turbo. While i think you have something wrong those injectors will not allow you to run more than around 7psi i would assume. I ran the HE351cw turbo and L28et back in the day and I was maxing out 440 supra or rx7 injectors at the 17 psi range. And 17psi isnt a low number for that turbo and engine combo. 14psi netted me a 12.8 sec at 110mph 1/4 mile on street tires with a slipping clutch the whole way down the track.. My advice which comes from doing it the wrong way. Build up your fuel system and supporting mods first to handle almost anything you could throw at it and then start upping the boost. I blew my fair of head gaskets and pistons 20 years ago pushing the stock fuel injectors.... My current setup in my 84 maxima wagon is the stock l24e with a turbo manifold and stock turbo running stock boost. My fuel system is 550cc bosch injectors with aeromotive FPR, Flex fuel sensor, and a big enough pump to support more than the injectors can flow. I agree with the wiser more experienced posters who posted above. but i think your wasting your time and eventually money trying to keep the stock injectors. I remember when i switched to the Holset it took alot more fuel. it flows significantly more air than the stock turbo.
  13. I was talking about the stock L28et turbo outlet flange. For the down pipe not the t3 manifold flange. But this is long done. I had a friend draw one up and had another friend cut it out on his cnc plasma.
  14. Save your money. Unless your looking for over 400 hp you dont need forged pistons. I believe people have even gone over that mark. You do need to look at the rest of the pistons to make sure they are ok and if your bore is good. Just buy a new single piston or find a used one. Ive broken a few cylinder number 5 skirts in my day from being young and not wise on tunning. Hone the cylinders and put new rings in and let her eat. No need to go crazy on an engine that will likely never see the benefits from the expensive pistons. I may be wrong but with the questions you asked initially on if you could run the piston like this im guessing your new to engine building and are on a budget and wont be adding enough supporting mods to make really big power.
  15. Hey text me 

  16. JSM Message me!!! Well nvm I guess you cant.
  17. have you done any tuning after you fixed your firing order? 2 cylinders not getting spark at the right time will dump alot of fuel into the exhaust and your wideband will read rich. How did you mount the crank angle sensor? That actually looks like an easy way to get a crank signal for any standalone also.
  18. I dont have any source for them. I do have a direction you can start searching though. Years ago I remember a post from Tony D Talking about this manifold and saying that someone could likely make the bellows from a Mercedes Diesel work. Not bolt on but you could make them work. Now keep in mind that this post im thinking about was likely 10+ years ago but its at least a direction to go towards. Some search terms that will likely help is "euro Manifold" as thats what alot of people call it.
  19. We are fine with you doing what your doing. Shoot I'm happy for you. Those components sound great. But why be so negative towards those of us who would rather spend money differently. I bought my whole car for 500 bucks. I am financially stable and I still try to build my car as cheap as possible. Its just what I like to do. This is a cool idea to get Auto trans control.
  20. So. Initially I saw this and I was like... Why?? Seems a standalone like speeduino or Megasquirt would likely be easier/cheaper. Something hit me this morning that this makes this super desirable. AUTO TRANSMISSION CONTROL!!! I am building a 1984 maxima wagon that Ive turbo'ed with stock 280zxt components and a standalone ecu. I was planning on doing a 5 speed swap. But im contemplating sticking with an auto as the foot box is really small and Maybe im getting old. Finding info and a transmission that I can build to handle any power is super hard. With running this ecu. You could run a 4l60e or 4l80e Etc and control it with the stock ecu. I wonder how cruise control would work with the DBW system also.. Now I'm interested.
  21. Hello everyone. I'm currently in the process of building a 1984 maxima wagon. No not a Z but it s a L-series engine. It came with the same Fuel injected as the late model 280zx's. Now Ive turbo'ed the car and I have a stand alone ECU. This is a daily driver for me and I want to keep it as fume free as possible and the other benefits of a functional EVAP system. I have the canister that came with the car that has the 3 ports on top. Dist VC, Purge, and fuel tank. I have no issues where those would go if I was still NA but with a turbo It seems Unwise to pressurize the system. I look at the FSM for the 280zxt and it has 4 ports. Does anybody have any experience or recommendations? Id like to use my stock canister if possible.
  22. MONZTER, Great to see you back. I loved seeing your manifold project back in the day. I marveled in your skills and machining capabilities. While I can humbly say I couldn't design what your making, somehow i find myself in possession of tools that could actually make most of the parts. Engine Lathe, Welder, CNC Router(not a mill but it can take small cuts in aluminum. Not that Im proficient in any of them but My point is just having the tools has changed my perspective. When I watched you design the plenum back in the day it was unattainable. Now, My brain goes, Hrmmm how many days would it take to mill that on my cnc router? LOL. Thanks for bringing some fresh thinking to the board. Honestly your z31 rear hub conversion seems so simple(not simple or easy, I understand that) that it makes you wonder why hasnt this been done before. Thanks sharing your journey with us.
  23. I pop in every now and again. No Z right now but Im building a 1984 maxima Wagon that Ive turbo'ed. I made it to one. Wasn't it called DNI at one point. I was in my 1974 260Z with a l28et swap. I was driving from Daytona beach. I think I had blown up my engine the week before or weeks before. Did a mad rush to get it done. I was planning on getting a hotel the night before but ran into issues getting the car running. Turned out that my friend stabbed my distributor wrong and my cas was way wrong etc. Finally figured it out late at night. Probably around 12am or so. buttoned it up and headed North. Made it just in time for the meet and great at the hotel. Gabe Wigen was there, Rick(speedy) was there. The red RB26 z was there. soilous?? I had "upgraded my turbo to a used HX30 holset which didnt work out. I entered the drag race comp they had. I had never been down a drag strip before then. I won the whole event...... Because every person I raced red lighted..... Last run of the day my turbo blew up and the impeller was seizing up by hitting the housing. I drove home with it that way and about half way home it self clearanced itself and it started making boost again. My prize money is what bought me my He351cw turbo and intercooler and injectors. Fun times.
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