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Pop N Wood

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Everything posted by Pop N Wood

  1. Electromotive is just one example of a coil pack you can use to replace your distributor http://www.electromotive-inc.com/products/hpx.html
  2. Aren't you worried about a piece of road debris getting caught up in those beautiful lines and ripping open a fuel line?
  3. Yeah, definitely need a new diff. In fact, I'll take that old one off your hands for, say $100? BTW, Ross is God so heed well his advice.
  4. Guess I got a little personal in past posts. Sorry for that. Sincerely. My wife says I just like to argue too much. Believe it or not I know my opinion is worth no more or less than anyone else’s. This has been one of the more intelligent opinion threads I have seen on the war. But, as said many times in this thread, I can't get over how some people (not necessarily people in this thread) talk about this country like we can't do anything right. We get blasted for nation building and supporting dictatorial regimes, and then we get blasted for doing nothing against Korea and India/Pakistan (which BTW is not true). We fight two world wars only gaining enough territory to "bury our dead", but now we are being accused of hegemony in Iraq. We go into places like Kosovo and Somalia, in the one case to try and end a pattern of genocide not seen since the holocaust, and everyone ignores us. Yet when we go into Iraq to try and dispose of a dictator everyone in the world seems to agree is bad, we get accused of doing it only for financial gain. Lets face it, we have F'd ourselves in the eyes of every Arab state (except maybe Kuwait) and have probably killed any hope of continuing with NATO and maybe even the UN. We will be paying for this for decades to come. The down payment on this war is going to cost us 6 times the annual defense budget of India, yet some how or the other people are talking about us like we are rich pigs sitting back counting all the money we will make. It also just kills me how people constantly accuse of putting this or that dictator in power. If we are so powerful and so capable at putting people "in power", then why are we having so much trouble disposing of this street thug turned Grand Poohbah running Iraq? One last thing. I think people have not only a right but an obligation to stand up and be counted when they see the country going in a direction they don't agree with. To do anything less would be un American. But remember two things: there are rarely simple answers to complex problems and we live in pluralistic society. Just like the cause of this war cannot be summed up on an antiwar sign, there is no solution that will please everyone. The time for bitching and finger pointing are over. We are in this now and the only thing for us to do is pull together as a nation and try to get it over with as quickly and as painlessly as possible.
  5. Nice try. Not really part of South America and I think you would be in for a fight if you told someone from Puerto Rico they were an American “colony”. They have their own elected government and regularly vote down becoming a US state. I guess they prefer the tax benefits of being a common wealth and exercising the right to self determination. And I am still waiting to see the list of all the land we currently posses in the Philippines. Note the word "currently". By the way, we didn't "run away" from the Japanese, abandoning our troops. They kicked our asses. Give credit where credit is due. Mc Arthur left on a PT boat because he was ordered to. Perhaps because the sovereign government of Cuba signed an agreement with us? Who, by the way, did love us at the time.
  6. What land holdings do we currently have in either South America or the Philippines? We had bases in the Philippines for quite a number of years but gave them back when the lease ran out. The Subic Bay Naval Base is now a FedEX hub and major shipyard thanks to all of the improvements we left in place. What do we currently have in South America besides embassies?
  7. bang847 wrote Well put. A+ from me. ProfessorRog wrote I think this is exactly George W's point. The UN, for many different reasons, was unwilling to act. Iraq has lived under a state of near military occupation for the last 12 years. You can hardly consider them a "sovereign nation" when they are getting bombed on a weekly (if not daily) basis, being told where in their own country they can and can't fly airplanes and living under mandates, enforced by military force, dictating what they can and can't export. Time to $hit or get off the pot. People arguing for the "status quo" of continued weapon inspections and sanctions seem to forget the above points. The sanctions didn't hurt Saddam, because he has deflected all of the pain to his people. What was the first things rebuilt after the first gulf war? Palaces. I understand there is great disagreement about our methods. But people need to give us credit for having the courage to try and do what is right. And to think we are some how going to profit financially from this is ludicrous! People need to be honest and look at the whole picture. Ever hear of the Treaty of Versailles? Did you realize they had weapons inspectors in pre WWII Germany? Ever wonder what the world would be like if the French and British had enforced the treaty with force before the Nazi’s fully gained power and rebuilt their military? How many lives would have been saved? 30 million? 40 million? More? Ignoring Saddam will not make him go away. As the saying goes, lead, follow or get out of the way. I think the precedent being set is a good one.
  8. Check all the vacuum lines. Replace anything that even looks old. You can use an unlit propane torch or engine starting fluid to check for vacuum leaks around all the carb and intake parts. Could be a stuck EGR valve. The irregular timing and clacking noise are confusing me. You need to track down the source of the noise more carefully. Agree that it could be a worn timing chain. Check for slop in the distributor shaft. Hydraulic lifters will really clack if you are low on oil, but that shouldn't make you run that rough. Could also be a failing fuel pump. I assume you replaced the fuel filter when you rebuilt the carbs?
  9. You mean as in right vs. left? I bought a set of your brackets from another member but haven't put them on yet. Is it obvious which bracket goes on which side or are they labeled? I haven't looked at your installation instructions in great detail.... maybe I will have to.
  10. A company called Electromotive makes a coil pack ignition that mates to the opticrap sensor. I think it can even be set up and controlled from the LT1 computer. For some reason I can't connect to external links but try this: http://www.electromotive-inc.com Multiple coil ignitions are the way to go (IMO). They give each coil more time to recover between firings. However, as someone pointed out in the past, it is the opticrap sensor that gives people all the problems. Just another option. BTW, On a near stock engine I would be suprised if either the accel or MSD ignition will offer any advantage over the the stock electronic ignition in good condition. Other opinions?
  11. Rotors out of true did it for me. Check the rotor run out as per the service manual. Could be complicated by worn tie rod ends, worn ball joints, excessive play in the steering rack or steering rack bushings, loose wheel bearings, out of round tires, bad alignment, worn struts. Oh, also check the tire pressure. and check for irregular wear patterns.
  12. Semper Fi," short for the latin "Semper Fidelis," means "always faithful."
  13. Pop N Wood

    bob dylan

    Tender Loving Blues ( I know most of the words) Like a Rolling Stone (classic American poetry "If you aint got nothing baby, you got nothing to lose. Your invincible now you've got no secrets, to concealllllll. How does it feel?") Lay lady lay (I never really liked this one but it is an recognized classic)
  14. Do a search of ZF6 trannies. They have come up many times before. Hideously expensive and the shifter if a difficult fit in a Z. Even the repair parts are priced out of this world. One guy accidentially bought one and asked how it could be adapted to his Z. The best advice he got was to sell it to a Corvette restorer for big $$$ and use the money to buy a t56 plus quite a bit more.
  15. You forgot a couple of things. With the exception of North Korea, none of these countries has invaded another country. And if you read about North Korea, you will know that the US, as part of a UN coalition, invaded and totally defeated North Korea. It was only after China counter attacked that the 38th parallel was established. North Korea is a terrorist state, one that is so incapable of feeding it's own people they had to recently pass laws banning cannibalism (God's honest fact). It is theorized that the Taepo Dong missile will eventually be able to reach the US, but can't at this time and never will in any kinds of numbers. If it wasn't for a nuclear capable China there would only be one Korea. And no, the North Korean army is so antiquated that the only reason they are a threat is China. Blood for oil. I don't understand this concept. I guess a simple statement for simple, uninformed minds. The problem is infinitely more complicated than that. To people that always accuse the US of thinking of it's own interest, I ask you what our motivation was for Kosovo? Oil? Money? Coca Cola? Get real. Why have we kept US troops in South Korea and Germany for the past 60 f'ing years? How effective would South African sanctions have been without US support. And Somalia. What was our self serving goal there? I think this country, with some notable exceptions, tries to do the right thing. The big problem we have had is determining what is right. The problem with oil is oil means money and money makes it possible for a mad man to brutalize innocent people. Only a simple minded fool would think otherwise. There is an old saying emblazed on the Holocaust memorial in the Baltimore inner harbor. It says he who fails to learn from history is condemned to relive it. Giving Czechoslovakia to the Nazi’s sure didn’t buy “Peace in Our Time†nor avoid the holocaust. Attempting to appease some mad man who has been estimated to have killed 2 MILLION of his own people because "he is not a threat to us" is an act of sheer cowardice. Eventually Saddam's oil money WILL yield him nuclear weapons. Better to deal with it now rather than later.
  16. Keep the faith. We have a president who takes care of his own. The military is being given everything it needs to do what it was asked to do. And for the treatment of prisoners, justice will be served once we finish taking the country.
  17. LOTS of guys have 400 HP with an R200. Going solid axle is overkill IMO and, not to be a purist, takes away from one of the biggest benefits of a Z: a cheap, good handling rear IRS. If you were looking at 700 HP then a solid axle would be a whole nother issue. On the driveshaft, get a GM driveshaft and have it shortened. The JTR book tells you what yoke will work with the R200. One guy strongly recommended an aluminum shaft. Claims it really cuts down on driveline vibration. The other item you might want to research is replacing the U joint half shafts with a CV conversion. If you are near stock ride height, them the U joints are fine. But if you have lowered your car by a couple of inches or more, the CV's might be a more bullet proof upgrade.
  18. Oh man! Deja Vu all over again. Your screen name wasn't WRXs2Fast4U in another life, was it? http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=19245&highlight= Is it me or does this thread sound familiar?
  19. To me the fore-aft position of the engine is not as important as the weight distribution and whether a T56 shifter is positioned correctly. If the aluminum block LS1 is lighter, than being farther forward might be the correct position anyway.
  20. Definitly better in the snow. Also allows a lighter, more space efficient car. As far as better performance? Nahhhh,
  21. Was meant as a joke, but didn't come off right. Sorry if it offended anyone.
  22. Are you sure the guy knew he was in a race?
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