It is not transit time that matters. It is pressure drop. Pressure drop and intake volume.
Tubing diameter is only part of the story. Take a fixed diameter pipe and make in longer and you will have more pressure drop through it. Just like needing a heavier guage wire as the circuit length increases.
And for lag, you need to be concerned with volume of the intake track. With a larger volume you will have a greater mass of air, and under pressure, more stored energy. It is overcoming the inertia of the air mass and charging up and bleeding down of the stored energy that can contribute directly to the lack of a throttle response.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with your set up. Looks sanitary to me. But I do maintain that the smaller the intake track the better, both in terms of throttle response and ultimate HP. That is why some people use air to water intercoolers.
Measure the pressure drop from the turbo to the intake at full load. That will tell you what you may have lost or gained but the longer piping.