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Everything posted by Jay1970Z

  1. I think its basically Tokyo Extreme Racer but each car is represented by a Wangan character. Just get Tokyo Extreme Zero, the last guy is a Z anyway I think. I had Tokyo Extreme 2 for Dreamcast and the 240Z the last guy has is by far the best car in the game.
  2. Don't go to Vegas, have Vegas come to you! (For the ones at the bottom of the page)
  3. 75-76 Bricklin SV-1 Mid-eighties Toyota 4x4's
  4. TRANSFORMERS, Robots in disguise! TRANSFORMERS, More than meets the eye! Which one is Optimus Prime?
  5. Jay1970Z

    2f squared

    Original Italian Job was a great movie. I figured in 2F2F all the DSM's would destroy everything, since Mitsubishi sponsored the movie...figures. It was mostly filmed about 10 minutes from where I live, I'll probably go see it just to see all the local places. I'm not looking foward to all the ricers trying to race me in my Explorer on the way back from it. A hundred poorly driving kids trying to imitate a poorly made movie has got to make the streets a dangerous place Friday night.
  6. Wow! It's like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, except not gay, and with Nissans/Datsuns instead of Oompa Lumpa's!
  7. Excellent use of descriptive imagery. You get an A on your paper lol. Dungmax...lol
  8. I get the American one a lot. I guess Datsun kinda sounds American. Every time I used to tell people at school what the red car in my garage was I'd say a Datsun 240Z. They'd be like, "Datsun? Didn't they make the Gremlin and Pacer?"
  9. Grab a first gen Eclipse GSX. You can pick them up cheap, and are lighter than a second gen. AWD is nice too
  10. The guest post above was me, didn't realize I wasn't logged in. Zline, if you have what I'm looking for feel free to e-mail me with a quote, I was only asking Stephen mainly because he is located very near to where I go to school so shipping wouldn't be an issue, thanks.
  11. Who knows, maybe hes banking on some good press for turbo Japanese cars from "2Fast2Furious". Nice description and detailed pictures he has. I guess you have to take his word for it that it's so great. Way too much for anyone who knows anything about Z's, but hey if he can get that much for it, then more power to him. Maybe I'll put my Z up there for 20k...
  12. Yeah they also have Super Street brand stuff at Pepboys now. I felt like such a loser walking down the "Import Performance" aisle .
  13. Jay1970Z

    Which movie?

    You can never have enough Cannonball Run lol. Another movie that had a chase scene in it that I liked was Get Carter with Stalone. I always thought it was great because the Cadillac he drives in it was near identical to my old STS. I'm probably going to end up liking Bruce Almighty thanks to the Z he drives in it
  14. We should start doing some Speedworld meets. I won't be back in Orlando until school starts again. Right now I am in Ft. Lauderdale, should be back at UCF in mid August. The only Z I have right now is down here in Ft. Lauderdale and runs, but needs to be fully restored to its original form. I'm no purist but this Z is too nice and too original to go Hybrid. I do have a couple friends in Orlando with mild Z32 TT's that usually run low 13's/ high 12's. If I could ever find a Z around here for cheap enough thats not 90% rust I would start my Hybrid project. I guess I'll just have to get an AZ car or something...
  15. Welcome to the board. I'm 19 and live in Ft. Lauderdale myself, but am currently at UCF. Nice to see someone else on here in a similar situation as myself. I have one Z already, but its staying pure Datsun. I've been looking for a somewhat clean one myself to go hybrid with but Z prices have skyrocketed lately around here. Good luck with your hunt and keep us posted on how its going.
  16. Here you could put it in this... http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/6/6/46530366.htm
  17. Whats the deal with the little dude in it?
  18. Right now we have a 75 Jeep J10 4X4 w/ an AMC 360 in our garage waiting to become a swamp buggy. Will probably become the replacement for our former, now departed buggy, which was built off a 43 Willys Jeep. Also have the 70 240Z awaiting restoration (one of first 1000 built so no hybrid for it) Got a 17 ft. bass boat with a 60 hp Johnson, used primarily for bass fishing in the glades and flats fishing in the keys and wakeboarding. I think there is like an 85 Honda ATC somewhere out in my yard. Have more lawnmowers, weed whackers, and other stuff than I can count. Got a bunch of RC cars and boats that are just sitting in my attic, should probably sell them at a garage sale... Just got a 99 Explorer Sport, should probably sell that as well, since I'm tired of driving an SUV already. Also have my dads 85 Toyota 4x4, my mom's 97 325i, and my brother's 95 Accord. The one thing I still wish I had was my 93 Cadillac STS, that was such a fun, luxurious car. I loved the Northstar, too bad my brother totaled it driving it to school one day
  19. I'm in for the regular plain white or black short sleave with the logo and maybe a baseball cap depending on how it would look. I can't wait to get it into my rotation and start sporting some HybridZ pride
  20. Find a cheap FC and go hybrid with it... http://www.grannysspeedshop.com My brother has been considering doing it for quite some time as a low buck project, but he hasn't been able to find a 2nd gen for under 800 bucks around here yet. From what I understand their kit is a quality product, they had some complaints, but I believe they were with the 3rd gen kits.
  21. I just can't stand getting 3 AOL cd's in the mail everyday. My microwave gets a good workout from frying all those things.
  22. Damn, that looks great... makes me want to get some new wheels and flares
  23. I normally don't make fun of peoples' cars because if they like it, thats all that matters, but this guy is the kind that I will rag on. You always see these guys on the road, with their seat reclined so far it looks like their sitting in the back seat and they always try to look tough driving by. I've found the best way to deal with these people is to point and laugh at them, just make sure they see you. Musta had a tuna tower shop rig that thing up for him lol
  24. I had a Jensen MP3 deck which was in my Caddy but is now in my brother's accord. Only paid $150 at Wal-Mart and it looks and sounds good. Kinda silver with a red glow, it looks good. Ray, I also saw that Pioneer deal at Wal-Mart yesterday, looks like a good deal to me, I will probably get something like that for my Z once I get it that is
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