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Everything posted by Jay1970Z

  1. Its been all over the news here locally, since I'm home in Ft. Lauderdale for Thanksgiving. The guy who bought it was from Golden Palace online casino, the same people who always have their name written on boxer's backs. The guy said he couldn't buy any better publicity for $28k. Also he hired the lady who made it to go on tour around the country showing it off all year.
  2. Lol, my roommate has been obsessed with woot for months now! He waits up till 1 am every night just to see what new thing they're selling. He even bought 2 bags of crap from them, and yes it was actually called a bag of crap both times and he happily gave them 8 bucks for them.
  3. Ok, fess up, who bought Halo 2? This game rocks, if anybody wants to play add me to your friends list, I use my roommates account with the gamertag "Bellson". So if anybody has it just message me, we've been playing Halo 2 and Madden 05 online and its awesome. I'm bored as hell right now so lets get some games going!
  4. That was crazy, I don't see how half of those guys could've possibly survived, especially that last clip going into the side of the mountain or whatever it was.
  5. I agree, its your call Mike, but from my own experience I was in a similar situation and I got burned really bad. But whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and it didn't kill me, so you see where I'm going from this. I'll give you some immortal words from the legendary philosopher Kenny Rogers: "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run" If I could go back in time to my situation, I would fold 'em immediately and run like hell not looking back. We're about the same age and I know how you feel, you just need to evaluate it with your own beliefs and be prepared to deal with the results whatever they may be.
  6. I'll take it with the title, when do you need it out by? I just need to arrange transportation.
  7. California has over 600 people on death row, by far the most in the nation. But I think they've only executed like 10 people since the early 70's. So even if he gets the death penalty, it'll be a long long time before anything happens.
  8. I loved all the old Sierra games, Space Quest, Kings Quest, Leisure Suit Larry...I saw my first pixelated breast in Larry lol
  9. As soon as I saw the twins I said to myself, "Oh no! Not the twins, anybody but those damn twins!!!" What a stupid show, "Hey lets take two of the exact same cars, see who can install the same 3 parts in each of them in the time limit, then race them and the winning team gets both the cars!" Needless to say, I was pretty disappointed. On the other hand, the Datsun history parts and having John Morton on were pretty cool.
  10. Yeah, maybe I'll go pull it just for the hell of it, I have until November 20th to go get it. Only problem is its buried in 4 foot tall grass with plenty of wasps, mosquitos, ticks, etc.
  11. Well, it's gonna be fun going to school today, where I've been harassed by the college Democrats for months. They actually set up a "tent city" outside the library where they've been sleeping for about 2 months. They had huge signs saying, "Bush is a murderer", "Be a moron, Vote Bush", etc. Every time I'd walk by the student union there would be about 10-15 "Get out the vote workers" asking me if I was registered to vote and saying I needed to get out there and vote at all costs. When I informed them that I had already voted for Bush by absentee ballot, any number of things happened. They yelled at me, threw things at me, tried to spit on me, and so on. I almost got in a fight with several of them, only in my own physical defense, luckily most of them were the weenie hippie type so no worries there. At least now I can know that its over while they chant, "Every vote counts!". Even if every vote does count, Kerry's chances of winning the election are about as good as the Dolphins winning the Superbowl.
  12. Nobody has any ideas what it could be? I'm really intrigued by this thing.
  13. My absentee ballot was lost in the mail, one of those ones Michael Moore is complaining about. If you hear him crying about how it was only Democrats ballots who got lost hes lying, since I'm a registered Republican and mine's gone. I had to call and complain and have them send me a new one. Ended up getting it just yesterday and they enclosed an overnight FedEx package inside, and I dropped it off yesterday so hopefully it got in.
  14. I have an opportunity to get this thing for free, and it looks to be in pretty good shape, only problem is I have no idea what it is. Its the engine from a 1986-87 Zimmer Motor Coach RV. Looks like a big block, looks like its aluminum. Also looks like it could be 90 degree, with a Weber Carb on it. I didn't see any markings indicating a manufacturer, but it did say "Aluvac" or something along those lines on it. I should've, but didn't get the casting numbers off it. It looked like it had front and rear accesory pullys, the power steering pully came off the back of the engine. I would've taken some pictures, but didn't have a camera with me at the time. I've searched everywhere I could possibly think of and can't find anything on it or Zimmer Motor Coaches. Anybody have any ideas of what this thing is?
  15. I think I became stupider by watching this. Can someone explain to me what the hell was going on in that video?
  16. lol, I have a friend that goes to UWF, trust me, its not where the best and brightest in the state go...
  17. I don't know what the easiest job in the world is, but I do know what the worst job in the world is...janitor at an adult theater, or that dude who walks behind the elepahnts at the circus and shovels up all the dung.
  18. I want to know how Kerry plans to get Europe on board when all he does is call the current coalition "the coerced and bribed". Also, one thing I really hate is how Kerry keeps saying that he'd do anything to protect America...as long as it is alright with Europe. Thats one of the points that I think Bush needs to hammer, if the U.S. feels threatened, the U.S. doesn't need to seek Europe's permission to take care of business.
  19. That is hillarious, I just put it on my AIM profile.
  20. That's funny, kinda reminds me of this http://www.ebolamonkeyman.com/
  21. I think I find it more towards the weird side.
  22. Well, down here in Ft. Lauderdale we survived, as did my parents lake house in Sebring, hopefully my apartment in O-town faired well. In Ft. Lauderdale we lost a ton of palm fronds, some big branches, a few shingles, and a billion leaves. Lots of big ficus trees down in my neighborhood and lots of powerlines. We lost power at like 12:30 PM Saturday and just got it back this morning, most people in my neighborhood didn't lose power for an extended period of time. The worst part of this hurricane was how slow it moved. Everybody down here was boarded up by Thursday afternoon so people were getting cabin fever waiting inside so long with nothing to do. Plus when it hit it just sat on top of the state dumping rain all over the place. Hopefully we won't need to make a "OK FL guys.. ready for round 3????" post at the end of this week. Screw Hurricane Ivan (which in case you haven't noticed is expected to become a major hurricane, cat 3 or larger, and is heading straight for us).
  23. So is this thing a concept or are they actually gonna put it into production...I like everything about it except the exhaust pipes...other than that it looks awesome.
  24. Well, I'm bailing out...hopefully UCF will cancel classes for Friday then I'm heading back home down in Ft. Lauderdale, should be a little safer there since it looks like Frances is coming directly for Orlando. Everybody here thought that Charley was so bad, and it did cause a lot of devastation, but it was only a Category 1 as it passed over Orlando. Frances is a Cat 4 right now and could possibly be a Cat 5 by the time it makes landfall. Right now its projected to hit Daytona/Cape Canaveral, so I'm getting the hell outta dodge while I can. My roommates and I are emptying our freezer and having a big feast tonight since its pretty much a lock that the power will go out for an extended period of time again. Good luck to all the rest of the FL Z guys, hope you all make out alright.
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