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Everything posted by dapiper

  1. 044 back in the saddle again; had water plug. Flushed with Ethanol now OK. Somehow water would not flush with gasoline, like the cyclonic action was separating the two and forced the water to collect in pump like a centrifuge. FYI, if your pump performance drops, suspect the dreaded water plug.
  2. Stock size too short, next size too long. All '77 OEM. Why? Maybe boneyard gave me '79 AC and compressor mtg brkt different? Hate that belt squeal during start-up. Does AC compressor have swing adj like alt?
  3. Just pulled my tank for inspection; see my thread on the Bosch 044 hot fuel overkill. Inside is baffel or cylinder where main feed originates up about half way and the return feeds a nozzle near the bottom. This on a '77 280. Not sure what's on the other side of the baffel. OBTW, how can you effectively clean with that obstruction? Shoud I coat tank with POR or something to prevent rusting? On track or in the garage it pumps air below 5 Gal.
  4. Requalified 044 pump at 23 GPH at 40 psig and 20A draw with surging sound. It's shot. Filled tank but flow remained same. Suspected dirt or water in fuel but drained and pulled tank but looked fine. ?????????
  5. Yeah, checked filter and dropped sample from tank all looked OK, but will check again. Never had problems B4 in 20 years. Will requalify pump after cools overnight.
  6. Its in the 90's here today and my Bosch 044 pump was cavitating. Noticed fuel starvation from lean condition. Could not run boost. Fuel gauge was oscillating around 2 psi, batt volts low and pump pulling over 20A. Pump hot as rail; over 100F. Tank warm. This monster is recirc so much it is absobing heat from rail and heating fuel? Anyone tried this pump? must be too much. Other one only pulled 8A. Pump sounded bad as it slowed and sped up surging. I have over 10 Gal in tank. Maybe Sunoco gave me fuel with high RVP? Prolly did some damage to pump. When will this end.
  7. My 3" Dynomax oval had no measureable press drop and very quiet.
  8. Watch out for reaction forces near bend where you attach rubber hose. A slip on with several clamps will not hold EFI pressures. Recommend you flare end of tube to form lip to prevent hose slippage.
  9. The gauge is liquid filled which expands against the bourdon tube causing backpressure. Do not mount on manifold or just set cold.
  10. FYI get the Bosch motorsports 044 pump with 18mm inlet. I got from rx7store. Performance was 71-67 GPH at 40-65 psig with 13.7V @ 13-16 amp at pump. Use #12 AWG wire min. No need for #10 since most drop at fuse and relay. The 044 with 14mm inlet will only flow 45 GPH at 65 psig. This is the so called replacement pump available on ebay from the fuel pump king. Buyer beware. Bosch needs to have different P/N's.
  11. 14mmX1.5 it is. Bosch provided conflicting info as did almost everyone I talked to. Still think their motorsports div supplies 18mmX1.5. Installed 044 but need to qualify flow vs press yet. Inlet fed with -8 AN. Outlet 10mm hardline to Aeroquip which is sticking. Either 40 or 45 psi depending on phase of moon, temp or which direction you stand.
  12. The N42 EGR return port works nice for average reading. I see 1250F at full blat.
  13. Bosch lit says 14mmX1.5 but just received pump and closer to 1/4"NPT. Anyone know what size to get? And I thought the Germans were perfect.
  14. Yeah low 5 psi when hot. Guess I'll set it hot. Can you take it apart without sproing.....lost parts? what is swarf? Getting Bosche -044 tonight. Wow lot's of different prices on Ebay down to $125 but no response via email or telephone so paying $100 more for piece of mind.
  15. My fuel press will not stay put. Thought it was set at 40 psi, but at 45 so lowered it. Then low at 35 after running. Incr to 40 and next day 45 when cold. What gives? Using Bosche pump which needs repl since just discovered flow is off 20%. Anyone have a -044? Also using Aeromotive reg, fuel rail and RC 550 inj.
  16. My fuel press will not stay put. Thought it was set at 40 psi, but at 45 so lowered it. Then low at 35 after running. Incr to 40 and next day 45 when cold. What gives? Using Bosche pump which needs repl since just discovered flow is off 30%. Anyone have a -044? Also using Aeromotive reg, fuel rail and RC 550 inj.
  17. How can you tune with 85F amb going to 140F at intake cuz puny dyno cell fan can't keep up. On road see max of 105F. Did some calcs and to sim a 50MPH wind wud take 24HP with 480V, 3 ph motor at 10"WC. My bud's going to Bonny with Ford cobra supercharged to 950 HP looking to break record over 200 mph. They were in Mooresville tunnel and measured 35mph at rad out at 200 mph wind. Need to get pito tube to measure velocity at I/C. Stay tuned.
  18. Plan on using relay with some #14 to pump.
  19. HAve you priced alcohol resistant inj lately? Hope you prevail with fab of the manifold, but dual inj probably overkill and adds complexity. Don't sweat inj placement, since most are running RC inj with their narrow 10 deg wide pattern. Now if I can just get an exh hdr and wastegate adapter.
  20. I have a cheap FMC I/C from EBay ($170 shipped) 12X20X3" which keeps within 10F of ambient and drops 0.7 psi at 15 psi boost. Pressure drop starts at 4.5 psi until intake vol pumps up to steady state which takes less than a sec. I measure press drop between compr scroll and intake using Innovate LMA-3 data log. My motor is L28 N42 and routing is thru 90 from turbo thru rad support to I/C then return across back of rad into 65mm TB, all 2.5". Return is wrapped with alum foil backed adhesive polyurethane R3 2" wide pipe insul, which dropped temp 30F. There are total of 5 90's. I can post pix and data log if interested.
  21. Slobber, drool, whimper. Where and how much for that exh manif. Still in production?
  22. I was considering using the 91 mm on an 86 mm bore. The mfr said no.
  23. Suggest you keep MAP sensor tap central on intake to minimize pressure oscillations near a runner.
  24. Check those rings. Especially on ADI turbo, water and condensate can turn aluminum to the white fuzz of death (Al2O3). Avoid scoring cyl by pulling head and checking piston ring grooves for corrosion. Check fuel pump and lines. Alternativley, perform leakdown test. Forged pistons aint cheap anymore. Examine drained oil for coolant and water. Use synthetic oil. OBTW, remove rat droppings from W/W bottle area near firewall and anywhere else.
  25. I took 3.5 cc off my N42 an lowered CR to 8:1. Be careful when unshrouding valves to not undercut too much or the head may not seal well near the valves, although I had no problems with o-ring on block and head studs.
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