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Everything posted by KiD-ViD

  1. just yesterday me and my friends, scott and steve, were riding around in scotts '01 mustang GT. we saw 3 pretty girls in a focus and followed them. we turned down a neighborhood street and were going under 35 I think. this guy with a leaf blower runs out in the middle of the street and we had to swerve not to hit him. we get around the next corner and the girls pull over and we get a number and all that. we are about to leave and this big 'ole v10 truck comes barreling around the corner infront of us and he prolly hit 50 down the street then comes to a sideways skidding stop almost hitting the mustang. its the guy with the leaf blower! he jumps out and flashs a badge yelling "SUPRISE A**HOLE!" (he musta been a retired cop I think) then proceeds to reach inside the car and grab scotts cell phone (which had dead batteries) and pretend to call the cops. we all knew the batteries were dead and he made himself look pretty dumb by doing that. he talked into it and everything...we had a pretty good laugh afterwards. anyway, he chewed us out for awhile then left. now my point behind the story is this cop was doing way more dangerous stuff than us and has the nerve to chew us out. it just makes me mad. but it ended well...no ticket and we still got the girl's numbers and plan a tripple date this weekend heh.
  2. well there are 2 models of the RSX...there is the type S, and the normal model just called the RSX. a type S will do about 15.0-15.5 in the 1/4 but the regular RSX is pretty darn slow...I would say about mid to low 16s 1/4 mile. but you just have to love that 8k redline...so much fun heh.
  3. I was looking at getting the dart pro1 alum heads. 64cc. ya I would have gone to pizza and pipes but 2 hours drive each way just for dinner wasent quite worth the drive and gas. I also had plans to visit a friend at his new apartment in davis so... thanks for all the help btw guys. I love this message board because everyone is so nice, mature, and friendly...everyone is willing to help!
  4. yeah I have posted on other boards and no where are they anywhere near as nice. I wont lie I dont have a Z as of yet...I have been trying to sell my car for awhile and as soon as its gone I should have 6k to spend on this Z. I even got a call about the car today so you cant tell me I am not trying to sell it. heh. Oh yeah and I have driven 2 hours each way for a Z meet. anyway thanks alot for the help and support guys...hope to see ya on the road by christmas!
  5. ya I think I want 112...it sounds just about right to me. how much are they going to tack on to custom grind in 2 more LSA
  6. ok this is all just planning keep in mind heh. the cam is comp cams 304hr-r10 12-460-8....I know I know it has 110 and I said 112 but I wanted to see if they could custom grind it and how much more it would be. anyway, the pistons are ross pistons part #90453 I believe. they are included in an ebay package that is always up. thanks again so much.
  7. wow this stuff is HARD! heh. I got the calc and am using the one in desktop dyno as well for comparison. I am having a hard time finding the piston to deck clearance and the valve relief volume. I found some similar size pistons on ebay that said they had a 4cc valve relief so I used that and guessed and checked till I found a piston to deck clearance that would give me a DCR of 8.5 and that magic number ended up being 0.158. well I guess I will just have to wait till I actually start getting parts to see... I plan this to be a 383. 6 inch rods, 11.1:1 SCR, 304 duration, .600 seat to seat lift, 112 LSA. I am hoping it will work out good. the 11.1:1 pistons are the ross forged pistons that come with the stroker kit I want. they are 11.1:1 with 64cc heads. I want to run pump gas and all that but I am worried that it is too much comp ratio so I will just have to wait till I get closer to figure this all out. thanks again grumpy!
  8. thanks guys I am trying to lean as much as I can before I start my swap. I am interested in dynamic comp ratio right now. Grumpy can you post some of thoes great links you always do...I have learned so much from thoes about cams and engine building in general. also while I am here asking stuff...I feel stupid asking it but when talking about fuel systems people talk about -8an and -6an fittings. I assume this has to do with the size. I would figure 8 would be bigger but then again it could be like the gauge system when the smaller the number the bigger. thanks again!
  9. yeah he is from SF so if there is a big Z meet in SF sometime he might show. Alot of other people here have cars at the same level of his so check them out too.
  10. T5 seems to be the most common. I am not exactly sure how much they go for but Im sure you could find one at the local pin 'n pull. I would think less than $500 but then you have the clutch to worry about. A TH350 auto tranny can get pretty cheap but its in the same ball park as the T5 price wise.
  11. you could always run a procharger unit. They have kits for carbed chevys now. The cool thing is you dont need an intercooler cause the air is cooled back down when the feul is atomized. So I read any way =)
  12. psst all civics are 4 bangers. but that aside what about a northstar v8? or better yet a supercharged northstar v8 haha. you know 800hp in a geo metro would be badass. you would have to have a continues wheel in the back like a steam roller to get traction and then you wouldent be able to go anywhere without wheeling all the way. it would be great wouldent it?
  13. someone mentioned using a chat room. why dont we make a perminent IRC chat room where we can go at random to talk to other Zers any time we want? anyone else down for this?
  14. post some pictures...I am working on selling my current car and shouldent be too long before it is gone. I am looking to buy a Z just like yours. One with a SBC already in it and thats about it cause I want to pick the rest of the parts myself...once people see what it looks like they can tell ya what it will go for.
  15. *bump* comon help him out guys
  16. it doesent sound like the misfits to me. it sounds alot more like rock and roll than punk. the singing is a bit like the misfits but the little yells sound like an '80s hair band. Also the music itself is alot more complex than misfits songs which are often refered to as "crappy 3 chord punk". I dunno just sounds more like metal to me.
  17. well you could do it but I have never seen this documented before so you would be on your own for the swap. it would be a tight fit too. I am currently helping a friend swap an sr20det into his 89 sx. if I were you I would just go for the sr swap...it would be ALOT easier and it is well documented. that motor pushes some good power too. then again you could also go with the rb26dett swap if you want more power...280hp stock I think and that is underrated too. thoes motors will push alot of power easy too. try reading up on www.240sx.org they have alot of helpfull info and some message boards aswell.
  18. Wow! I started working at a plant nursery when I was 14 too. Only I am still working there over 4 years later...and still making minimum wage. But I haved moved up and I am now assistant shipping manager and I would get a healthy raise if I were to work full time. The good thing about some of these "high school jobs" is that you can pretty much choose your hours. good luck.
  19. well the search option is an awesome tool when you are new. The JTR kit though sells for around $300 I think...thats what I have seen it for on ebay anyway. You cant use the stock tranny, you will have to go with a T5 if you want a 5 speed. And the how much will this cost me is really subjective. Are you going to install is yourself? Are you getting a junkyard engine or a crate engine...a junk yard engine can be had for about $300 but crate engines can cost up above $8000. It seems the basics can be done for around $2000 if you are a smart buyer. Anyway use that search tool and read everything you can find....you will need to do lots of reading to get properly informed before you begin.
  20. I was obviously over simplifing. I dident say it would be cheaper than the mustang. I was just saying that alot of people think it is impossible for a honda to pull down 10s. The CRX HF is 1713lbs btw I looked it up. People dont understand that when you are going that fast weight makes a huge difference. We here at hybridz are strong believers in the power to weight ratio correct? well the lighter hondas have one up on us in weight. The B20 block is no heavier than a normal civic B16...it is like a 400+ ci small block...just bored and stroked. anyway I have to go to work maybe I will post again after.
  21. an 87 CRX HF weighs in at 1700 lbs....If you were to slap a motor from a CRV (B20b) and lots of turbo I could see it happening pretty cheap. You can have the internals built up for like $3-5k then get a t3/t4 turbo and run 25 psi. I think 350hp wouldent be too hard to get. 350hp at 1700 lbs comes to a 4.86/1 power to weight. It would take over 500hp for a Z to get this kinda ratio. I am just saying these cars can be REALLY light, and when they are it doesent take too much hp to move them quickly.
  22. I got my first ticket rushing to about a month after I got my license. The guy was a jerk and I was really nice and polite hoping I could get out of the ticket but no way that was going to happen it was a chp heh. 2 days later I had gotten my intake put on my car at the time. So I take a few friends behind Target and get on it a little to show them how it sounds. A nice safe place right? no one would be behind target...anyway there is a cop just sitting around the corner of the building out of view watching behind the target. I come out from behind the building going like 30 and he follows me through the parking lot till I park. (I am not suppose to have people in the car at this time...it is CA and you cant have people under 18 in your car for the first 6 months you drive.) I give him my info and the friends go into the store. He tells me he isnt going to give me a ticket but to be carefull I say ok and he leaves. Now am I wrong or can cops not give you tickets in parking lots? I have heard this alot, everyone says it is because it is private property. anyone know if this is true?
  23. the one that revs higher is going to be faster....it makes alot more HP because HP is just a calculation of TQ. http://www.vettenet.org/torquehp.html
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