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Everything posted by KiD-ViD

  1. I used to be a hardcore shooter game adict...until I discovered the world of MMORPGs (massivly multiplayer online role playing game). Thoes games are truly adicting because they take so much time to get anywhere in the game. I have been known to frag a few though so maybe I will play with you guys sometime.
  2. bling bling is just that...something shinny heh. usally jewlery. it is also associated with stuff that costs alot of money or looks really nice. that is my general conception of it.
  3. haha yeah I saw that like 2 weeks ago. live roleplaying....I admit it I have played d&d before but that crosses the line.
  4. well I am really intent on getting 180 degree headers... do you guys think the pre-made ones will fit a Z? What if I had an exhaust shop custom make some? how much do you guys think that would run. once I heard this sound... http://www.revsearch.com/sounds/dodge450.wav I was hooked. it is so smooth and when I played it for friends they couldent believe it was a v8. what a sleeper that would make.
  5. www.wingswest.com I am sure it will be on there
  6. I was just looking up info on the 180 headers yesterday. I really want to do this to keep that sleeperness. If I just take it to an exhaust shop I wonder if they can work somthing up... ohhh sooo excited to get my Z on the road. Just went crusing in my integra gsr with a frind in his 240z and another in his 240sx. We got lots of people to race us and we dident do too bad so once the Z is running I will be spankin people all over the place. I got seriously mauled by a '69 camaro SS though. I was just happy to see him go. When we launched I though I killed it or somthing cause he was gone.
  7. I second this...it would be great to see what is goin on around here without searching for it.
  8. great to hear from ya darius. how is the injury? I checked out your site a few weeks ago and thoes bike videos are insane. cant wait to see more. I think everyone wants their z to be like yours some day so keep up the inspiration. cant wait to see what you do to the z next.
  9. sorry I dident make it guys I had to work and on top of that the car I would have driven (not the Z) was in getting a crack in radiator repaired so I couldent make it. next time guys next time...
  10. KiD-ViD

    racing songs

    I listen to punk music and it always gets me in to mood to race. it doesent get any better than the fast beats of punk to get you pumped.
  11. its a Z you will always smell the gas. this happens to pretty much all Z cars. dont worry about it.
  12. I have been reading thoes pages and thinking about what you said. one thing I havent found out yet is how to find out the cfm a head can flow. is this directly related to the CCs via a formula or somthing or do you just have to flow test the heads? also if it is the flow test way then is it different for each head or is it the same for all heads of the same type (perhaps there is somewhere where I can read and compare the flows.) I am looking to build a 383 for my z. I am thinking 500 hp/tq would be great. it isnt going to be a daily driver but I would be driving it on the street alot. I want to run pump gas. it will be mainly used for drag racing but I might want to take it to a road course if I get the chance. (wont likly happen) so dont take road racing into the figure much I will just focus on dragging for now. thanks again you guys are so helpfull.
  13. I am not all that new to cars or engines but there are some things I want to read up on. how cam duration, lift, and seperation effects rpm range and other things. also the difference between single and dual plane manifolds. port matching...about how too big of a port hurts your power. etc. anyone know where I can look up these things. also I am looking for desktop dyno so I can play around with it and learn what parts compliment eachother and other things like that. anyone know where I can get it? I have had a really hard time finding it. thanks again for your help.
  14. that is incredible...sounds like a super acura motor to me though. it is high reving and basically has vtec. but a great engine none the less. finnally GM makes an efficant motor I cant wait to see it in action.
  15. WOW! a guy from Stockton! I live in Lodi maybe we could get together sometime after I get my Z running. My frind Nick who also has a Z lives in Morada.
  16. a crx or old civic hatchback are super light and with a b20(crv block) with a japaneese civic type-r head (b16a2) they can pull down like 250hp no problem. they have also been known to run boost in the high 20's. a crx or early civic with a CRV motor turbo'd to hell will get 12's pretty easy. I think hondas shouldent be compared to v8s...its a totally different class the engine is less than half the size. I think us v8zer's should stick to spanking mustangs, 'vettes, and vipers.
  17. are you putting in the corvette irs yourself? if not do you know about how much it is going to cost you to put it in? I have been considering this but there is no way in I could put it in myself.
  18. how much torque does it push? I am pretty sure I am getting a 383 so I am really interested in this. let me know what you break so I know ahead of time what to strengthen. also what kinda Z is this? 240?
  19. oh ok I see now...wow I had to get like 2 inches away from my monitor to see that. I forgot about the intake runners at first.
  20. that picture of the "GM Northstar XV12" looks like a v10 to me...I only count 5 header flanges
  21. well the supercharger is like 2 years down the road and is just a dream right now so I will worry about it when I get there. that eBay link is just an example it was the only decent one for a good price on there at the time. when I do go this route I will make sure it is ballanced and all that. would you go LT1 or carburated? thanks.
  22. I am planning out what to do to my 240 right now. I am pretty sure I am going with a 383 stroker. I am havent quite decided yet but I am also pretty sure I want it carburated not fuel injected. FI just seems a little too complex for me with the ecu, wiring, and all that stuff. eventually I am planning on slapping on a procharger supercharger. anyway on to my question. I am considering either buying a pre-built 383 off eBay (like this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1847915131) or buy all the parts seprate and put it together myself or take it to a shop or somthing? also I have seen cams that say they are 1800-5400 rpm and ones that are 2400-6000 rpm. what exactly is the difference preformance wise? ok I hope that made sence thanks for the input I will be posting more questions soon heh. thanks.
  23. ebay has some nice built motors on it. I am thinking about getting a 383 stroker with 430 hp for like $2300 but then again you dont know the quality of work of the people who bought it. so you might not get something that great and you might get a awesome deal. if you go ebay try to get one that says balanced and blueprinted.
  24. I have a friend who loves Fieros...he says alot of people put northstar V8s into them...god damn that would be insane. they have a completly fiberglass body and are pretty light. also the handeling? what do you expect from a MR drivetrain? heh
  25. Im from Lodi which is about 30-45 mins south of sac.
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