Need to Vent About "The Car Bias". I bounce around other sites and studied this Carboyretardus Syndrome . And I am amazed how many people have these Symtoms
1. One Brand rules all.
That "Honda and Toyota rule all" or "Domestics are the only real cars", "no rotor no motor". Blah, blah, blah.
2. Denial.
I once talked to a owner of a FD twin turbo (i got one in my garage) and asked him what he felt about the car being a lemon. He gave me a look and wanted to know if what I was talking about. I asked him he if he the engine had ever been replaced, he had to admit that it had been changed at 28k. Well I love mine, but these cars go through engines like clutchs.
3. Not Understanding Physics
Clueless people that think ie FWD cars can be "built up to be equivlent to RWD cars", "The driveabity of a 600 Civic is like a V8", etc..
4. People who play on the "Special Plaing Field"
This insecure crowd who toutes "Specific Output". This camp be spotted by observing the slow cars. If I think about it my "Cox 0.049 Airplane on a string" proably owns them all.
5. The Redneck Slinger.
These individuals firmly believes that ALL Camaro and Mustang owners have Mullets, enjoy Skoal, and have an Earnhart tatoo.
6. The Emotional-Anti Logic person
I have a RX-7 Book in which the Author feels that Putting a LS1 in a RX-7 is wrong because when listening to it, it sounds wrong. Like if one was "expecting a violin solo heres a drum solo instead." Please these Rx-7's are generaly make farting like noises.
7. The Halo Effect.
This is found when someone see a great high dollar, high powered one example of a their car and belive that that power trickles down to them. ie... Ower see a 800 RWHP Dyno video of a Cobra Mustang on the internest then feels that this imbues his own V6 Mustang steed with loads of "Street Creed".