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Everything posted by SBC_400

  1. of all the new 350 z's I have seen on the road while i have been out driving my 240, i dont think a single one of them new i was in a Z. I give them a nice smile and little hand wave out the window, and they just look at me and smirk, like "that guy wishes he had my car" and then try to look real cool speeding away. I woudl show them whats up, but it is not worth the gas, especialy at $2+ a gallon. wankers
  2. All I did was to prep the surface (i took care of all the dents and nicks and bad spots in the old paint) and primered any where I burned through the old paint, or put a little bondo, then re-sanded to blend all the spots. final all over sanding with about 1000 grit wet sand paper. (I know it is over kill for a roller job, but I am used to preping for real paint jobs) then I layed on satin black rustoleum. The key is to use satin black and not flat. flat will not seal any of the undersurface and will hold all kinds of dirt and dust in the poors, satin will seal the car and be washable, and give it the oldschool rat rod apearence. also us an enamle with a fine nap roller. the longer drying time will give the paint time to flow and blend into itself. still looks like a roler job up close, but nice and smooth at a glance, and the roller gives it a nice orange peel texture which helps to dull and blend it all togather at a quick look. and all the little details help it too look better than just a quick roller job (I realy do know how to paint, jsut look at the red 190sl in the background, that is not painted with a roller) scott
  3. here are a couple pics of the roller job
  4. that is how I painted my z, satin black with a roller. I love it (not that I wouldn't mind finnishing it eventualy with a realy nice paint job)
  5. SBC_400


    who knows, maby it is running on propane? but what are the chances of him being that smart
  6. OK, I dont have the rules sheet in front of me, but from what I can remember, it is fairly open, except for what I said about "stock appearing" so no alluminum heads or intakes, but we are allowed longtube headers, and the exhaust is limmited to a 3" pipe for each bank and must extend past the drivers seat and exit on the right side of the car. The car I am looking at buying is a 79 camaro. it is completely gutted and has a full cage. it has run at the same track I will race it at for the last 5 years, but the current owner has not had it scaled, so I do not know the exact weight. the current owner ran the car somewhat competitivly last season with an almost bone stock 350, he said all he did was change the cam, and heads, but he did not say to what. compression ratio is open, as some guys are running 9 to 1 and some are running 14 to 1, so octane is not limited either. so I think internaly it is pretty open, just cant look radical. and like I said before, a gm engine must run a rotchester 2gv carb. current rear end gearing int he car is 2.73 it believe, and hte trans will most likely be a th 350. last season with a th350, and a bone stock 307, i ran the car in second gear and it seemed to be a good combination. but the guys I talked to running this class said that with the 2.73 gears, they jjust runn in first gear the whole time. the track is just a 1/4 clay oval, fairly well banked on one and two, and pretty flat through 3 and 4. for the engine, I am looking for a a 327 or a 350, and the budget for the engine is $1000 or less. the less the better. the class is basicaly a sportsman class but it most closely resembles street stock in car preperation. and I am not looking for a track championship this season, as it will be my first year in this class. I am looking to turn some laps more than anything, and I want to be fast enough not to make a fool of my self. so I guess I am looking for what combination of fairly stock parts will give me the best results, and what cam would work best with that combination etc. thanks, and when I get home I will look through the rules and see if there is anything I missed, and post it.
  7. This is not for a Z, but I know this a good place for the right information. I am about to build a budget street stock engine. according to the rules for my local track, the engine must be "stock apearing" and must run a rochester 2gv carb. what would be the best displacement and cam, and what head work should be done? this is a for a low budget dirt track camaro. what would be the best way to get some hp for cheap? thank you all in advance scott
  8. ok, this summer I am planning on building a new V8 Z. I have an engine and a running 71 240 for all the parts, but it has front subframe issues. I am planning on completeting the swap and having a driveable car by the end of summer (not finnished, but close). I am pretty much limited to the summer to complete a majority of the work, because most of it will have to be done outside (not enough inside space for a donor and builder) option #1 I may have a chance to get 73 240 bare chassis. It is a factory fresh chassis bult for racing. Full cage, all front and rear strut bracing the rear fenders are cut with what is left of the fiberglass flairs instaled (one side is a little broken up from moving it around) etc. It hase never had any thing bolted to it. it was bought and never built. the top body surfaces have some surface rust because it was stripped a few years ago, and then left. but the interior, under carage and engine bay are totaly rust free and in the original paint. what are the issues I might have with parts fitting from the 71 parts car, running all new wireing etc. when trying to build a new car from the ground up? option #2 buying a hopefully solid rolling chassis preferable with some work sarted on it, and putting in the V8 and converting the wireing, and strengthening the chassis, and everything else associated with performing the v8 conversion. which is going to be easier faster... which way would you go given somewhat of a time constraint. thanks scott
  9. SBC_400


    lately I have had to re-log in every time I have come to this site, even though I always check the box that says log me in automaticaly when I visit. and yesterday I was trying to post and every time I tried to submit my post, it asked me to log in again, and then I had to retype everything. and then it asked me to log in again. has this been happening to anyone else? scott
  10. kind of along the lines of a "what other cars do you own" but you never had to spend the money, just something you got a ride in or have had the chance to drive. I have had the chance to drive some nice porsche 944 turbo's and some race preped 911 na's. once got a ride in an original cobra sc 427. that car was sick. but the single most impressive car I have ever had a ride in, and got the chance to drive my self, was a... 911 twin turbo slant nose (kremer built) just sitting in the thing and locking youself into the 4 point camlock harnes was cool, and trying to back it up looking out the small rear window through cage not easy. the drive itself was just white knuckled. then the guy who works on the car gave me a ride. from his drive way to the end of the street (an elementary school parking lot) is only like 2 or 3 tenths of a mile. he got that car from 0-130mph and back down to 5mph to turn around in the lot. all I could think of is #1 how do you let go of the wheel to shift, and what is the stall speed of this aircraft. that is my story, what do you have?
  11. currently I only have... 1971 240z with the 400. in the drivway with my car... 2001 a4 lowered on 17's 1958 mercedes 190 sl 1956 mercedes 190 sl (work in progress) 1948 studabaker truck cars I have owned in the past... 1986 jetta 16v 1988 crown vic 5.0 (totaled) 1971 chevelle (totaled) 1969 chevelle (totaled) 1967 IH scout 800 made a 400% profit on that little truck
  12. yes, get it red hot, but not to the point of melting it. A nice deep red will do. usualy a map gas torch is enough.
  13. using a dolly and a hammer, heat the expanded metal, and starting at the outside, hammer in-ward in concentric circles and then quench. repeat until you have shrunk the metal enough so the oil can effect stops.
  14. or just get a big pipe wrench and stand on it. always works at the junk yard for me.
  15. today in my yahoo account I got 6 returned e-mails with attachment that I was scared to open and just deleted them all. they all said failure to deliver, but I never even sent anything to the addresses that it said it could not deliver to. I did not know any of the addresses, but they could have been from this board.
  16. have you ever seen this twin turbo 62 biscayne. I saw it at the world of wheels show here in chicago, I guess it was built just south of here. it is something like 1300 hp and 1000 ftp at 4k rpms. not bad for a small block .s
  17. SBC_400

    New computer

    I just got me a new puter too. brand new mac g5 dual 1.8 gig with a 160 gig hard drive 1 gig of ram. i can finaly be proficient, while still surfing the internet
  18. I dont know of any shops that are big time z places, or in the northern burbs, but I have full confidence in... 1) Gearhead Auto Repair in Glen Ellen, they are good friends of mine, and the main sponsor for my dirt track team. (my z will soon be there for the winter as well. 2) Helmut & Vitos Auto Service in Downers Grove I worked there when I was a kid and they always maintained my VWs they are work mainly on german cars, but will work on all imports. sorry I could not be of more help, but these are the only shops I deal with when I am not working on my car myself good luck scott
  19. I think that would make a great project. my dad is a big benz guy, and I have always wanted to drop a mouse or a gn in his '58 190sl, he has another one he is restoring for someone right now, its all stipped and I am just itching to build an engine and blister the fenders vent the hood bump and chop the door sills and windsheild tun it into a B A SLR. but this is the one I realy want to hot rod my dads '48 studabaker. he restored it years ago, and when he finnished the benz it just started sittiing in my grandmas garage. the body, paint, and interior are still perfect, but the engine seized. last year I got it to turn free, but I couldn't get it to run yet. the old flathead six with the 6v positive ground system is a real pain.
  20. something similar to this happened at a company that a friend of mine works at. andn in the last couple of years since it was brought to the attention of the management, that company has gone from marketing agencies under x amount of employes to being almost completely broke, having to sell the new building they had just purchased and moved into, letting go more than half of their employes and moving to some crappy space in the burbs. so there were three people who complained and threatened legal action, and they walked off with very nice package deals. but the rest of the company, all the inocent employes, and partners and owners are now screwedso that a few people who saw an easier way to make a buck could benifit. so before you take any action, take some time to think about how this might effect the company as a whole, and youself and your friends, and the positions you all hold at this company. .s
  21. in the link you posted, there is a button on the left hand side that guves a list of dealers. I checked tower hobbies in IL because they are a huge mail order place with a website. so you can find them that way or just check out the tower web site and search for the cars there.s
  22. $339 $439 ready to run with radio.s
  23. if you like the cat pictures, check out http://www.mycathatesyou.com
  24. what about ... Welcome to Colinwood Bottle Rocket freeway Mr. Deeds 1941 and for sporting documentaries endless summer p-tex lies and duct tape
  25. I know how you feel. It is not much warmer here in chicago. earlier this week we had a couple days where it was a steamy 1 deg. my favorite part is the wind comming off the lake and blowing down the river on my way to work. then when I get to work I sit and freezzzz. I dont pay rent for my office because I do some work for the landloard, but I dont get much heat eather. It got all the way up to 55 in here yesterday with the space heater full blast.
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