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Everything posted by SBC_400

  1. I would not even wory about how the car will pull in 6th. 6th is basicaly just an over drive gear any way. it is there for good highway fuel economy. My brothers 2001 ss has 3.42 gears and he only uses 6th when his is cruising. but 1800 rpms at like 75-80 mph is how you get 25 mpg out of a 330 hp ls1. just my two cents.
  2. Buttry Rental shoud have them. there is one on ogden ave. in westmont. i used to have one in my shed, but some one came over and barrowed it. and now it is in use, I am being told .s
  3. yea, thats the one I was talking about. I saw 4-5 of them at Chevy Vette Fest this year. I did not realize that they were not avalable to the general public. the owners had the window stickers displayed so it seemed like it was just a realy expensive package. they all had a full roll cages, and 5 point harneses along with all the other goodies. but not available to the public was the basic concept of the 69 ZL1, and all the copo's for that matter. hence the name copo (central office production order)
  4. I think it was 2000 or 01 gm re-introduced the ZL1 copo camaro. that had the alluminum 427 C5R engine in it producing around 600 hp NA. I think the price tag was between 100 - 130k. I wonder if the supercharging of the corvete is an attempt at reducing the cost of the engine? sounds pretty BA all the way around though.s
  5. there was a game called "motor city" that was an online game where you could group up with other people on line and start car clubs, an djust drive around the virtual city and meet people and race them for money, so you could afford more perfomance parts and such. but I just checked the website http://motorcityonline.com and it says that it is all over, no more. but it would have been cool.s
  6. $83,685 and I am compared to ozzy. .s
  7. SBC_400

    Which movie?

    super speedway is great. but "driven"... "Kind of cheesy" more like realy cheesy, it is a mockery of the champ car series, but i wont get started on that. did you know that days of thunder was originally written about the champ car series, and the indy 500 (back when there was an agreement between the two open wheel organizations" but Tony george, Ever the moron and and solely responsible for the downfall of open wheel racing in america, thought it would be bad to do that movie and refused it. so they did nascar instead, and look how big that is now.s (and I am off my soap box)
  8. SBC_400

    Which movie?

    with all the talk about the burt renolds movies, I cant believe that no one mentioned "stroker ace" now that is a classic.
  9. I am sure it is too late at this point, but I would be interested in seeing your show. As for cheep hotels, I have lived here all my life, and I still dont know of any cheep hotels in the city (at least one that i would tell any one to stay in). and I am glad to hear that things are looking up for your family. scott
  10. thats a classic, saw it posted on crapwagon.com a couple weeks ago. it never gets old.s
  11. so are they just junk, or are they worth using?
  12. IF you are just changing pads there is no bleeding needed, just pull the pins, slide out the old pads, push the pistons back to clear the new pads and just reverse the removal process.s
  13. I am wondering if any one has any information that they would like to share about a set of heads I have. it is an old set of Brownfield aluminum heads that came attached to a mildly built 400 that is now in my collection of car stuff. These are old AFR's if I am not mistaken, as in Brownfield became AFR. how good are these old heads, what kind of flow numbers do they produce stock? just kind of wondering. thanks in advance.s
  14. I just spent the whole weekend putting the toyota brakes on my z, and I had all the same problems. eventualy it came down to replacing all the break lines. every time I fixed on thing and stared to bleed the lines, something else poped, then my flairng tool broke, it just never ended. and I have only jack stands at this point. what a pain.
  15. if it is not the JTR setup, or the Scarab, do you think it is high enough to run long tube headers? that is one of the benifits of the Scarab style mounts right?
  16. here is the one pick of the engine mount I have now, does this help? and I am definitly going to see if there is enough width to move the radiator foreward, because it does run a little hot in the summer. scott
  17. I am just wondering, the conversion was done over 10 years ago, and it seems to me to be closer to the firewall than a scarab, but I did not have to remove the hood latch. however the hood latch does interfear with the plug ends on the distributer. what do you think? scott
  18. here in chicago, it is not the snow that bothers me about driving my z in the winter, it is the over use of salt. they cover the streets if they think it might snow. the streets are literaly white with salt well into the spring and at all the intersections there are piles of salt where the trucks stop. and when the dust blows up off the streets, it gets in everywhere, and a z does not need help rusting.
  19. I have a 71 240 with a 400 sbc. and the current trans is a turbo 350. however I would like to change it to a 5spd. if i did this, would I have to have a new driveshaft made, or would my current one still fit? thanks .s
  20. wow, one of the few other people I have heard of who knows senser. and sister machine gun, another great classic. the old studio they used to record in is about 3 blocks away from my apartment. have you heard of Acumen Nation, or The Clay People. same style as alot of the stuff you listed, but real heavy. .s
  21. I agree, new engines will use oil, it is not necesarily a bad thing. so as long as you are aware of this just keep after it and make sure you keep it topped off. My brother got a brand new 2001 camaro ss a little while back, and he had to keep an eye on the oil level for a while untill the rings were seated, so I would not think there are any major issues with your engine.
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