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john kosmatka

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Everything posted by john kosmatka

  1. Never mind, looks like it was a rollover and they cut the motor out of it. Still that guy is a dumbass.
  2. Does come with a motor. It would be possible to fix. But why, byt the time u get the rear clip and it all together and prolly a wiring harness and the price of the car, your already at 80k. But that looked to be a nice one before someone slid it into a tree.
  3. john kosmatka


    Mother of Lord, that thing take the title for the mightiest z in my book . I will have a hard time getting people to race though, the'll feel the power of it and they wont even be in the same car.
  4. Nice! Looks great. I cant wait till I can see mine that far.
  5. Coulda fooled me. I had a tough time finding a parking spot this morning.
  6. Wouldnt think so. Check with Juan just to be sure though. But I doubt it.
  7. So, did you get to beat on it . I would have. So are you going to be doing more work on it or are you just going to be doing the paint body work and detail work.
  8. Keep the pics comming. I love this thread. I really like the red widebody.
  9. And you said you were done with ole blue. You should have known Mike. Z's own you, you dont own them. lol Have fun
  10. Dont get many pics of zgs in action so heres one,
  11. From my personal gallery. Hope you like them.
  12. The final stages of a beast in the making . Youll definitely get in some trouble with that one Mike .
  13. Thanks alot Ill pass this info on to him. I think he said he wanted to run a 70hp shot.
  14. Those 103 fevers remind me of something. DO NOT spray por-15 with no mask, no matter how small the part. I sprayed my wheel well at around 12pm and then later that night I got a 100 fever and then later It went up to 103. The next morning I felt fine. So the moral of this story is, dont spray por 15 without a mask.
  15. What is the status on the car' date=' when I first joined the site you were in the thick of things w/ that car and posting 10 pics a day. Hasn't been news in a long time.[/quote'] Mikes in Texas the z and its motor is in Fl getting built. I wanna see pics too Mike, have your parents take some .
  16. None the less that thing is gonna put a serious pounding on the street. My dad has a 75' Caddy Talisman, and that thing can light up like nothing. So that motor in a Z=Bliss. Great job.
  17. You are going to have some serious traction problems with that beast. Looks great I love it. Btw what is the advantage of the 472 over the 500 I dont know much about caddy motors but I heard a story around here about putting 472 heads on a 500 and having high compression but some very high hp and torque figures. Looks nice, and we need some burnout pics .
  18. Nice , but I need vids. Btw wait to the boost is at 12 youll be killing everything on the road.
  19. made me laugh, even childeren think hes worthless lol
  20. Btw, on your web page is that your Auburn Speedster, that is a really nice car.
  21. Congrats on the personal bests, your car is looking really good. I love your hood your car just has a menacing looks, like if you try racing it your gonna be in for a rough night. I give it . Keep up the good work. John
  22. One of my buddies wants to know what is required to run N20 on a carbbed l series. If it is possible does anyone know what needs to be done in relation the the carb needles and a good setup for the l series. Any help from someone experienced with N20 on the datsun motors is much appreciated. Thanks, John
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