Hey guys,
Yes, I have read through the sticky, but have not been able to pin point mu answer to my question. I've just acquired an HY35 and an 82L28et in which will both be rebuilt with ceramic coatings. Right now, I'm looking at my wastegate options, which leads me to my questions:
1. Is it possible to utilize the stock internal wastegate with an aftermarket actuator, or will I experience too much boost creep to obtain a target boost level?
2. If external wastegate, I will need to have the internal wastegate welded shut, correct?
3. As far as having an external wastegate installed, i am worried about cracking welds. What is the best way to approach this? What I had in mind is taking my exhaust manifold and turbo to a shop, have them drill out a hole, wd on the flange, and the. Take the manifold and have it ceramic coated and then follow up by wrapping the manifold with headerwrap. What are your opinions?
4. As far as oil feed/drain flanges, will standard T3 flanges with an male ports bolt up, or will I need a different solution? I would like to go AN with the fittings, as well as being worried about the stock oil feed line diameter. Also, where/how can I adapt to an AN line as far as pulling oil from the block? Could I drill out the stock oil feed port on the distribution block and re-tap it, or is there not enough meat on there?
5. Will I experience any kind of boost surge with this turbo? I'm having the head rebuild, but prefer not to port it out, I'm not even sure it would be necessary
Thanks guys!