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Everything posted by frank280zx

  1. Ow i like that!!! curious to see how that flows!
  2. well lets show 'mine' somebody started it from an old trust header.. i took it apart made some adjustments and re welded it and made a collector and some bungs for the EGT and pressure gauge, now it is wrapped aswel. Anyhow what i say is; you can also use an (or two) NA header and start from there as you have most of the bends then. Just some food for the thoughts
  3. I am going that route so at least i can give some trail and error
  4. Ill route over the valve cover the way it seems now, and as im only pumping 7 PSI im not to worried about the SC ... but time will tell (btw this is not a wet charger and from the top of my head those suffer from heat more)
  5. It will be inter cooled between the charger and the plenum, if that proves not to be sufficient i can choose to do so between each stage, but with 7psi from the turbo i doubt ill need that
  6. Welcome to the class of super cars a z could only keep up when you would do massive and massive work to engine drive line suspension ... well leaving not much to call a z. however hill climbs time attacks and track days would be fine!
  7. Im in ! when is the finish date on this ?
  8. Clifton, don't worry i have the same concern! however i bought the turbo before i decided to twin charge.. however lets test and see.. otherwise ill go bigger (like a holset orso) But what would you guys suggest ? turbo wise a hx55 ? as a 35 would be small on this set up when wanting real big numbers!
  9. Well i might need a bigger Turbo however i would like a flat curve, what you describe would make more top end and less lag. Ill keep you guys updated! this weekend ill header wrap the spaghetti incident.
  10. depends on prize and quality but i love the aritaspeed unit!
  11. howabout search!!! this is by far one of the most fruitless post on HBZ
  12. It is a T04 (ar.80) turbine housing and a T03 Ford WRC housing it has .48 ar but is nothing like seen on a 'normal' turbo. Tony had it is hand, maybe he can comment on it. ill look up the sheet when i get home! The header is what we call homebrew
  13. im actually looking and 'designing' the engine for NET AVE hp levels, I say designing as i have the cam set up that way and theoretically this should gave a fairly stable HP curve. But as with lots of things it is still all theory. The car is a track day / hill climb / time attack car.. But i have to admit i also do it because of the project!
  14. i dot really know but the turbo is set up for minimal lag aswel with a special WRC exhaust housing. Im hoping for 1500 to be honest might be a bit on the positive side. But at 2k for sure given the size of the SC pulleys.
  15. Yes it will fit between the frame and clear the steering rack. Note it will go in a s130 so i think there is little more room there compared to an s30. Also the picture makes it seem further off the engine than it is. here a picture of the mock up process it shows it a bit better! Also you can see the EGT The turbo will feed the supercharger and that wil be inter cooled and feed the plenum on the ITB's i have a special grind isky cam, fully ported head, nismo valves, H BEAM rods (carillo nock offs) Ross pistons and ITBS very pumped on this as it all seems to fall in place now.
  16. The header and the turbo mounted on my mock up engine the header itself with the bung for the EGT I will use my internal waste gate for now as it should be sufficient for the boost the turbo will run. If not at least the engine will be in the bay so i can see where i have space left as it is getting cramped! Its coated now, so all i need to do now is heatwrap it. Next project is the plenum for the ITBS but that is well on its way
  17. i hope OBX will start to make them so everybody can have them and use them common man .. im very sorry but this post offends me.. reverse engineering is great in my book. then again it is not upto you to decide to reproduce these or not or what to do with the data its upto monster and Tony D Also if one would like to copy buying one is relatively 'easily' done On that note however im all for a group buy!
  18. don't know much about it it is a euro car ( oem euro turbo spoiler, euro markers, UK plates in background) but NICE !!
  19. It is supposed to reverse the Earth’s rotation at 42 psi.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/datsun-240z-260z-280z-V8motor-mounts-fits-1970-1983_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ50454QQihZ014QQitemZ330204702679QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Not mine but could be usable for someone her prize ain't bad!
  21. BMW balancer ??? now do elaborate on that !! pics ??
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