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Tony D

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Posts posted by Tony D

  1. Dude, when was the last time you heard of me taking anything out of the stash of parts and putting it to use? I had stuff in storage for five years, and realized then that the rust was starting to 'eat' my 'investments'...so since that time I've cosmolined everything under the thought that I never know WHEN I'm going to get around to using it.


    15 years later....I'm finding that cosmoline, in my case, was probably a good idea!



  2. I think Hughdog has described the system I was referring to well.


    Drop throttle like Grumpy mentions is usually something vacuum related, mine did the same thing a JGK's did, drop throttle, then after accelerating away mosquito abated for a second, but only after travelling a short distance. Kind of like a delayed reaction.


    Oil control is difficult. Make sure the turbo oil return line is free and clear to prevent it from backing up...if you get high-G oil slosh in a corner making the return back up, it can puke oil into the exhaust past the seals.


    VW's have pretty large volume oil separation cans to let any puke over settle out. I would make sure there is adequate negative pressure in the crankcase when the PCV is operating, and that none is building up under acceleration. If you build crankcase pressure to a high enough level, it can force oil past the valve seals, and up against the oil control ring and then when you drop throttle it looks as though you have bad seals or rings, when in reality you either needed better breather capacity, or some more volume in the system to cope with the pressurization.

    There is a reason the valve cover is vented before the turbo, and the PCV to the manifold---it insures that the lowest pressure (highest vacuum) point available is available to evacuate the pressures in the crankcase at all times. Putting a K&N into the housing gives horsepower by lessening the restriction...but can also reduce on-boost scavenging efficiency of the PCV system at the same time.


    Under boost, the source for 'make up air' is piston ring blowby. Under drop throttle and coast, the fresh air for the PCV is made up through the intake tract connection.


    Putting volume in either place to allow for separation of oil mists and pukeover will help keep it from getting to the combusion chamber.


    Really, with as little consumption as you are getting, it tends to point to more the restricted turbo return or something forcing the oil to back up and push past the turbine oil seals.


    And full circle, high enough crankcase pressure through excess blowby or inadequate venting of the crankcase can cause the turbo to start leaking oil past the seals, same as a physical obstruction of the drainback line.


    Good Luck!

  3. Dead Bird Story: I worked up in Oregon at a Pulp Mill on a 1000 hp compressor. The ONLY time it's shut down is this annual maintenance. I recall it was raining when we did the work one year...

    Next year I return, and there are inlet restrictions that weren't there before. Obviously something is plugging the inlet. I get on a ladder and see pulpy paper covering most of the inlet screen. So I start peeling it off.


    What was underneath was particularly sad. Apparently when we started the compressor the previous year, the birds sitting on the ledge of the inlet air opening flew off. But it started raining so they went back to sitting on the ledge, content in knowing the large whining noise was doing nobody any harm. But at that moment, I must have loaded the machine, and half a dozen pigeons were sucked fast to the screen! There they were, alive, 'spread pigeon' as it were, against the inlet screen unable to free themselves against the suction. The unit operated 8000 hours till next maintenance interval and by then they had been paiper-meche covered into an anonomyous blob of 'pulp fibers'.


    They obviously died of starvation from the looks of them, and then the constant flow of air over them desiccated them without any chance of decomposition. Pigeon Jerky as I remarked at the time.


    Second Dead Bird Incident:

    ILM in L.A., titanium foundry. Another 1000HP compressor. Myself and a senoir technican were complete on the overhaul ready to have the sound enclosure installed for a test run. Big Suits from back east were at the plant, and 'wanted to see the machine run before their flight departed'. We advised that it would be the afternoon as the filter/sound enclosure was not in place.

    The Biggest Suit said 'it's a foundry, we don't care about the noise, just run the damn thing!' We went on to explain the filter function, and they would have nothing of it, 'nothing's going to get sucked in, the inlet is 3m off the cround!' O.K. Mr. VP of Operations, you just sign this liability waiver and we'll fire it off under the recognition that any dammage is your company's responsibility. Hey, it was only maybe $163K for the overhaul anyway...


    We fire the thing off, and it's LOUD. First time it unloads a superhot jet (say just under 270C) of air of fairly large quantity blows back through the inlet as a function of the unloading process. This warms the fannies of about two dozen pigeons sitting on a rafter well above the machine. They start flying around inside the building... Myself and the senior guy watch, while I'm thinking 'don't fly in the inlet, don't fly in the inlet...'

    Well, nothing gets closer than 2m from the top of the machine...there is this one straggler, coming in on a slow glide-path...all relaxed and showing off for all his Pigeon Buddies who have relanded on the same rafter ('bird brain' was clear to me then...) and as he's floating aloft, the inlet of the machine starts to open as it reloads...


    Like something out of a Warner Brothers Cartoon, that pigeon, 2m above the inlet had his wings pinned back, lost some feathers, and was SUCKED into the whirring Lysholm Screws turning at 14,400 rpms with a hot operational clearance of 0.0015". The whine was WeeeeeeEEeeeee and the compressor went on a-runnin'!


    I looked at Big Suit, VP of Operations, and said: "Well, you just added two days of cleanout to your bill! Hope you are satisfied with the test run, can we shut it down now?"


    Had to pull the discharge elbow off and use a hose to remove the remnants of Pigeon Gore from the intercooler bundles.


    They are SO lucky that the thing 'compressed' and passed through. Had it been a smaller unit, like a 350 or 500HP model, chances are good they would have slipped time on their rotors and eaten them up to a tune of $45K!


    And while we're on dead things smelling, when I lived in the tropics...

  4. "Because it has an unusually high current-carrying capacity, a film made from buckypaper could be applied to the exteriors of airplanes. Lightning strikes then would flow around the plane and dissipate without causing damage. "


    I would welcome that advance. When a 737 I was in got hit coming into ORD, it blew a hold in the nose section...When I saw it, my first thought was 'They still use plywood in commercial aircraft?' The second was 'so that was what the bright flash and bumpy ride was about'...


    Interesting nobody in the press release has made commentary on 'BuckyBalls'...I await Leno tonight... LOL

  5. Hey, Marketing and Sales are two different specializations.

    You never hear someone in the Maintenance department ask 'Is that another damn Marketing Guy?'


    No, they universally despise the salesmen! LOL


    Maichor makes three great points as well, my son while little got 'hand me down toys'...Seriously! He got my father's erector set to play with (circa 1938), as well as my father's "American Logs" (apparently times were tough that year and Grandpa cheaped out on name brands...or they hadn't been sued by the Lincoln Log People yet), and my father's Deluxe Tinker Toy Set---again circa '39 or '40 at the latest. We have Kodachrome movie reels of my dad playing with these things at their original christmas unveiling. Now....My dad? Mechanically inept as my brother. Which explains the SUPREME CONDITION of the Erector, Tinkertoy, and American Log sets. They didn't get a lot of use. I mean, we are talking about an erector set with an OPEN FRAME 110VAC squirrel-cage induction motor to power it. I'm talking the real good set something that a product liability lawyer in a corporate environment would NEVER let get to market today (lets blame this all on Lawyers, shall we? LOL)


    But when the other kids in the neighborhood came over to 'play' with him, the first thing they did was turn on the T.V. and ask where the Nintendo was...My kid was hauling out a large wooden crate filled with these hands-on toys.


    In many cases he had to show the kids how to use them!


    I had a game when I was a kid that I absolutely LOVED called 'feely meely' (SHADDAP!) It was basically a large cardboard box, with innertube stretched over hand-sized holes on each side of the box. You had small plastic toys, like a farmer, a pig, a cube, a marble...two of each. The idea was you picked out one, then stuck your hand back in after putting it on the top of the box, and went back in (blind, only by feel) and grabbed the same matching piece.


    Some of them were really tricky, like the four prospectors. They had the shovel across their body (relatively flat) but one went diagonally left to right, the other right to left. Standing up straight, it was really difficult to tell them apart unless you could feel their nose or which hip their pistol was handing off of!


    I made one for my kid and he loved it as well. His friends hated it and thought it was dumb and refused to play it because he was so good at nailing the pieces in the first grab. LOL


    (For Markham)


    "Some are destined to make things, others are destined to market them, and finally some are just going to make a buck any way they can selling an amalgam of items to whomever crosses their path!"


    BWAHAHAHAHAHA. The gunfire on Wednesday was revealed to be an attack on the LNG loading jetty, about 300m from our offices here. 9 Militants dead. Happened just after the last personnel bus left for the day. Woo Hoo, having fun here!

  6. I was away from my office just now, and picked up the #2 combo meal from McDonalds on the way back. I just unwrapped the second cheeseburger. Guess what. No burger. Just cheese, onion, ketchup, and buns. Bahhhh. I'm probably better off without it anyhow. Sometimes you GOTTA wonder.


    If nobody has said it yet:


    Joe Pesci's Character, "Leathal Weapon", Rant about Drive-Throughs and 'What they do to you at the drive-through'...


    Am I a clown, do I amuse you? Do I make you laugh? LOL:biggrin:

  7. BTW, they DO have a 63mm Custom SU available. It took me coaxing my son through my other laptop 7000 miles away (over the phone) to get the linkup, it's pretty cool, and was made for supercharged or turbo applications.




    Take a look, the dual float bowls would be a nice feature. I was looking into this setup for the 240 with the Crown Kit for a 'where'd ye git that carb, Maynard?' appeal during shows.

  8. Yep, resynch the carbs so they flow the same.

    I can do it using hte back of my fingers and judging the 'suction'...


    You CAN NOT adjust the mixture on the carbs BEFORE making sure the synchronisation is correct.


    Lifting the plunger is one of the last things you do to check the final mix setting.


    What you revealed inadvertently is that you have no flow through the front carb.


    This, as Uncle Argyle said the William Wallace 'is something we shall have to remedy'...

  9. Tony, how much of the decision to use EFI on a rally car was because of reliability/power, and how much of it was to prevent fuel starvation/over rich?


    All of the above! During the extremely rough sections, and even to this day with many of the Baja cars, Carbs simply have to get a lot of modifications to keep fuel aeration and sloshing under control. Left or right hand turns can present different situations.


    Power/Reliability in the EFI Off Road cars is a relative thing. They also used Mechanical FI (lucas slide valves) as well---mainly to combat the aeration and sloshing issues.


    Being nostaligic is one thing, but truly knowing what was out there in the day is another thing altogether. I know the comment wasn't an attack, but it was totally dismissive of the systems that were out there at that time. It's just presenting a woefully limited scope of the picture, and mischaracterized what was really going on...


    For some hobby streeters, carbs will be fine. But in most cases where class rules are restrictive (SCCA Mandated use of the 44PHH...) and a series popular, that 'look' may get overplayed and skew perception of the general tone. To the casual observer, it will look like that was the only option available at the time...and that is FAR from the truth!


    Sure, in the USA many people slapped mikuinis on the car.

    In Japan, it was deriguer...

    In the UK slidevalve MFI was used, and even here in the USA Hilborn and Kinsler componentry was used on MFI systems (of which I posess an example as well...)


    It most decidedly was not just all carbs carbs carbs carbs...


    No matter where you were and you started getting into rarified atmospheres of top-tier tuners even as far back (that I personally know of) as 1984, there were analog standalone fuel computers (EFI) in Japan, Haltec was availabe at that time I believe, and ITBs were all over the industry. From Japan I've a catalog from Snagyo Kiki (SK) with their EFI system that was given to me in 84 or 85, and it was the new 82 or 83 eidtion catalog! I've catalogs from the USA in the 80's from Tull Fuel Injection... Kinsler's Catalog was on mimeographed sheets in Pica 12 point with halftone B&W Photographs! If that's not "Old School" I don't know WHAT is! Eggers and Vickers out of WISCONSIN was making L-Engine Hilborn and Kinsler compatible induction sets---and those are oin a CARBURETTED STUD PATTERN! That means pre 1975!!!


    Even the "Wangan Midnight" movie using the SSS car shows blowthrough carbs on the car at the beginning of the show, but by the 3/4 point in the production if you are looking closely you will see the exact same set of HKS ITBs on that car as I have on mine! And that was a car with 600 HP in the early-mid 80s' on carbs and when the movie was filmed (87 perhaps) during the filming the car's setup changed.


    EFI is "Old School", Mechanical FI is even "Older School"...


    But make no mistake, sentimentality aside, this site and forum is about performance. If you want to make a period correct setup that's one thing, you realize the sacrifices and tradeoffs you will have to make.


    But technology evolves, and gets better, and we shouldn't stand on sentimentality when performance is the goal.


    To Lost Fairlady's comment about people saying 'eh, carbs are crap, they haven't given it a chance'---leave me out of that comment if you will. I tried, for over 10+ years. I successfully ran a 350 HP Blowthrough system from 85 to the late 90's. But there was a point when EFI technology (The actual ECU portion) came to a price point where it was simply foolish to remain sentimental or deny the obvious performance advantages inherent in the systems coming available, and tolerating the buggy nature of carburettors in that situation just became a 'why bother with this B.S. any more?' situation. I can say 'meh, carbs are crap' because in a blowthrough system they pretty much are compared to a similar setup using ITB's (of whatever vintage) and any number of different modern standalone EFI computers, up to and including the ubiquitious Megasquirt. It will make more reliable power, it will get STUPENDOUS fuel economy (my triple blowthrough 44s averaged 17mpg in daily driving, so I think I have 'proper tuning of carbs' down correctly...the EFI ITB setup effortlessly gets a minimum of 5-8mpg more in mixed driving...), and be dead-nuts reliable after a long high speed blast down the freeway at 110F, and then pulling off to sit in city gridlock trying to get to the Petersen Museum in Downtown L.A.


    Been there, done that.


    As for '40's being too small'---I've got milk crates full of em and tell ya what, taking the venturis out gives me a 40mm straight bore, FAR better than any 44 PHH setup flow-wise. Some epoxy or heliarc for injector bungs at the front of the barrels, or in the manifold itself, and there you have it: low cost, period correct looking EFI-ITB's with all the look of original Mikuinis. There's a reason I didn't chuck them, and there's a reason I harvested as many as I did while living in Japan (out side the fact they were dirt cheap at the time...)


    The last reason to go EFI, is that unless you are committed to buying specially formulated racing gasoline made to run in Carburettors, the pump gas you get today is now ALL formulated to run in EFI systems. Many of the issues people are having with their SU's in the midwest are directly related to the reformulated gas cooking off like it did in the south and southwest years ago. Poor atomization, stumbling when cold, hard to start when hot, vapor locking...all from improperly formulated fuels being used in a carburetted car. Go down and buy some real carburettor formulated gas from ERC or VP and WATCH how much better your old-school car will run! It's a startling change. Last year for MSA I bought a 55 gallon drum to run the weekend and didn't skip a beat all the weekend long. I'm stretching the response to other realms a bit, but fact of the matter is if you want to DRIVe your car, it's best to have a fuel system that is compatible with your fuel that is available. And that's EFI or possibly even MFI, but if you're willing to buy the right gas for it (and I'd HIGHLY recommend you do) then carbs can be made to run O.K., just don't delude yourself into thinking you are getting a performance advantage. It's pure sentimentality that will have to drive the decision, not logic or practicality. Call a spade a spade and we'll all get along fine! ;^)


    EFI was there since 71 or so on a Datsun. So don't count it out just because you didn't know about it, it's as Old School as Mikuinis and Datsun Competition Stickers.

  10. Actually Weber has had 55's out there for years, and the top horsepower guys use them. It was to that point on our Bonneville car, either Weber 55's, or for roughly the same cost, TWM ITB's...


    Why not a single sidedraft into a common runner to the turbo? They used 45 Webers on Corvairs for years...they sucked because they can only flow so much fuel...but it was no different than mounting a 2" SU on there. Easier to tune as well.


    With the availability of Four Barrel Downdraft adapters for turbos, for a drawthrough that is the simplest answer.

    And the Availability of sidedraft adapters for DCOE Pattern Carbs makes the single throat setup kind ofa red-herring IMO.


    In any case, outside of the four barrel, you will limit your horsepower capability to the level supported through fuel flow of the carburettor chosen.


    Now, an EFI Throttle Body and three injectors in each barrel...that may be something different...then you may run into airflow limitations instead of fuel flow limitations.

  11. 1/4 a quart over a three-day track event? That's not oil consumption.


    I'd get your ventilation system fixed to eliminste the fumes, and live with the slight puff of smoke. They will do that under hard use, you may be carrying oil into the intake under drop throttle or pushing it into the intake tract through the PCV under boost , and then when you decel it all makes it's way into the cylinders instead of laying in the inlet tract to the turbo.


    A catch can/mist eliminator on the block PCV vent before it goes to the suction line of the turbo might alleviate it.


    But from the sounds of your consumption, it's nothing to worry about. The fumes are an exhaust leak, and you need to fix that, and get your car properly ventilated.


    I'd not worry about the puffs of smoke, personally.


    My 260 will use less than that in 3000 miles of high speed interstate cruising.

    It will use almost a quart in the same time driving on back roads and twisties. And I can use 1/2 a quart during the MSA Event Weekend.


    But I've no fumes... Visible smoke puffs out back, but no fumes in the cabin.

  12. I'm not sure on their widths, I think we are running 5" rims in back and 3" width in front. Usually a 24 / 25 / 26" tall tire, depending on gearing. The land speed tires aren't particularly wide, it does you no good and makes it near impossible to keep the tires together reliably at higer speeds...the center of the tread bulges out and that is all the contact patch you have anyway. Watch a slow-motion Top-Fuel Lanuch and you will get the idea what is happening.

    USFRA runs throughout the season on the flats, but in march I'm sure they are all under water. August, September, October for sure. Maybe as early as May or June under USFRA.

  13. Yes, Woldson the Honda engines cam towers are no different than main bearing caps on any other engine...you mill the ends of the caps down to make an undersized oval hole., then you line bore from there.


    Different than the L-Engine, which doesn't have a split-bearing setup on the cam bores.


    And of course, making sure an aluminum head is straight BEFORE line-boring a split bore makes perfect sense (see comments on RB Head Salvage in another post of mine to someoneorother...) LOL

  14. "I took all the bolts off of the intake manifold off and the two on either end, are there any more bolts on it?"


    If you took them all off, no...


    There are four bolts on the top of the intake manifold, and six nuts with washers on the bottom. There are no studs/nuts on the end...if you removed those you started with taking the exhaust manifold off as well.


    If you removed the four bolts and six nuts, then 'yes, you removed them all'...


    But that still leaves the water hoses, EGR line, and electrical connections as well as fuel lines to remove. There's more than just nuts and bolts.


    Having the electronically downloadable Factory Service Manual with the general engine breakdown printed out and in front of you will help you determine how things are put together. Shows the parts off their major subassemblies with dotted lines and torque specs for the various pieces.


    Searching for the Chiltons is a waste of time IMO, there really is no reason not to download the FSM ad get the information straight from the Nissan Technical Engineering Support Department...

  15. That's bascially what I just gave you... a Fairlady Z 2/2 will outperform a comparable year US Specification coupe with the same power specifications. My car is consistently 1 full second + faster in the 1/4 mile than every 75/76 US Spec coupe I've come across. So consternating is this fact to some owners, they actually swore at me (in the Texas ZCon some years back!)


    For like-market models, the coupes will have some handling and performance advantages due to the lighter weight (stock versus stock), but the 2+2 will have a lightly less choppy ride due to the wheelbase difference.


    A 2+2 is pretty stable at 170.325mph...:D "One handed drive!"


    I'd assume a coupe would be a bit less stable at that same speed.

  16. Fiberglass mesh screening as a 'foundation for the bondo to stick to' over newspapers stuffed up into the A-Pillar through the large rust hole at the base 'to keep the fiberglass mesh from buckling when you apply the bondo'.....


    It was at that moment, being 'given instruction' by a self-taught auto body whiz (all the while never letting on at 2 years instruction I had undergone back in Michigan before joining the service...), that I decided anybody doing the body work on my vehicle will be watched very very carefully...and as for amatuers? No thanks, unless I've seen their work and know how they work, I don't even consider it.


    The post is actually funny in a sad sort of way. He's a bit uninitiated in thinking he would have gotten any kind of decent install on that kind of a kit for the price he ended up paying. I got a laugh out of his 'rust rant'---you can tell he's from SoCal...LOL


    There is an old adage (which he says is ignorant to point out) that "You get what you pay for." I doubt he would have gotten much better for that price. And with all his expectations of the installer, personally I would have turned the job down. There are some people who expect the sky and don't want to pay for that kind of quality. I suspect from the post content he is one of these sorts of customers.


    Workmanlike job aside, I wouldn't have quoted even $750 for a full skirt install on rigid fiberglas parts much less urethane. That's less (or at most) 10 hours of work. No WAY that kind of install can be done in 'a day' including painting.


    A week, maybe. But then, that would have cost too much.


    "If you can't afford to do it right the first time, how will you get the money to do it over?"

  17. I had a physics instructor that would be searching around his desk madly for something...someone would inquire as to what he was looking so urgently for, to which he would reply "I seem to have misplaced my pencil" (it was stuck above his ear)...

    One time, while he was gazing out the window, looking particularly absent minded, with his head on his left fist, and his right palm open, he started looking around...for his pencil. He looked around his open-palmed right hand as if it was something in his way.


    You got it...the pencil was in his hand! That is something totally different than what I witnessed. We all 'space out' from time to time. I find myself with a moment of panic, then realize that which I thought I forgot to do had already been accomplished automatically by me, without remembering I did it, or having any inkling at all of doing it.


    This Physics guy...he had a mean Chevy Cameo Pickup, as well as a hotted-up Opel GT that he drove to campus every day during the summer months. Of course once the snow flew it was 'Volvo Time' till the spring breakup. Had designed and built his own pit for working on his cars in the old barn on his property (in the days when lifts were big affairs in shops).


    He was so spacey it was fun to play games on him. But that, as they say, is another story...


    For a Tie-In with the Bees, it was either this physics guy, or the Anat and Phys instructor that mentioned corking a bee's nest with a cone of paper and transporting it away from your house. AT THE TIME it all sounded so insane: "Move the beehive, why not just spray RAID on it and be done with it?" Yep, I'm sure it was Larry that said it 'Why hurt the bees? They just made a house---if you had been observant you could have destroyed it in the starting stages, but once the thing is complete it's wrong to destroy it because you didn't notice it for a couple of months. Just make sure they are all inside, and then just move it some place where they aren't bothering you. I do it every year in my barn! Haven't been stung once yet. Once they're inside, it's not like they have any tools to get out through the walls!' He was that kind of gentle... But it made 'common sense' when he phrased it that way. It would take someone like me to use that lesson in compassion for lesser things, that lesson in gentlemanly treatment of animals and all things great and small YEARS later in an offensive campaign of retribution against his own flesh and blood...as well as innocents of all relation...


    Gunpowder was for entertainment purposes in China, and those using it in war were sternly punished. But when Us Europeans got ahold of that stuff, we had a LOT better ideas on how to use the same knowledge base than simple noisemakers and things that flash for entertainment purposes!

    Kinda like Ceremonial Tobacco and the American Indians. Puff a way, once a week, or maybe on some special occasions? NAH! Snort it, smoke it, stick it in your lip...all day, every day!


    Some times 'common sense' doesn't reap benefits...LOL

  18. I was shocked last night when I saw myself on French T.V.! (in NIGERIA of all places!) On a show called "Planete" which had a half hour segment on El Mirage and the bikes that race there. I was shocked to see myself waddling around the starting line, putting the door net in, closing the door and giving Dave the thumbs up...as well as Andy's old van pushing him off the starting line! You could have knocked me over at that very second. "Shocked I was" as Yoda would say. I remember a couple of guys with a Pro Rig camera and Tripod two years ago shooting there, and that they were speaking French. Long hair, big moustache. I chit-chatted with them and made small talk. Didn't even realize they filmed me during our morning run! I'm still kinda shocked.

  19. That would be applicable for the G/FBMS catagory, that would be 2 liter and below.


    A simple boring of the engine to something larger than 2001cc's and less than 3000 would put him in the class pictured.


    Curious what you run into on the road, huh?


    I was shocked last night when I saw myself on French T.V.! On a show called "Planete" which had a half hour segment on El Mirage and the bikes that race there. I was shocked to see myself waddling around the starting line, putting the door net in, closing the door and giving Dave the thumbs up...as well as Andy's old van pushing him off the starting line! You could have knocked me over at that very second. "Shocked I was" as Yoda would say. I remember a couple of guys with a Pro Rig camera and Tripod two years ago shooting there, and that they were speaking French. Long hair, big moustache. I chit-chatted with them and made small talk. Didn't even realize they filmed me during our morning run! I'm still kinda shocked.


    But we digress...


    With the front end closed off like in JGK's photos I could see nice slipstreaming. I just don't know what the function of that silver section is...and it looks like it was added this year. Perhaps it's ballast. I've seen a lot of stuff done to keep front ends planted. But I don't see the trade-off for the open front end compared to the previous 2007 Shots on the Salt.


    I'd really like to spend some time talking with the guys. I hope they come to ElMirage this month (I hope I'm there to see it!) OR for the Two-Day meet in November. Usually a lot of Bonneville guys make it down from the salt to that meet.

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