I have started correspondence with SSAC on arranging shipment and payment. He seems to be under the impression that he is selling all the Group Buy headers to a retail shop for resell to HBZ. At least that's my first impression. Also, he will be needed some guidance on how to design the header and what options it should have. Unfortunately this all may be a mute issue. After taking some more time looking at clearances and measurements, I've come to the conclusion that my header needs MAJOR modifications to ever fit non-tube chassis S30. To work properly, the flange cannot simply be moved closer to the block without ruining the merge collector. The S130 would not even be close to fitting at his point. I can't in good conscience send the header to SSAC knowing that it is not an accurate template for what this group has/is desiring. This is a major bummer for me as I'm out $800.00. on good faith that the header would fit. My only recourse is to spend an estimated $200.00 to $300.00 to have the header re-worked to hopefully fit my car. I'm still willing to send the header to SSAC but I don't see how this helps anyone. If someone has a different take on this mess then I'm all ears....