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Everything posted by Ferrariferg

  1. The opening rear window is a 2+2 thing. I like it though. You should just be able to deflate the spare to get it back in as long as it is still the space saver tire. If it is then the sidewalls will collapse when deflated.
  2. *Drool* I wish I was going to Vegas sooner. Going to SEMA is on my list of things to do before I die. Somebody get lots of pics and post them for all to see.
  3. I only hit my brakes for a split second and then hit the gas. Just enough to wake them up. But your right. I shouldn't do it. Being tailgated is one of the things that really gets to me. Can't stand it. Besides. If I had just accelerated to get away I would have been pulled over and been ticketed for speeding. I see cops break the law around here all the time. Just a couple days ago I saw a cop racing to a red light with his lights off, took a left turn from the right lane with no blinker, and turned his lights on just to get through the red light. Almost caused an accident. We have some that are respectful so we give them respect. Others are @$$holes and demand respect so my friends and I all remind them that we pay their wages.
  4. I was driving home one night and I had just gotten off the freeway and I had a car come up behind me pretty quick. I'm doing maybe 1 or 2 over the speed limit (30). The car starts to creep closer and closer. I couldn't tell that it was a cop due to me not having the greatest night vision and his headlights blinding me. He eventually got so close that I couldn't see the headlights anymore. At this point I'm getting really mad because I hate being tailgated. He follows me like that for a few blocks and comes extremely close to hitting me when I come to a red light. After a couple more blocks I brake check him. He backs off a bit and when I turn down my alley I realized it was a cop. I understand following somebody for a little while, but that was absolutely unnecessary. If I had gotten the car number I would have filed a complaint. If I'm supposed to keep a cars length between me and the car in front of me, then so should a cop. If I had been hit you better believe I would have sued for damages and made sure they lost their badge.
  5. Awesome. Really interested in how the hood hinge works. Doesn't seem like it would be too terribly hard. The hood would definitely be the hardest part.
  6. I've seen a couple people use lizard skin on the underside as well as the interior before putting down carpet. Its supposed to be just as good as the tar mats that come from the factory except they cover more so its more effective. I plan on using it on my dads 68 Firebird.
  7. What about mocking the pipes up using styrofoam. Then you wrap the foam in plastic to protect it, use the sleeve, once its dry you cut a hole in the plastic at one of the ends and pour something inside to melt the foam. Could be a bit messy though.
  8. I love that look. Classic yet modern. What do he have to do to make that all work? Is it a kit? I would love to do that to a 240sx someday. Thats not the same one as my background but I think that one actually looks better.
  9. They look better without direct sunlight. lol. Bad spot for taking pictures. Not yet. I really need to get some though. The H4's are brighter than the stock sealed beam but not by much. I would love to do LED headlights but I wouldn't know where to start.
  10. I think its awesome. Very nicely done. Could you also post some pics of the one with the Z conversion? It might be the same one I had as my desktop background for months. I loved that thing.
  11. I'll get some posted later today if I can find my camera. I'll try to get some night shots later as well. Here are a couple of day shots.
  12. I put some on mine. Not exactly legal as they are red, but its still pretty cool. I got mine from harbor freight.
  13. Why did you have to show me that? Now you have my brain working and that can be a very dangerous thing. lol. Interesting idea though.
  14. / I agree. / I have a couple friends with FC's and I love the way they sound. I learned to drive stick in my friends first FC. It died a short time later but thats another story. lol. You just have to know how to treat them. Besides. How often do you see a car that you can rev nearly as high as a street bike?
  15. What about an adjustable pop off valve? Friend of mine has one. Not sure of the brand but it just screws right in.
  16. I think these cars are just getting more popular among drag racers in general. I've seen them on Pinks all out a couple times, and I saw a 240 on Pass Time about a week ago. Don't remember much about it but I think it was a 72 and flat black with a Chevy motor of some kind. I do know that it put my 18 flat to shame. As if thats not shameful enough. lol. It warms my heart to see these cars getting more love. lol.
  17. lol. I'm really wanting to at this point. As soon as I fix one problem another one pops up. The day I finish painting my car my window breaks. I fix the window and the same day I have electrical problems. Ugh!
  18. One of my first thoughts. The belt is new and I made sure it was tight. The car doesn't act or sound any different when it happens.
  19. Ok. So I have a weird one. I've never seen this. My car has no charging problems at idle or around town driving, but if I get on the gas or exceed 55mph then my door ajar light and E-brake light on my cluster come on, as well as the low voltage light and my voltmeter says I'm only getting 11-12 volts. As soon as I let off the gas it goes back to normal. It all happens in an instant. It doesn't gradually drop off. It just goes 14v. BAM! 11-12v. My car is an 83 280zx na. The alternator is about a year old and I've checked all my contacts, terminals, and connections. I'm at a loss. Any help is appreciated. Kyle
  20. My first thought was about the pantera hatch. I like it. Not sure about louvers.
  21. Beautiful. That is exactly the look I want. I've seen that car several times but I never knew it was for sale. I would defiantly be interested in that kit.
  22. I really like the rear. The front looks a little too much like a miata for me. I like something that adds some attitude. Maybe I can just redo the opening. Can't wait till its done. Any ideas on cost?
  23. That just gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
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