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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. anybody consider using 1974 cuda tailights they might be easier to acquire but i know its not that nissan cool. example
  2. i actualy like that decal any idea where to get one?
  3. sick wheels i cant wait to get some decent ones so i can throw my flares on. but in the meantime i pulled some "carrol shelby" wheels off a 2+2 280 at a junkyard with new tires and all for 120 bucks canadian.
  4. sounds like valve seals. if it were rings it would smoke pretty much all the time. dose it smoke on start up? cause if so that definatly sounds like valves.
  5. wrecked car in first trailer apears to be a 2+2. why arnt you guys on top of this
  6. thank you i just finished watching too fast to race on youtube and it was a great way to waste an hour infront of your computer gunna watch still too fast tomarrow if i can find it
  7. actualy recently iv heard that they are back in but i cant really prove this tho
  8. ya if i get the motivation il find a toilet plunger but as of right now its not on my priority list. nice ice sculpture never get anything that creative around here just a cozy white blanket.
  9. what happens when you mix ice a roof and a Z car? dont worry the car has no title and is at least 70% bondo
  10. its so classic. amazing how popular these stupid crude drawings can get theyr all over the place.
  11. iv heard a similar one where a man stole some thieves f150 while they were stealing something from a place across his work and then parked it illegaly infront of a firehydrent. supposedly it was a disgruntled ex-employee. props to this guy, made my day.
  12. mixed feelings on this one but very cool non the less. its gunna be a very different little 73 cuda thats for sure.
  13. now if only you could remove the sheet of ice in one piece you could have a z ice sculpture:-P
  14. very nice i really want to do something like this in the far off future
  15. it really makes me lose confidence in humanity when this sorta stuff happens. I mean really i doubt half the people involved even felt guilty.
  16. I had 2.25 going until the triangle center on my first try, but now im still celebrating the accurate to 0.0 on the line midpoint one.
  17. hah i knew some one would point that out
  18. WTB 240Z project with clean b.c. registration. I have all parts to complete a car so will consider project Z in any condition. PM or ph: 250-491-3472 Sheldon.
  19. starwars firebird or milenium falken?
  20. that i believe was on american muscle car it was sort of botched cause they got some rediculos numbers like 800bhp out of a supposedly stock 426 hemi. good show tho its on speed btw.
  21. anyone else reminded of the top gear camaro incident?
  22. well he's from the great white north eh? what kind of canadian would back down from a fight with a black bear. lol
  23. tell her your name is john doe and give her your local police station's address:icon54:
  24. lol i doubt a woman who doesn't even have a drivers liscnece would even know what a vin is. these scamers are way to wordy, they arnt to smart when it comes to scaming car enthusiasts either.
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