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About jhaag

  • Birthday 06/12/1949

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    Denver, CO

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  1. Outstanding job of documenting your work with numerous photos and written descriptions! I wish I had taken a lot more photos of my ZX project. John
  2. Thanks for your help! I’m still trying to compose some ads but I will contact if I have difficulty when I am ready to post an ad.
  3. I sent the following message to SuperDan but then realized posting this in the Site Support section might be better I’m a longtime member (joined in 2000 but only 459 posts) and have made multiple donations over the years but I don’t show up as a donating member. I’ve had health problems and have been inactive on the site for a number of years. I could use your help in getting the donating member issue straightened out. I will want to post some parts for sale for a 280ZX such as a new ZXR wing (never mounted), two doors and a fender. Thanks
  4. Dan - I’m a longtime member (joined in 2000) and have made multiple donations over the years but I don’t show up as a donating member. I’ve had health problems and have been inactive on the site for a number of years. I could use your help in getting the donating member issue straightened out. Thanks

  5. Job well done! One nice touch is the subtle color coordination under the hood. Details like that set your car apart. John
  6. Thank you for the very helpful information and for the photos! I need to replace my broken windshield and this will help. John 1979 Datsun 280 ZX: 350 c.i. L98 TPI engine from an 89 Firebird TransAm GTA; 700R4 trans; Tokico Illumina (front) & Tokico HP (rear); Tokico lowering springs; aluminum driveshaft; Ron Davis radiator; Quaife limited slip w/ 3.90 ratio; Panasport 14x7 wheels; fugly tires
  7. rturbo 930 is the man! That's an awesome memory you have! http://www.pro-touring.com/threads/107091-quot-Mechanix-Menace-quot-An-LS7-motivated-chopped-and-heavily-modified-1973-Datsun-240Z Thank you VERY much! John
  8. Well, my memory is vague on this but I don't recall it being a ZX, but then my memory might be failing. John
  9. Good questions and I am sorry I can't give better clues. What I listed are about all the details I remember. I know it wasn't newer than 78 but I don't recall more than that about the year/model. I don't even recall the engine. What amazed me was the immensity or scope of his redesign of the car. It was so far beyond anything I could do that I always was intrigued by his build. He wasn't a 'pie-in-the-sky' dreamer but rather very serious and meticulous. I know I wondered if he would ever get it on the road, given how much he was changing. Thanks again. John
  10. Thanks for the several quick responses! I know of the amazing posts by Mull and followed his build when he was posting frequently but he is not the person. I looked at previous posts by Boben and am very impressed by his build but I don't think he is the person. I think the person I am looking for was in Finland but I am not 100% sure. I remember his garage was situated below his house and I saw several posts where he had to winch the car up an incline to get some good outdoor photos. He was changing the entire profile of the car and recall that he chopped the top. John
  11. I will be in Helsinki while my wife is at a conference there Sept. 22, 23 and 24, 2017. There was guy (he might have been an engineer) who was an amazing craftsman who was making substantial modifications to his Z. I searched the members forum and none of the names of the members from Finland jumped out at me. I am not sure where he was located in Finland but I thought it was worth asking in this forum. Do any of the members from Finland or any of the long-term Hybrid Z members remember this person? I would love to see his project and talk to him if he is anywhere near Helsinki. Thanks! John Haag
  12. I have no connection to SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) but as a now-retired career counselor at a local college, I think it can be useful for people seeking a career in the industry to explore their many resources. Automotive specialty equipment is a $39 billion industry and often can seem overwhelmingly big. Some years ago I had the opportunity to attend the annual SEMA show and, as an educator, I sought out all of the interns who were working the show. Every one of them mentioned how many employers expressed interest in them. By giving of their time and hard work during the show, they were very visible to the decision makers (attendance is limited to those working in the industry). I worked with several engineering students who, using the SEMA resources, were able to network their way into internships and then jobs upon graduation. Search online using SEMA Career Center as your search terms. Be sure to click on the RESOURCES link in the menu bar when you get to the site. John Haag
  13. Would you sell just the lower piece separately? If so, what would be the price? Thanks, John
  14. I purchased the piece I need. I need just the lower (horizontal) stainless steel trim piece which surrounds the hatch window on a 79 280 ZX (coupe). I was told by a Nissan dealer that the part number for the entire trim set is 90350-P7100. Let me know if you have the piece I need or the entire set. Must be in excellent condition. Thanks. John (Denver area)
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