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Everything posted by theguppies

  1. make sure you have a piece of wood to hold the chain otherwise you're going to need to adjust the chain tension
  2. i found a set. it a 3h30m drive south to get it. kinda not worth the drive for rims
  3. all the enkei on zilvia are sold. anyone on hbz?
  4. damn! i'll try zilvia and hoping i get one. thanks
  5. someone is parting out at 73 240z in the for sale section.
  6. someone out there gotta have one set laying around
  7. looking for a enkei 92 in 16 inch. color doesnt matter much. Condition of the wheel matters!
  8. thanks at-jefft still shopping for a 280z one
  9. need a over flow bottle for my 75 280z and my 240z. also known as a reserve tank for your coolant
  10. as far as i know. HLS exist on all LEFT HAND drive Z in the US. RLS came only in 260z. the only way to tell if it's a california car is to find the stick on the hood (if it is original hood and sticker still exist)
  11. still looking for one? i have the first one for 240z. let me know
  12. i have one and i'm looking for $150 for it. where are you located in the USA?
  13. that shop is super busy. leaving a message wont get you anywhere. you will have to try to get a hold of kevin. a very nice gentleman. took me 2 weeks and 5 phone calls to get a hold of kevin and the check
  14. i have one laying around. i'm in san jose. it's for N47 heads
  15. pm me how much you're willing to pay for a complete swap.
  16. serious inspiration. i have to see it sometimes. really digging the yellow one.
  17. wats your aiming price? i know someone that has a set laying around. could ask him for you
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