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Everything posted by ModernS30
Now that you said this I totally do recognize that car from the Cincinnati craigslist!
LMAO, yes, it does. :FacePalm: Point well proven? 1+12=13 haha.
I was actually talking about this with my mother the other day. I was like seriously, high school is a joke. It takes 13 years in K-12 to learn nothing. Literally you get like nothing that is really important. College, 4 years and you have a degree. Seriously, a college degree in 4 years, but a high school diploma took 12? To learn what? I'm so glad I took CC classes in high school because they didn't cost me a damn thing and they were actually somewhat useful. The issue with K-12 schooling is everybody is worried about hurting somebodies feelings, there is way to much GAF. If the student doesn't want to hard and actually do the work and learn to pass their classes, they fail, that is how it is, that is how life is. If they are skipping all the time, sorry, you are no longer enrolled. Why waste the tax dollars on them? If you don't show up for work, hell probably once without calling in and having a real reason for not being there, and it better be a good one if you do, you get fired.
Wheel spacer studs with safty pins?
ModernS30 replied to aziza z's topic in Brakes, Wheels, Suspension and Chassis
Sounds reasonable to me! I was just curious. -
Wheel spacer studs with safty pins?
ModernS30 replied to aziza z's topic in Brakes, Wheels, Suspension and Chassis
You do realize this thread is 4 years old right? On another note, why do you think wheel shops (good ones) will not work on cars with wheel adapters. They are not safe and they do not stay torqued right. -
My understanding was that you were required to take Calc. based Physics to even take the PE test. Also, on the math level, believe me, I don't really find it that difficult, it is the online homework that I find really annoying. You are supposed to start Calculus but I didn't do well enough on the placement exam so I am where I am. Some interesting discussion has sparked from a rant.
I certainly am quickly learning that learning is up to me and lectures don't give me much but an attendance grade an an opportunity to ask questions and get to know the professor. I am working on being that suck up student that befriends the professors. "Self, why is this guy here? This guy is here because he failed in the industry and could not manage to get the dream job he wanted so he settled for teaching us is one answer. Another answer could be, this guy did the industry gig and was tired of actually doing work so he got more lazy. I completely disagree with the intro classes. I am already dealing with nanotechnology and newer concepts in some of my introduction level classes. Although the introduction classes do follow the general basics on engineering, they are incorporating the newer ideas into the introduction classes with the basic principles.
Oh I don't expect it to get any easier, sometimes you just need to rant and complain and let it out ya know? I also agree that college is not for everyone, but I am doing all I can to make it through, I sure as hell am not running away freshman year because I feel like the system is broken.
I am sorry I don't have a specific part number, as Tony said though, I just went in there and bought a Chrysler door hinge pin kit and used the bushings, I believe they offer an assorted bushing set in a box as well, you could likely just purchase that and match the bushings to the closest fit. There is a thread somewhere on here with part numbers, it is pretty old if I am not mistaken and I stumbled upon it probably a year and a half ago? I don't really remember.
Alright, see if I can cover a few quick responses. First, I was super pissed off when I wrote this, my day start out getting me and my laptop soaked when I was walking to class and Indiana weather decided it was going to randomly rain like it was a rain forest. Then I got a $20 parking ticket and tagged with needing to buy a new $95 parking permit. So I was just pretty crappy all in all. As for the books, I did get one book used, and math books and ones that seem semi important I am actually keeping, there were only two books I was going to sell back, but they wouldn't give me crap so I'll keep them as well. A large bit of the books seem to be made specifically for this University and a new edition with changes "Required" for the class is release seemingly ever semester to year. As for the error with the capitol X and the lower case, I didn't realize that after having calmed down later on today reviewing it again. Majority of the answers I will be getting wrong will be due to formatting issues, and the program doesn't have anything built in to give you hints if you are doing something like this. My Chemistry course last semester had online homework and it had built in hints if you had certain issues. All together the "WebAssign" program we are using is in its first use for the university this semester so I get to be one of the lucky test mules. I've already talked to my professor and she basically told me that as long as I make an attempt at it and I am doing well on the paper assignments/quizzes/tests then she is not concerned so much with the online homework. I am also planning to write a formal letter to the head of the math department voicing my concern on the issues with online homework in mathematics courses. While it may not make any change, if I don't make any effort at all then I sure won't know. The main thing that really pisses me off about the online homework is the fact that I seriously have to pay extra to do my homework, I can be enrolled in the class and pay for the class and everything but not be able to complete my homework until I pay to do it. As for the Internet Explorer, I may give that a shot. Cant stand that browser, I am a Chrome user, Firefox if not Chrome. I covered English and an elective credit dual credit in high school through Ivy Tech Community College. Also they won't take the dual credit Project Lead the Way class credits I got in high school. I took introduction engineering courses in high school as well. Kinda wish I went to Ivy Tech for a year just to get the math out of the way at a more affordable rate.
I absolutely love my brass bushings in my shifter!
Don't spend that much money on those. Go to the help section of your local auto parts store. Purchased I believe the Chrysler door hinge pin bushings, I bought the whole kit for like 5 or z dollars. They are tight but a little tap from a hammer and they slide in, the require very small filing/sanding on the inside diameters for your pin to fit through but it was night and day. Super solid shifts, now if only they were shorter shifts.
Okay, I might sound like an idiot, but I want to rant about something and I'm sure a few fellow college students will agree with some things when I rant about them so I am going to go for it. It is my freshman year in college, I have learned quite a bit about how I need to prepare myself and study, although I learned the hard way by failing two classes my first semester. In this learning the hard way I have also learned about how colleges and book publishers work together to get the maximum amount of money out of your pocket and into their salaries as possible. I failed my math course, and the previous semester the books specifically made for IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University - Indianapolis) is good for 3 classes, I was taking a class that was two of the classes combine, which is the third class. 15300 and 15400 are required classes, 15900 is a combination of the two sped up. I made the mistake of taking that class and not being prepared for such a class at such a speed and the outcome was not satisfactory. No big deal, life goes on, we learn from our mistakes and I will credit replace them with taking 15300 and 15400 and just be a little behind. Well I go to the class and learn that the book has changed in just a semester, although it isn't actually the book that has changed, but the way they do the homework. To do the required homework for the class you either need to buy a new book or purchased the $50 access code for the website (being the book cost $130 I opted for the code). Yes folks, I have to pay to do my homework that I already pay $1500 for the class for anyhow. I will get more into a rand on tuition a little later. Get this though, I am doing my homework, no big deal, I will get it done and suck it up, once again life goes on, I am going along doing my homework, first entire assignment I get a 100% on, cake walk, no big deal. Strolling through the second assignment, seems just as simple and I didn't feel like I was struggling, keep in mind this is online homework on a web page I am doing from my computer, requirement for MATCH CLASS. I get to a problem, I work it out, tells me incorrect. I think, alright, I made a mistake, no big deal, I work through the problem over and over different ways, still it won't accept my answer. Change formatting, everything. The entire time the program gives me zero tips or hints at anything I might possibly be doing wrong and I can't find a problem worked out in the back of the book similar to this one so I can see how it should be worked out. So I just move on, have the same issue with a few more problems, but not all. I complete what I can but I am still very disappointed with the grade I get for not being able to get the answers to the problems. At this point I am pissed off and think I am a complete failure and an idiot. I move onto the third assignment, what I though was a relatively simple problem. Write it out in my notebook, work it out, submit my answer, Incorrect. Again, I am thinking I am an idiot, work back through it, can't come up with anything else, so I just start putting random crap in the answer box that doesn't even make sense. Incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, time and time again. What next, I go ahead and put the same answer I tried the very first time in again, and yep, you guessed it, CORRECT!!! Now how in the hell does a college level math program that mind you I PAY FOR! screw up this bad? Also how many of the problems I couldn't get right in the past assignment did I also have this issue with? I screen captured the "Previous Answers" pop-up window from the program called "WebAssign" to send to my professor and I will also be writing a formal letter to the head of the math department about my troubles and complaints. So I will share with you my screen captured image. Now I already have a problem with the fact that a math class has online homework. My opinion is that math is something you do with a pencil on paper, to be successful you must write it out in front of you. Otherwise you do not properly learn anything, this is the issue with calculators. I am 19 years old, and I realize more than professors in their 50's and 60's that calculators cause people to fail at simple math. Ask the average high school student what 8x8 is and they will probably struggle to tell you 64. That is a simple square problem! Why is my math homework done online? The professor is simply to lazy to spend some time grading papers and actually seeing what their students are doing incorrect so he/she can properly address the problem in lecture. I understand that it is the students job to ask the right questions, but the professor coming into lecture period already with a basic idea of what the students are going to need help with will yield for a more successful lecture period. Moving further from the rant about my online homework and touching back on the cost of books and how much of a rip off they are. I'm sure many of us on here have either attended, are attending, or plan on attending a some sort of after High school education, be it a trade school or a university. Prices for the classes range from $450ish into the thousands of dollars per credit hour for the courses depending on what school you attend, being a state school, or private, and the school name and other such variables. Why in the hell do I pay $1500 for my 3 credit hour class, mind you IUPUI is actually a cheaper school, and I still have to go out and pay $200 for a book? I feel as if books should be included in the cost of a class. Especially being that they have virtually knocked out the used book market by changing books each semester just enough to require the new book to be purchased. Heck, some classes require books that cost $80 and you may never open them. For example, my entry level engineering class ENGR 19500 required a text book. I never opened it, seriously, not once, I got a B+ in the class, it would have been an A but we had some shotty group communication for a project and I missed a deadline on one assignment. $80 for the book, brand new, still is brand new, not so much as a crease. The campus book store where I purchased it told me they would give me $7, where it would be resold for at minimum $60 used, but likely put on the shelf as brand new, because it is. I would rather burn the book for heat, or give it to a homeless guy to burn for heat. Not only this, but I live in campus housing, and pay good money to do so, the services from housing include free busing, which yea, they can say free all they want, but in reality I pay $850 a month for my on campus apartment, a 2 bedroom with 1 room mate, who also pays the same as I do. Now think about it, that is $1700 a month. In the Indiana housing market I could purchase likely two homes and afford utilities for both of them with this much money, and rent the rooms out, hell if I had credit I probably would. Any who, back to the bus service, that never runs on time and the buses are constantly over packed to a limit that is well beyond safe. Besides just that, there is no where to stand to wait for the bus, no shelter, nothing to keep you out of the elements, and since they are so random on scheduling it is a guessing game to run out in time when temps are well below freezing and snowing and icy outside. So I pay for that, then I still have to pay $95 more dollars each semester just to park my car in my apartment parking lot, which is usually overfull anyhow, oh and if you forget your permit one day, actually it wasn't in the truck for just over 8 hours, from midnight, till 8:19am and I got a ticket for $20 dollars, the office wasn't even open so I couldn't file for a lost permit or purchase a new permit in this time. All in all what I am really trying to say here, and I guess all in all it isn't really a secret. The education system in the United States is a dysfunctional, flawed joke centered around money and high horses with huge salaries that want to increase them by continuously ripping you off in each and every way they possibly can. Who the hell seriously has to pay to do their require homework after already paying $1500 for the class? I apologize if I sound like an ignorant fool or if my writing is clumpy and unorganized, it is rather late (3AM) and I am frustrated so this might now be the best thing ever written, be harsh if you must I just feel like I needed to share my thoughts with at least some of my fellow college students.
Do I hear a scared cry from the passenger filming?
I believe I got 10x1.25x60 for mine, but they might have been 70mm. I can't remember off the top of my head, but they are the same thread as the head studs. Sad isn't it? Our head studs are that tiny...
Tire vs power and weight?
ModernS30 replied to vega's topic in Brakes, Wheels, Suspension and Chassis
Now my only problem with this statement is that you left out wheels. I see that the same sized wheel would cause a wider tire to bulge making the contact patch more skinny, but if you have a properly size tire to wheel, the the tire should always be the size as advertised on the sticker/sidewall. Is this not correct? -
This is how I always did it, I would coat it, fine where I wanted the part, wire wheel the area directly where I was welding, then weld.
You should get an exhaust video!
The whole idea is, things that make it more difficult, make the thief move on to the next car.
You should do that, I am very interested to see how your setup looks! I just wish the VG30ET sounded better than it does, they always seem kinda raspy to me, love the engine though.
You have pictures of your setup?
I love the VG setup but everything you do is just pure bad ass. Maybe you have seen the article of a stock short block 4.8 making 1200 crank HP? http://www.performancetrucks.net/forums/forced-induction-159/ls-power-twin-76mm-turbo-4-8l-1200hp-still-going-485734/
Who'd be interested if we made a L28ET trigger wheel?
ModernS30 replied to Matt Cramer's topic in MegaSquirt
Ordered! -
I've got one as well, but it could use some work, PO put many holes in it for random switches and crap.