I got alot of that @ the track yesterday,My brother was beating most street cars out of like 15,There was an STI on a trailer running 11's and a 04 05 cobra running 10's and a camaro running 10's.Those were the only one's beating the festiva.All other were 9 and 8 second cars not driven to the track.At the end of the day they were all shouting,That the festiva was the best car there.
I have a little over 7k including the car,music and other things.I still say its nice having a 12 second car you can drive it every day and go race on weekends for 7k.
Like I told you could biuld one for less depending on your skills.I was thinking I should biuld another one.This one My brother and I will biuld it ourselfs.I should spend under 4k.