Some of this might be a bit basic, but since this is my first paint job please bear with me.
Since I stripped my car all the way down I'm a bit concerned about repainting with Rustoleum direct to the bare metal. I filled some dents with a quality marine grade filler straight on the bare metal, but I know that it's not absolutely totally smooth yet. I don't care too much about getting it perfect, but I also don't want it to look completely crappy. Bottom line is it will need to be better than it is now for me to be happy.
The idea I'm getting from reading tech info online is that I really need to add filler primer so that I can sand it and look for high and low spots, and then maybe do some more small filler areas on top of the primer to get it reasonably flat. I just want to know that the primer I use will work with the Rustoleum. I had found Transtar 6464
and it is a roll-on primer, which sounds perfect. I also found a different website which said that you can add microballoons to the primer to make it a deeper fill. I have microballoons that I used for filler, so I could do that as well if it would help. I'm not sure if that's a safe thing to do on ALL primers though.
Also one of the really nice things about the Rustoleum for me was the lack of isocyanates. I don't have any rebreather gear, nor do I have one of those full suits, so I'd rather just avoid that crap if I can.
I guess the questions are:
1. What primer can I use safely with Rustoleum? Transtar 6464?
2. Does primer have isocyanates? Is there one that doesn't?
3. Can you add microballoons to any primer?
4. Should I just keep adding Rustoleum and wetsanding? (This one seems like a no, but I thought I'd ask...)