I remembered a couple more things I wanted to get done before I painted... gussets and the coping across the deck. So those things got done today. I ran 4 sets of gussets. 2 at the base of the A pillar, 2 at the front of the halo, 2 at the main hoop to the area where the hatch bolts on, and 2 on the sides of the main hoop to the sides of the car. All are 3" wide by 2.5" or so long, except the ones on the sides of the main hoop, which are 5" long. They're all .060" thick sheet, and I bent the end that welded to the chassis in some cases where the gusset hit at a very perpendicular angle. I figured the angle would be stronger. I also used 2 of my tiny gussets where the hoop met the halo. They just slipped right on and welded right up. I didn't want to put another bar there because I thought it might be right in the way of a helmeted driver trying to exit the vehicle.
So that's pretty much it I think, except for door bars which will get done after the move...