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Everything posted by z-REX

  1. oh, you people and your lightbulbs. i'm cooler because i still use candles.
  2. hell yeah... our first moderator you're all in! we have to start getting some more pics, although i'm seeing alot of cars looking alot like mine. at least i'm far from the only one.. if this keeps up like this.... we're gonna need divisional chapters!!! JSR PRYDE!!!!! :malebitchslap:
  3. gabe... no worries. the numbers are all now permanent... the only reason they weren't was because, well, i'm a moron. zr8ed, nicrebel450ca.... check the post on page one of this thread for your #'s. nic, wish you weren't joining under these circumstances . you had and will again have a phenomenal car. datsunboy, i think knee surgery constitutes a legitimate excuse!
  4. i just had to resurrect this one. as one of the guys who fried our remaining brain cells giving you all numbers, now why are so many of you missing your logos? that's like getting your car all done then driving down the street without a license plate!!!!! i'm just gonna write this off as a massive oversight and not try to take it personally. but you have to understand it's that time of the month and i get kinda emotional round now. now for god's sake you slackers....
  5. i'll resize it...i swear! i put the member number in and somehow ended up with a billboard!!!! and your new sig cracks me up!!!
  6. i'm doing the silver faced ultra lites, so you can't use those.... but if you're looking for low-cost you might not want to anyway. they just fit so well into what i'm doing with my interior that i'm sucking up the cost. they do have some lines with a blue backlight and those look pretty cool... but again $$$$$.
  7. tim, that's one nice rearend you have there. cleaner than mine after a whole roll of charmin.
  8. all you have to do is put the cd in the drive, you get the option of what to do with it. click save to computer....... and there it is. windows media player takes care of it. it stores them as windows media files which there are newer players coming out that'll play them. but to burn it to a cd all i use is good old ahead nero, really simple to use which is good since i'm a computer moron. go to any big office store or even wal-mart and you can usually find like 100 blank cd's for 30 bucks or so.
  9. if you weren't so far away i'd say my father-in-law's house...
  10. god, kingston could use some of that.... anyone know where i can rent a crop duster in the dead of winter?
  11. i put every cd i own into my hard drive. that way, i can make any mix i want whenever, or just copy whole cd's. you won't have a radio station in your car like a good mp3 or big changer could give you, but at least you won't care about getting ripped off. like you said, all your originals stay home.
  12. like everyone said, you're still here posting and that's the important part. and, if it makes you feel even a little bit better, jackstand racing has a spot reserved for you if you want it...
  13. i agree completely..... here my sister tries for years before she finds out she can't, yet i'm blessed with my little pride and joy as a completely unplanned surprise. but i'm a firm believer in the theory that everything happens for a reason, even though that reason might not be readily apparent at first. but i digress..... congrats denny!!!!!! fun part#2 about a daughter... the look that can manipulate daddy so fast your head spins. learn to resist, for the sake of all mankind!!!!!
  14. SOLD!!! tack on one more project before she comes off the stands.....
  15. dan, that car looks amazing! i can only hope "gentle as a sledgehammer" applies to mine when it's running.
  16. so how big's the difference between those and the original setup? i'm just wondering if it's worth the money and effort. i'm going all-out on the fronts... is it worth it to do all 4 corners?......bob
  17. "ish ma house.... an' if ya doan like it...you get the_____ out!" i laughed for like three days after i saw that.
  18. chris rock...bigger and blacker eddie murphy...delirious and anything sam kinison ever did.........bob
  19. yeah.... our running joke's winning the marathon!!!!! JSR PRYDE
  20. thanks... now i need new underwear!!! can't let my wife see the bimmers... i'll end up selling my z because she won't leave me alone!
  21. MORE GOOD NEWS! i'm pretty sure that i can get sticker stock and make the stickers my self. my wife's pretty computer savvy and we have access to a couple of really good printers. so.... i'll keep you up on how i do with this. JSR4LYFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhooooooooo-------hhhhhhhhooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! mike, did you e-mail the logo? if not i'm on it..... and sportz2 thamnks for the support and i'll put you on the memberlist!!!!!!!bob
  23. i was thinking something smaller, like a 2x4 or 5, just because i didn't think alot of people would want to put a huge sticker on their cars when they're finally done. something like a quarter-window size, you know? as for the type.... i want bumper-sticker style but everyone seems to want to quote me for vinyl. i know crap about the printing business, but maybe i'm just not making myself clear enough with them? the t-shirts are a cool idea, especially with the hybridz logo on it as well. after all, we are kind of allowed to operate on here.... (thanks mods!!!) and if i get too many more 4-sticker requests i might have to get 500 made!!!!
  24. i'm no lawyer, but doesn't lack of care when in control of something that is not yours constitute negligence? i mean we have all missed a shift... i never blew the crap out of a head doing it but it obviously happens. is he responsible for damages? in my opinion yes, i know that won't hold up in court but he was placed into a position of great trust and he betrayed that.
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