as many of you might know, i've been way too pressed for time to work on my car. it's twenty miles away and i'm a restaurant manager. so, the only wrenches it sees half the time are the ones i leave in it. you can guess how excited i was when i actually had a day to go work on it.
so, after the little post holiday party at casa father-in-law, i moved out to the garage to hopefully make some decent progress. granted, it was cold enough out to make my nipples into diamond cutters, but who gives a damn. i started tearing out the interior. console and passenger seat come out mostly without incident, so i feel good when i carry my newly- liberated datsolounger over to the drivers side to yank it's counterpart. i set my mountain dew down, light up a camel, and start to wrench, when all of the sudden....
the god-forsaken power went out. at least i couldn't see the seat nuts anyway, only feel them, so the lack of light was no real loss. i got the seat out, but with about a million other things i wanted to get done, i had to call it a day.
i'm really beginning to think there's some kind of curse on my finishing this car.