Alright, I was cleaning up some wiring, removing crap I don't need and what not... and was going through some plugs and noticed that my FICD (Fuel Idle Control Device?) was not hooked up... For those of you who don't remember I believe it's the purple plug with the yellow and black wire, not the brown plug for the AAC. [see photo for reference]
Anyway, I am looking through my wiring diagram and pin outs and I cannot find where the damn wire goes back into the harness!
On page EN-265 of the R33 FSM [see photo below], the FICD solenoid wire number 2 I believe is the yellow wire, and I am having a hard time tracing it back to the harness... I tried Pin 46, which is "HB05" aka Purple wire out of the ECU going towards the A/C system.
Getting to the main point right here... So I don't even think I need this do I? Since the FICD pretty much helps compensate load of A/C, Power Steering etc... not really necessary on our application? Can I just cut the plug?
Any help would be awesome!
[Photo credit Crazyhazey33]