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Everything posted by olie05

  1. olie05

    1000 grit / polished

    From the album: Rustoleum

    there is lots of reflection...
  2. olie05

    polished / wetsanded

    1000 grit wetsand plus a little polishing
  3. From the album: Rustoleum

    lots of reflection from this angle. This was taken after 1000 grit wetsanding and a little polishing
  4. olie05

    1000 grit wetsand

    From the album: Rustoleum

    1000 grit wet sand. Notice the slight reflection...
  5. From the album: Rustoleum

    Here is the fender after 1000 grit wet sanding.
  6. From the album: Rustoleum

    This is a picture of my fender polished Just a little with a cotton shammy and car wax.
  7. lol it seemed like dan juday took 10 min to make that turn! I don't blame him though, with all that work into his car.
  8. looks like fun times! now I wonder, are you going to slide your cam into the cam holders or are you going to bolt the cam holders down with the cam inside of them? Or did you do a combination of both?
  9. that is correct. The engine tilts towards the passenger side, so the passenger's side mount is shorter because the engine is closer at that point.
  10. don't ever drop a chain in here
  11. olie05

    cam sproket

    heres the cam sproket after 30,000 miles.
  12. olie05

    Valve adjust

    Heres what my head looks like after 30,000 miles. I was doing a valve adjust and decided to snap a quick pic.
  13. Z06... You already have experience with corvettes.
  14. looks great! It seems as if someone (at some point) added another garage in front of the existing one... Interesting concept.
  15. I've been rolling it with almost 50/50 mix. It seems the less thinner I use, the more bubbles occur. I probably need more info on that though...
  16. I got around to sanding it with 800 grit and here is the money shot (I think) the accompanying pictures are in my album under the rustoleum section.
  17. From the album: Rustoleum

    check out the reflection on the fender... 800 grit.
  18. olie05

    close up

    From the album: Rustoleum

    Heres a close up shot of the 800 grit wetsanded surface. it is VERY smooth to the touch. (I can't keep my hands off of it!)
  19. From the album: Rustoleum

    as the title says...
  20. From the album: Rustoleum

    here is the second coat after sanding with 800 grit wet sand paper. Notice the reflection of the a-pillar.
  21. From the album: Rustoleum

    Here is the texture of the paint before I hit it with 800 grit wet sand paper.
  22. lol! Yeah they sell it at hardware stores. And I think you're supposed to use acetone to thin it out with, but the mineral spirits works out fine.
  23. lol!! I want more too!!
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