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Everything posted by olie05

  1. yeah right! lol, the minute I started rolling that on I couldn't believe it was EXACTLY the same color as the primer i had before. Only difference is it's just a tad glossier. Are you really going to be that picky?
  2. Thats the plan mike! thanks for the tips. I will be looking for that "glass" finish.
  3. Rather than start a new thread I decided update this one. Lately I switched to "anodized bronze" It seems to match the color of my car pretty closely, and since my local hardware store carries it I won't have a problem tracking it down. anyway, here are some pics. some are of sanding, some are of paint after the wet sand. Oh, i also want to mention that, for me at least, it was easier to roll on the paint when the roller was almost DRY. yes, this was the easiest way to paint without getting any bubbles. It makes for a very economical painting experience. I am going to put all the fender pictures in a "rustoleum" folder. I think i have more pictures there than i just posted. Check out my gallery!
  4. also, check this thread for progress: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=110330
  5. olie05

    Rustoleum fender 1

    From the album: Rustoleum

  6. olie05

    rustolum fender 2

    From the album: Rustoleum

  7. olie05

    rustoleum fender 3

    From the album: Rustoleum

  8. olie05

    400 grit wet sand

    From the album: Rustoleum

  9. olie05

    rustoleum fender

    From the album: Rustoleum

    This was taken after the 4th coat (really 2nd coat, 2 roll-on's per coat... make sense?) It is getting smoother...
  10. olie05

    Rustoleum fender 5

    From the album: Rustoleum

    This is after painting... shows the texture of the paint. this will be sanded with 800 grit.
  11. love that intake! Gives the good ol' american V8 an exotic look.
  12. yes, tps would be the first. then I would check the connection on the water temp sensor by the thermostat housing. And after that check the operation of the afm. It could be sticking. have you gotten yourself a copy of the EFI BIBLE?
  13. first off, its "4.11:1", secondly, if you pull of the cover, there will be a marking... like 39/11(3.5454:1) or 39/10(3.9:1)... not sure which it is for 4.11:1, but if you devide the top number by the bottom number you get the ratio. This will be printed on the Big gear that will be poking out, just turn to find it. or you can turn the input shaft and count how much the output shafts turn, but this will not be a very good way of getting exact ratios... ex. you have 3.54, 3.7, 3.9 and 4.11 to choose from (common ratios)
  14. that box next to the clutch won't give any room for a dead pedal... where will you put your left foot when not in use?
  15. Just to let you all know, I am doing the roll on paint method. Today I put on a coat of anodized bronze, but before I did that I used an electric (one of the vibrating ones) sander with 220 grit to get the surface ready. I have to admit, it worked better than when I wet sanded the coat i had on there before. I want to wetsand now, because the paint is kinda smooth already, so is it ok to have a spray bottle and just keep the surface wet while I go over it with 600 grit on my electric sander?
  16. I'd like to see a magazine with a big ol' "HybridZ" on the cover
  17. Lol I was so confused when you got off the bottom car. Sounds mean. What are you running as an exhaust?
  18. If you must park on an unlighted highway at night, leave your parking lights or lower beam headlights on. thats from the TX driver's license handbook. Its really the only thing I found on Parking lights
  19. This is Mike's (ON3GO) Scion xB. I chopped it up and turned it into the short yellow bus that it really is.
  20. They all interchange, I don't think there would be any significant differences. The only ones that are different (won't fit) are the LD28 covers and the L20B covers.
  21. have you seen those drag radiators for hondas? http://www.fluidyne.com/pl_radiators.html MK1 MR2 radiators are pretty small as well
  22. A compression test will tell you if you have a hole in one of your pistons, after that its just speculation. A leakdown test will do more, as you can hear where the air is escaping from. (pressurize the cylinder and listen) Then you will know if you have bad rings bad valve seats or a bad headgasket. I would suggest pulling off the head and inspecting everything. That's what I would do, however, performing a leakdown test is alot less work.
  23. I believe he's looking for a fuel injection fuel rail. No way banjo bolts will work on an injector!
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